***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Chris won't have to be out in the cold forever. Put out a statement saying he just wanted to help his brother and I accept what I did bordered on wrong. He'll bounce back. Big bro ****** him over though.

That lady said people die of cancer and schools don't close. She's unintentionally hilarious. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: A light bulb prolly went off in her head when she thought of that ****.
Cuomo's are done.

I been talking **** about Cuomos here for years…. And we finally got rid of them both!!!


We should celebrate
didn't know where to ask this

y'all ever go through the documents CIA declassified? any recs of docs I should go through?
Wasn't a fan of Bob Dole, but looking at his presidential run can make us see how far off the rails the GOP has gone.

The website of his 1996 campaign is still up, in its early interest glory.

Here is the section where he brags about supporting. The original signing and expansion of the Voting Rights Bill...

Now being against Voting Rights is the consensus position in the GOP. And Dole supported Trump
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The thing I find so annoying about the whole “Hillary TRIED to warn us” tropes, is that it was obvious that Trump was a racist, it was obvious that the GOP is monomaniacally focused on controlling the US Federal Courts. We all knew this. Clinton was not a doomed prophet, she was a politician hoping to win purely on negative mobilization in the hopes of having a modest and therefore donor-friendly platform and administration.

It did not work.

She and her supporters should take the same advice you all gave after Bernie Sanders was defeated such as “take this L,” “you need to reassess,” and “it’s time for introspection.”

It’s five years on and the consensus take on Clinton’s campaign is that it didn’t fail, it was failed.

The irony is even richer because she lost largely for the same reason that Sanders lost his bid for the Presidency, neither turned out enough black voters in the States that they needed to win. Sanders’ failure is seen as evidence latent white supremacy on the part of him and his supporters and yet, no sinister motives are attached to Clinton’s failures.

All that said, Clinton did get three million more votes than Trump. She was robbed but not by Susan Sarandon, she was robbed by an anti-majoritarian political order. I would describe that order as broken but truthfully, it’s working as intended.

By all means, let’s fight fascism at the ballot box as best we can. But it’s painfully clear, or it should be painfully clear that this existing order has got to go. If we stay in a position where we have to beat the GOP every single time, then the left/liberal/social justice project that we’re currently undertaking is remarkably fragile and we all need to find out how to make it more resilient. I don’t know exactly how to do that but I suspect it will involve a strategy that doesn’t entirely depend on voting for politicians whose will to win is tempered by a desire to placate moneyed interest who benefit from this current political order.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with America? What all these stories share is what the nation has been missing, in accelerated fashion, since the government-is-the-problem “Reagan revolution” of the 1980s, which is any notion of three words that have disappeared from the national conversation: “The public good.”


As recently as the 1970s, U.S. public spending — that’s federal, state, and local — on education, infrastructure, and basic research was some 12% of our gross national product. But by the 2010s it had shrunk dramatically to under 3%, even as bridges collapsed and America lost its edge in science.
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