***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I agree with Jackson's dissent, that this could open up a major can of worms or at least preview more bad things to come.

But the union should have played it better. It was kinda obvious they were trying to **** over the companies beyond what was just gonna be incidental.

The NLRB might still rule against them too from my understanding

Gonna open up a huge can of worms.

The union at the time was run by total clowns too but they got voted out.

I wouldn't be surprised that the company decided to continue operations as if they didn't know a strike was imminent. They don't happen suddenly, and if the company didn't have a contingency plan, that's on them.

There are a lot of businesses that would accept losses instead of accommodating their employees. It's a terrible precedent to set if they are allowed to use the law to force employees to work under the pretext that ceasing activities will negatively impact businesses.
I read they were not even previous notice of a strike. That workers came to work as usual, mixed the cement, went out and then a strike was called.

If a company thinks a strike is about to happen, and suspends mixing cement because of an imminent strike, then effectively a strike is already happening.

Anyway, from what I read the case isn't really about specifically what the union did, but the state courts not waiting for the NLRB to make a ruling before dismissing the case.

So Kagan and Sotomayor might have signed on to a narrower decision, instead of it being a 5-4 decision and it really hurt unions and open all of them up to more lawsuits.

The NLRB apparently hasn't ruled yet. They might still find that what the union did was not protected by current labor law. To me, seems like it wouldn't be.
The union's actions kinda read to me like some air traffic controllers in the 80s-type energy.

Other union leaders are mad they played it like that, but they have to have their side anyway because of the larger implications
Strikes aren’t supposed to be convenient for the company.

If they want to walk off right then and there that’s their right. The company doesn’t own you.

I actually used to work for a concrete company, you don’t cross picket lines and they have me routed to a place where people were on strike, I just let my truck idle for hours and told my boss he better come drive it in. Load went in the trash.

It’s not about the concrete it’s about opening the door to do this from now on.
Strikes aren’t supposed to be convenient for the company.

If they want to walk off right then and there that’s their right. The company doesn’t own you.

I actually used to work for a concrete company, you don’t cross picket lines and they have me routed to a place where people were on strike, I just let my truck idle for hours and told my boss he better come drive it in. Load went in the trash.
It is not about what is convenient, it is about whether the workers and union took reasonable precautions not to damage equipment.

I am not questioning a worker's right to strike. I am taking issue with how the Union leaders played it

I would err on the side of caution and rule in favor of the union, but it really seems like the union leaders were reckless here.

Why do something that might not be protected by current labor law? That seems foolish to me
Idk if they had to have the trucks chipped out or what. I can’t find any details on the actual damage if any.

All I keep hearing is they wasted concrete which is whatever. That gets wasted by the truckload daily but they will try to play it up to the people who don’t know the industry im sure to get people on their side.

I’m gonna take a workers side 9/10 times but yeah the teamsters to some wild stuff sometimes.
It is not about what is convenient, it is about whether the workers and union took reasonable precautions not to damage equipment.
From what I read, they left the drums running after they parked the trucks and some drivers notified their higher ups, so the concrete was not going to dry right away.

The thing about this is, at what point does "reasonable" become synonymous with "convenient for the company?" If we're talking about these trucks being able to mix concrete for a whole shift and not a couple of hours at most, that's more than enough time to empty the trucks, and this lawsuit looks more like a means to reduce union power. The other iffy thing has to do with some drivers not notifying their bosses, but the punishment for this can't go beyond getting fired IMO.
From what I read, they left the drums running after they parked the trucks and some drivers notified their higher ups, so the concrete was not going to dry right away.

The thing about this is, at what point does "reasonable" become synonymous with "convenient for the company?" If we're talking about these trucks being able to mix concrete for a whole shift and not a couple of hours at most, that's more than enough time to empty the trucks, and this lawsuit looks more like a means to reduce union power. The other iffy thing has to do with some drivers not notifying their bosses, but the punishment for this can't go beyond getting fired IMO.

It’s just about hurting unions more than likely like you said, why would you give the Supreme Court the benefit of the doubt.

If they notified the managers and left the drums going they weren’t trying to cause damage. If they did that they probably dumped all their water in too and put reetarder in and the concrete just turns to rock water. It will never cure at that point.

They always try to do stuff like this with labor issues, they framed the potential rail strike as workers causing inflation if it happened instead of the company causing it by not giving sick days. You’d think we’d have a little solidarity these days as bad as most companies treat people and how big a joke the Supreme Court is.

They’ll pull the same bs is UPS contract doesn’t go well and a strike is on the table as well. Biden can’t jam a contract down their throats though unlike the rail workers.


The president grown *** son being a crack addict is no big deal, when his daddy sent a whole generation away for the same actions 😂😂😂


This is such a reach. Like, I can't even begin to list all the completely hypocritical and criminal things the last administration did that involved insane levels of nepotism. But Hunter Bidens son suffering from drug addiction is something to poke fun at. Disingenuous troll is disingenuous.

Also, grow up. The ****?
This is such a reach. Like, I can't even begin to list all the completely hypocritical and criminal things the last administration did that involved insane levels of nepotism. But Hunter Bidens son suffering from drug addiction is something to poke fun at. Disingenuous troll is disingenuous.

Also, grow up. The ****?

Don’t even bother engaging the troll. He’s not arguing in any good faith.
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