Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Updated my yuku page.
how do you do the pano. shots? what type of lens is recommended? thats a nice shot there jaw.

here are some random shots taken today in downtown.










^i love that gumwall shot. i still haven't visited though, even though i peruse downtown pretty often. from the angled shot i would suggest greater depthof field, there's no reason to focus on just 1 area of the wall.
Originally Posted by yamakazi18

^i love that gumwall shot. i still haven't visited though, even though i peruse downtown pretty often. from the angled shot i would suggest greater depth of field, there's no reason to focus on just 1 area of the wall.

when we went there today, that wall looked hella grimey, haha.

nice pics seattle... they turned out good!
yeah, i tried too but the pictures came out to shaky didnt have my tripod and for sure didnt want to lean on the wall. haha. perhaps a higher iso.

i have lived in seattle for all my life and been to the pike place market hundreds of times and today was the first we noticed the gum wall and a prostituteholler'd at us.
Originally Posted by Seattle206

yeah, i tried too but the pictures came out to shaky didnt have my tripod and for sure didnt want to lean on the wall. haha. perhaps a higher iso.

i have lived in seattle for all my life and been to the pike place market hundreds of times and today was the first we noticed the gum wall and a prostitute holler'd at us.

was she hot?

friend and his girl at battery park...i didnt quite get the picture to end up how i wanted...but it was 15 degrees out and i didnt feel like moving to get thebetter shot




friend on the brooklyn bridge...


went to B&H also, got a lense...that place is epic..ive never seen a store that operates like that before...
Originally Posted by yamakazi18

Originally Posted by Seattle206

yeah, i tried too but the pictures came out to shaky didnt have my tripod and for sure didnt want to lean on the wall. haha. perhaps a higher iso.

i have lived in seattle for all my life and been to the pike place market hundreds of times and today was the first we noticed the gum wall and a prostitute holler'd at us.

was she hot?
hell no...
Originally Posted by jae oh en


friend and his girl at battery park...i didnt quite get the picture to end up how i wanted...but it was 15 degrees out and i didnt feel like moving to get the better shot


friend on the brooklyn bridge...

went to B&H also, got a lense...that place is epic..ive never seen a store that operates like that before...

I was just there last week. Didn't have my camera with me though....was there for work. I gotta check out B&H next time i'm in NY in April orso. What lens you get Jae?
how do you do the pano. shots? what type of lens is recommended? thats a nice shot there jaw.
Thanks. You can just use your kit lens. A tripod is highly recommended though. You basically just take multiple shots by panning 180 degrees. then you stitch them together in Photoshop.
While I really enjoy the fact that this post has kinda of blown up with new people and the older people are definately developing as photographers I thinksomepeople (not going to name names) need to self edit alittle bit. Like stuff around your house might be cool cause you just got a DSLR but I think I speakfor more than myself when I say sometimes that *#+% is brutality. It's not like I think any one person is just a terrible photographer and needs to stopposting but it kills me that I have go thru the same rather boring and rudamentary shots page after page. I'm not saying you should limit what you post(end of the day post whatever you want) but if you think it's an ehh shot, we probably do too. Some of you guys have developed significantly in very shortperiods, but even still alittle self editing never hurt anyone so some of you I think would be doing us all a favor to cu out some of the not so great/random*#+% in your house pictures.

Btw, 206 that gum wall is nuts...

jae oh en
Where is monks anyways? and I've been to number of the more notable camera stores in Chicago and NYC and handleful of other places and no place on earth asfar as I know is even close to the pure insanity that is B&H, the place works like a well oiled machine but seems to be about the most hectic storeI've ever been to in my life...
I sorta agree. But I think alot of peeps (myself included) post random stuff because they're looking for people to critique and comment so they can improvetheir photography skills. A new DSLR owner is usually blown away by the picture quality compared to their old point and shoot, and disregards some otheraspects of photography like color contrast, composition, subject interest, etc etc. But if knowledgeable people can provide input, it will help them learn andimprove. I've learned alot from some of the critiques ebay and others have given me...for example the rule of 3rds, color contrast and how to compensatefor low light situations and fast moving objects. and the feedback provided has resulted in me reading more books to better understand and perform some of thetechniques.

with that said, Seattle206, I think a lot of your pictures lack sharpness which is probably due to the kit lens. You have a couple some researchand purchase a sharper lens that meets your shooting style or use photoshop to sharpen the pics. but overall, it seems like you have a good feel forcomposition.
how do you resize the pic? i posted some pics here and its on ninjahood status too big...i use mac and i use aperture
with that said, Seattle206, I think a lot of your pictures lack sharpness which is probably due to the kit lens. You have a couple some research and purchase a sharper lens that meets your shooting style or use photoshop to sharpen the pics. but overall, it seems like you have a good feel for composition.

thanks, where is the option to sharpen in PS? how cant find it.

okay thanks, found it.

sharped as in>



PS sharpened:


at what point does a picture become over-sharpened?








I was just there last week. Didn't have my camera with me though....was there for work. I gotta check out B&H next time i'm in NY in April or so. What lens you get Jae?
got a sigma 18-50mm f/2.8...i liked the focal length of the kit lens, so got this one..and for those super close ups of the tooth paste bottle ilike to take, this lens has nice macro capabilities

jae oh en
Where is monks anyways? and I've been to number of the more notable camera stores in Chicago and NYC and handleful of other places and no place on earth as far as I know is even close to the pure insanity that is B&H, the place works like a well oiled machine but seems to be about the most hectic store I've ever been to in my life...
monks is on broadway and 112th street in manhattan...i hear the food is horrible though..and yeah, i was pretty overwhelmed at B& wastough to comprehend how efficient they were despite how ridiculously hectic it was...
^Well B&H is suppose to be the biggest camera store in the world so. If you think about it the vast majority of professional photographers in NY shop theiror Adorama so your dealing with an enormous number of people who spend a lot of money on camera equipment aside from all the amateur photographers and peoplewho buy various other electronics there. And then they're also the biggest online retailer of photography supplies and equipment, they have offices withpeople who just work these huge accounts from companies and schools really big on photography. Like my school has one guy at B&H who all he does a handfulof really big Chicago accounts which results in me not having to pay shipping from B&H (which is sick..) like dude comes out to Chicago about variouswildly expensive photo equipment my school buys from them. Also the guy who owns B&H is out of this world rich so I think in part their set up in a meansto support/provide a huge number of jobs to the orthodox jewish community in NY, so I'm not even sure if the setup is related to efficiency or just hugeemployment.

Nothing special again.

These are a few photos from the wedding shoot I did.

By the way shes pregnant.

Colors are way off. Somethings wrong with my Photoshop.



My Favorite one.

C&Cs if yall want. Enjoy.

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