***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The ones I take issue with are the ones that have the power like McConnell all the way down to state governmental-level politicians, the ones that draw the gerrymandering lines or ignore what the majority under their purview wants.

Don’t have political empathy or apathy for them. That’s where I think the only solution will be those ideas dying out like you said. Elections clearly still promote lifelong politicians (no term limits).

I just mean political empathy to the individuals that don’t have any power other than their vote. That’s not who I feel any need to take issue with, unlike those with old, tired, racist, and sexist ideas ‘in’ power.
Must've missed my post about Biden getting played by Bibi.

I'll entertain any criticism of the Democratic party as long as it's done in good faith, and you're definitely not doing that.

There's nothing redeemable about the current GOP. It's a party dominated by opportunists and anti-democracy Americans. That's why they ran Liz Cheney, who has toed the party line until the insurrection, out of town. I don't think I'll ever agree with her political positions, but I will always respect that she had enough sense to not give into Trumpism.
it’s constant bashing in here every day to the point where people are now starting to misquote different reps to align with how they feel.
Who is Trump protecting these women from?
Oh my word.
I can’t believe I even have to go here.
Since it seems you’ve all been hit with the stupid stick though, let me QUOTE, what the Man said.
“Prisoners from Venenzuela and many other countries from around the World, the Congo, the Middle East……”

Now you can infer what he “meant”, fine.
Just don’t sell me on the fact that it’s proper for a guy/girl or both to take that video and caption it the way he did.
If he captioned it “Trump vows to protect women from N words”, according to you that is fine because we all “know” even though he didn’t say it, he probably meant that, instead. Might of meant that? Wanted to actually say that? Who knows but I do know that what I quoted is what he actually said. The whole God Damned point touched on from the jump.
Oh my word.
I can’t believe I even have to go here.
Since it seems you’ve all been hit with the stupid stick though, let me QUOTE, what the Man said.
“Prisoners from Venenzuela and many other countries from around the World, the Congo, the Middle East……”

Now you can infer what he “meant”, fine.
Just don’t sell me on the fact that it’s proper for a guy/girl or both to take that video and caption it the way he did.
If he captioned it “Trump vows to protect women from N words”, according to you that is fine because we all “know” even though he didn’t say it, he probably meant that, instead. Might of meant that? Wanted to actually say that? Who knows but I do know that what I quoted is what he actually said. The whole God Damned point touched on from the jump.
So trump thinks all immigrants coming from those countries are prisoners?
So trump thinks all immigrants coming from those countries are prisoners?
You’d have to either ask him or watch the video and make your own deduction. It would definitely be easy to make that deduction after watching the video, especially if you already want it to be what he said or meant. I’m not going to tell you what kind of reasoning to apply here. I deduce that would be like talking to a wall.
Oh my word.
I can’t believe I even have to go here.
Since it seems you’ve all been hit with the stupid stick though, let me QUOTE, what the Man said.
“Prisoners from Venenzuela and many other countries from around the World, the Congo, the Middle East……”

Now you can infer what he “meant”, fine.
Just don’t sell me on the fact that it’s proper for a guy/girl or both to take that video and caption it the way he did.
If he captioned it “Trump vows to protect women from N words”, according to you that is fine because we all “know” even though he didn’t say it, he probably meant that, instead. Might of meant that? Wanted to actually say that? Who knows but I do know that what I quoted is what he actually said. The whole God Damned point touched on from the jump.
You work for the New York Times?

Are you really asking "who knows" what he meant?

The caption was paraphrasing what he said, and as you quoted the specific countries from Trump's MOUTH, happen to have who in it? BROWN people. He couldn't have injected some plausible deniability there by mentioning Argentina, but we know why he didn't, and you want us to pretend we can't notice the latent racism.

Stop making excuses for him, how about that? The caption didn't take Trump's words out of context.
But one of the two major parties has lost the plot

It was the only natural progression for American Conservatism. At the end of Biden's term Dems will have held the WH for 20 of the last 32 years. In those 32 years Pubs have advanced almost nothing novel or even largely coherent in terms of a vision for the US and have lost on nearly every major issue except abortion (in which they needed to rig a SC seat and overturn 50 years of precedent)

Republicans have had to face that there are only two real options. Either Dems largely winning the political discussion has been good for the country and conservatism is wrong or Dems have made things incredibly worse by being largely in control of the country for the last 32 years. Of course it was the latter and therefore for many conservatives every bit of "news" they hear tells them that things are terrible in the US

When folks outside the right-wing media ecosystem present actual data that doesn't support right-wing viewpoints, you're really not asking conservatives to merely accept certain statistics, you're asking them to admit that conservatism in the US has failed. Conservatism as currently constructed has lost the political discussion and is no longer valid as an opposing political belief system
You work for the New York Times?

Are you really asking "who knows" what he meant?

The caption was paraphrasing what he said, and as you quoted the specific countries from Trump's MOUTH, happen to have who in it? BROWN people. He couldn't have injected some plausible deniability there by mentioning Argentina, but we know why he didn't, and you want us to pretend we can't notice the latent racism.

Stop making excuses for him, how about that? The caption didn't take Trump's words out of context.
I don’t like the Man Amy more than you.
It’s clear I don’t dislike him enough to make up lies about him and feel good about that simply because it fits my own narrative.
In no WORLD does my dislike for him give me a pass to agree with that tweet but that’s me.
You, do what you can sleep with.
Call it making excuses for him, I don’t give two ****s.
You’d have to either ask him or watch the video and make your own deduction. It would definitely be easy to make that deduction after watching the video, especially if you already want it to be what he said or meant. I’m not going to tell you what kind of reasoning to apply here. I deduce that would be like talking to a wall.

