***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is disgusting, man. The tweet literally should be “Good news for Americans - cases now down 7 percent over last 14 days, even as test volumes rise. nytimes.com/interactive/20…” I like to see what the other side is saying purely because I think it’s beneficial to know what misinformation they are arming their folks with but it’s so deflating and infuriating. Working in a right-leaning environment has been one of the most trying experiences of my life |l

I remember when they had the cops visit us in Middle School as part of the D.A.R.E. program or one of those other stupid cop outreach programs they had back in the day

One of the cops asked a bunch of black and hispanic kids from Harlem what a gang was and someone being funny gave the dictionary definition

The dumbass goes "....very good" right before another kid goes "Wouldn't that make the police a gang?" and the silence was palpable

The police are a gang

Apparently made up of smaller gangs

Maybe if we paid them more they'd cease all gang activity...
man just got off watching them taliban beheading grisly videos....
this thing over there will not go well... 0 chance

I’ve read about that cult before. They literally worship the rifle after the dad started the church. Big coincidence that his son owns the company that makes them. God it’s so easy to be a far right scammer. Literally no effort involved.
The Supreme Court has too much power

The Supreme Court has mostly been and roadblock to true justice in this country.

The Warren Court that an exception to the rule

But if the liberal left were able to hold it, they could do tons of good to further the rights of marginalized groups in America. But instead old white liberal elite dropped the ball over and over and over. And in the last years of his life, Breyer is flirting with the idea that no one who lives in America, or born within the next decade will ever see a liberal court. Hell, he is guaranteeing we get a far-far right reactionary one if he doesn't retire while the Dems have the trifecta.

I mean, Breyer and RGB were on the bench for this, and they still put their own personal feelings above doing the right thing...

imagine the possibilities if Gore was actually president...

Possibly no 9/11 bro...bro....the administration had hella early intel about an attack and ignored it. Maybe Gore's admin doesn't.

And then HUGE POSSIBILITY, it doesnt take a week to get water and rescue to the people in New Orleans after Katrina.

I mean...lots of possibilities.
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