It's certainly possible to scoop up some good during the initial phase of something.
My xbox gamertag is Brutality, which I scooped up on the day Microsoft reset a bunch of gamertags who had been inactive for an unspecified amount of time.
Mortal Kombat and Doom were my fav games to play over at my cousin's before I grew a bit older and my parents bought a Gamecube. I don't like the mechanics of the current Mortal Kombat game but am still very active in the Twitch MK community.
You have to be really rapid though, because you're fighting a war on three fronts.
On one side you're being attacked by the normies, the people flooding to a new platform looking to pick a cool username.
On the other side you have people like me but who aren't using advanced tools (autoclaimers etc)
Meanwhile the ones with the autoclaimers/turbo programs are mass grabbing everything they can think of.
My previous gamertag, Donor, literally got taken by someone else during the split few seconds where I changed it to Brutality and the moment where I tried to reclaim Donor on an alt account on a separate tab.
In short, yes it is certainly possible to grab something nice but don't even bother going for the super obvious high value names. The only competition autoclaimers have is other people with autoclaimers. These programs have advanced a lot over the years and now cost thousands of dollars and are only sold exclusively on a case by case basis. Back in my days the older iterations could be bought for $200 for IG or $20 for a shockingly lucrative platform like Kik.
Examples of what not to do:
Greed = NO
Greedy = Still no, but closer to what you should be looking for if you desperately want to stay within a particular word or theme.
Penitentiary = Perfect, low value and very unlikely to be sought after, though not very valuable either if you intend to sell.
For a brand new platform, you'll literally have to be ready on Frame 1 or everything of value will be taken besides maybe some obscure and less common words or regional dialect terms.