I think that it's pretty safe to assume what he thinks of brown people. He has called Haiti, El Salvador, and countries in Africa ****holes.

I can't remember him calling countries of majority white people those names. Instead, he praises Russia :lol:
It’s clear I don’t dislike him enough to make up lies about him
What lies? This is literally an argument about English comprehension. Denotation/connotation stuff. English 101 stuff.

You complained about a caption because you felt it didn't accurately convey Trump's words. The problem, the caption was a paraphrase of Trump's words.

"Who's Trump promising to protect women from?"

"Immigrants from places like these brown countries"

Time to hit the textbooks.
What is "paraphrasing"?

Everyone knows Twitter posters are supposed to act as stenographers
Twitter posters?
Trolls or “twitter posters” may get away with I don’t know, paraphrasing.
This guy claims he’s a journalist though.
They have their own rules like Truth, Accuracy, Objectivity. Protecting their sources.
The MEDIA and News WORLD has changed so much (and Trump is responsible for a lot of that) I guess none of that matters in today’s, climate. Again, it’s the whole circus of Campaigning. Turns everybody into kids.


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Of all the descriptions to choose from in his what you describe as paraphrasing,“scary brown people” is what he felt like writing? Why?
Has Trump said “scary brown people” in another speech or word salad to pull from or this dude projecting his own feelings about those people on somone else? Just wondering. I don’t know anything about him before today but…..
If I subscribed to your line of thinking I could assume this white guy is the one who actually thinks the people Trump was describing are “scary brown people”.
After all, he is the one who actually said it.
WHERE TF did he hear “scary brown people”?
That’s what he felt? Hmm.
Of all the descriptions to choose from in his what you describe as paraphrasing,“scary brown people” is what he felt like writing? Why?
Has Trump said “scary brown people” in another speech or word salad to pull from or this dude projecting his own feelings about those people on somone else? Just wondering. I don’t know anything about him before today but…..
If I subscribed to your line of thinking I could assume this white guy is the one who actually thinks the people Trump was describing are “scary brown people”.
After all, he is the one who actually said it.
WHERE TF did he hear “scary brown people”?
That’s what he felt? Hmm.
He wanted to drop the n word but he didn’t want to get banned.
Twitter posters?
Trolls or “twitter posters” may get away with I don’t know, paraphrasing.
This guy claims he’s a journalist though.
They have their own rules like Truth, Accuracy, Objectivity. Protecting their sources.
The MEDIA and News WORLD has changed so much (and Trump is responsible for a lot of that) I guess none of that matters in today’s, climate. Again, it’s the whole circus of Campaigning. Turns everybody into kids.

Those journalistic standards apply to actual reporting...not offhand witticisms on his Twitter account

This is pretty basic stuff for someone who wants to talk about a "stupid stick"
Imagine calling someone a simp yet you are in every thread with the same old sob story complaining about how you don’t have enough money to buy shoes. You cried so much that someone ended up feeling bad for you and sent you a pair of tech challenges. Literally simp for shoes. Grow up. You people in here posting memes and nonsense all day about one side.

Hey dunsky, now you are getting PERSONAL and I won't stand for it! Hitting below the belt! Just an FYI, I PAID FOR THEM! Wanna see the Receipt from the shop I sent the payment to on Shop.com? 🤬 DON'T EVEN GO THERE!! 🤬🤬

And for your point, I don't buy shoes anywhere near what I used to when I was younger, because I'm dealing with a very debilitating issue called Crohn's Disease. It's actually covered by the ADA., bet you didn't know that. It's keeping me from working since Feb 1 2020. And so you know I have 20-30 very painful & extremely sudden bowel movements a day. Sometimes, I'm in the bathroom for 15 minutes at a time and I can't leave until I know I'm done. It's GOD AWFUL! But continue about how someone was kind enough to help me with a shop so I can buy a pair. Do me a favor, stay out of that thread and stop stalking me.

This disease, its something I can honestly tell you, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I know for damn sure you couldn't handle this. It's so bad I'm actually having surgery to have a permanent ostomy bag attached. Crohn's has no cure, and I'll still have the disease, but having a bag might actually allow me to have a somewhat decent quality of life. Imagine not being able to go on a vacation, or see a relative because you need to know where every bathroom is? Can't go for a bike ride or a hike in the beautiful outdoors again because NO BATHROOM! Yeah, it ******* sucks but again, air out my laundry about asking for help to find a pair of ATC II Hot Lavas you jerk.

I'll just send this post to Meth and see what he thinks. You don't F with someone who is sick. That's going too far. But you are a bully and that's what bullies do. Because they are so self conscious and sad at their own pathetic life they have to make others feel insignificant. Well it stops now!

And so you know, I'd rather keep my money for things I need like my medication for Crohn's and for my liver transplant I had 21 years ago (yeah bet you didn't know I had that too as well as having GI issues since I was 16. I'm 48 now), my bills at home, but those shoes, mean A LOT to me, as growing up, Agassi got me into tennis. A sport I still love to this day but sadly can't play as I can't be away from a bathroom very long or ill have an accident and soil myself. That makes you feel good hearing that? 🤬🤬🤬

You enjoy reading about my horrible health issues. You made me post this so I can show everyone how horrible of a person you are. Had you just let things go as you ask for the engagement, I wouldn't have posted this, but you F'ed with the one thing I take SERIOUSLY....My personal issues. That's messed up, even for you!
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