Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by DJ bana

well, those pics posted are of a friend. but no, i just take my camera with me.. and when i see interesting people, i'll snap a pic/video. sometimes i'll get hot girls to pose for me, it's fun.

Oh, that's cool.

I was asking cause I'd like to try that sometimes but I don't think a guy will get away with it
. Ever had anybody respond negatively to you taking pictures?

Snapping at a club is the !!#$! In my case, if you got a camera, you get major play. Plus, girls want to take pics since they just got a all decked out forthe night. I have no problem with girls posing for pics, just need to ask them.



^^^^^I know a dude that used to shoot at clubs too for that very reason.....and funny is all his photos were horrible. Haha! But's tough whenapproaching people for that very reason if you are a guy just randomly snapping stuff. I even tried to shoot a bum one time and had to give dude a $1 just forhis troubles.
Paid shoots for night clubs can be a pleasure or a pain. It really depends on how bumpin' the party is and how willing the girls are to pose. I've shotsome parties that have been wild and awesome but I've also been stuck with lame parties where people aren't having a good time and the girls aren'twilling to pose. The latter can be really annoying since you're just standing around, holding your camera and doing nothing, plus the fact that you'llget nowhere with the girls.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

^^^^^I know a dude that used to shoot at clubs too for that very reason.....and funny is all his photos were horrible. Haha! But's tough when approaching people for that very reason if you are a guy just randomly snapping stuff. I even tried to shoot a bum one time and had to give dude a $1 just for his troubles.

LOL...that dude is a GWC (Guy With Camera) for sure! I mean don't get me wrong I love taking pics of the chics and even flirting with them. It's alsoa good ice breaker, but for the most part I'm there because I was hired.
Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by DJ bana

well, those pics posted are of a friend. but no, i just take my camera with me.. and when i see interesting people, i'll snap a pic/video. sometimes i'll get hot girls to pose for me, it's fun.

Oh, that's cool.

I was asking cause I'd like to try that sometimes but I don't think a guy will get away with it
. Ever had anybody respond negatively to you taking pictures?
no way, most girls love the attention.

the majority of club photographers are guys. and if people dont want their picture taken, after i take it they'll usually tell me.. im quite sneaky though
RulesOfThirds......what kind of money are you taking in to do club venues? That is if you can say.....
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

RulesOfThirds......what kind of money are you taking in to do club venues? That is if you can say.....

That's rude bro! Just kidding
I usually do club gigs between$100-150 a night.
AirPhilippines - Really liking the first one...
bobbytripledigits - Great shot! I really like the bridge or roof that makes the background.
qksLvrtypeS - How do you like FF? I hope to upgrade to FF eventually, but not for a while.

My second attempt at skate shots. Any C/C is appreciated. Thanks!

Originally Posted by qksLvrtypeS

did a test run with the 5D. photowalk downtown gilroy. most if not all unedited but resized.
What an amazing camera huh? To think the 5D is like years old and it still in IQ and Noise it out perfoms the 50D ..

In camera (LCD) the pictures look like crap and you are freaking out but when you get home and see the results .. you will never doubt the camera again ..
My boy finally swallowed his fears of ruining his car, and went all out at the track yesterday.










peep their helmets.


man whatever happen to that little guy we was all suppose to shoot?
+$%+ that dude that took it last .. dead +$* .. if you still read this .. thats $@!*+@ up what you did my dude!
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