OFFICIAL Pittsburgh Steelers VS Miami Dolphins VOL MNF!!!

Originally Posted by MCCj23

This beats the previous low for a monday night total score of 9-0 Jags over Steelers in 2006

wow.. i never wanted to think about that game again, thanks.
Originally Posted by Mr Subliminals

i cant even believe those bumbs are celebrating on the sidelines like they DID something???

don't take it so hard.. this game is a wash, you can't take anything from it except a W... there's nothing you can expect out of a team beingasked to play in those conditions except to come away with the W, however possible.. you just hope nobody got seriously hurt out there playing in that mess andlet's regroup for a real game next week... that is, if they fix the damn field.
DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! I just lost $50 bucks cause of this game!
Yeah I know seems like a little amount, but I'm only 16 and I got no job.
Thisputs me down $63 dollars in my savings, and now I regret betting on this game!
I hate spreads even more now.. giving miami 16 point spread.
Dude what the hell are the Dolphins doing? Why dont they take a couple shots to the end zone or something. Better than tryin to lateral it with like 10 secondsleft. Dolphins are pretty horrible.
wow.. i never wanted to think about that game again, thanks.
That game sucked.......

And I agree with Craftsy, can't do much but squeak out a win. I could see Roger talking to Dan about fixing that field for next year. And I didn'trecall seeing any injuries. Hopefully Santonio is better for next week against Cincy
great game. ben throw efficiently all night. willie looked good. nothing like a hard battled game. even though the game really sucked. a win is all thatmatters. i wish the field was better for a better game but w/e it's football.
DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! I just lost $50 bucks cause of this game!
Yeah I know seems like a little amount, but I'm only 16 and I got no job.
This puts me down $63 dollars in my savings, and now I regret betting on this game!
I hate spreads even more now.. giving miami 16 point spread.

well whats worse is that i am in a football pool, and i bet on miami to win/lose by less than 16. I won that game but the PATRIOTS game messedthings up bad for me! who would have thought the pats would just win by 3 with a 23.5 pt spread! man i'm angry!!

o well, back to the topic. sloppy but fun game to watch! i was really hoping miami would pull out the win today. They had a chance. o well. Maybe next weekagainst NYJ.
great game. ben throw efficiently all night. willie looked good. nothing like a hard battled game. even though the game really sucked. a win is all tha tmatters. i wish the field was better for a better game but w/e it's football.

huh? the last thing you said was right, this game was horrible
how was I supposed to know they were going to play the game in amonsoon? Damn dolphins, I hope they never win a game
But I wasright about Joey earning that 20 mil

8 SOLO TACKLES - 1 INT, 1 PD and I could've sworn dude had a 0.5 a sack. He definately made a difference in this game, he had Ben Worthlessburger shook theentire game.
As a defensive player, I enjoyed this game.
Originally Posted by MART1N PAYNE

how was I supposed to know they were going to play the game in a monsoon? Damn dolphins, I hope they never win a game
But I was right about Joey earning that 20 mil

8 SOLO TACKLES - 1 INT, 1 PD and I could've sworn dude had a 0.5 a sack. He definately made a difference in this game, he had Ben Worthlessburger shook the entire game.
As a defensive player, I enjoyed this game.

Porter's trash.. bottom line. The Steelers let him go for a reason, we're getting more production out of an undrafted guy this year than he gaveus his last few years here combined. He's all show - that pick and the PD tonight were thrown right at his face, i can't believe he actually caughtone of them, sure as hell didn't do that often enough as a steeler or he'd still be on a winning team instead of one of the worst teams in NFL historyright now.

But yeah - he's really worth 20 mill
Porter isn't trash, he was just asking for more money than the Steelers felt he deserved. In my opinion, he's a solid LB.
He was killin tonight. And i'm not talking about the pick or tackles,i'm talking about his awareness and his ability to be where he needed to be. He got owned by Hines Ward when Ward was going across the middle, but otherthan that, he was making tackles and if he wasn't, he was around 80% of the plays when they were done. There was one particular play where he stuffed hisgap and fought for it and made the tackle. He's not great, but he's a playmaker.
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