***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ninjahood said F Real Estate.

Dude's version of the American dream isn't a white picket fence, its more black bars outside his window and paying rent for life.

Dat Washington Heights bubble
"I thought da hemi and a gold chain was living it up"
I mean, that could be a really positive thing assuming Romney knows what hes doing.  Also assuming that Conservatives wouldn't turn their back on him for doing so.
I mean, that could be a really positive thing assuming Romney knows what hes doing.  Also assuming that Conservatives wouldn't turn their back on him for doing so.
The true to heart Conservatives never had Romney's back to begin with, they had the back of whoever could possibly beat President Obama.  Romney is no conservative, not by any stretch, he himself would tell you that.  He was never "severely conversative".
Ya might as well get ready for it, harry reid hell bent on raising taxes & GOP
Aint blinking.
Glad my fams assets is ALL liquid and ZERO real estate..
Sequestration is eminent. Heard they wanna raise da debt limit to 19 trillion. Lulz.

Didn't Obama mentioned meeting with Mitt and collaborating on how to move forward financially in his speech last night?

After digesting the results I think a more appropriate 'celebration' would have been an exhale in stead of jumping up and down that Barry got re-elected.

The GOP needs to do some major soul searching as that's been discussed in here already so no need to touch on that, the social issues got to go, more importantly we have to really separate religious aspects from our politics. Between the social issues, and Mitt's repeated descrepencies, they easily lost my vote.

A lot of personal reaction and observation today is that our country is rolling downhill quickly since Obama was re-elected. But if Romney was elected there would be hope.

Well aren't we a little quick to judge? Its like grading a draft for any sport the day after it happened, its unrealistic. We don't know what may or may not go down over these next 4 years but why are we so quick to chalk it up as a L the DAY AFTER??

To me that says that people essentially want Obama to fail be cause they want to be "right" about who they chose for president, when in reality Mitt coulda ****** things up just as bad for all we know. There's no way that pessimism can be conducive to our country.

Overall I'm glad Obama won. I think he embodies the America that our country is today, and his speech last night was great. I think he really hit it on the head in that we as a people need to be proactive and not just sit back with our hands out. The president can only do so much, but we have to do our part as well.

Lets get it :smokin
Catching up on the last few pages...people on both sides making good points but you have this peon Deuce King **** riding ninjahood the whole way through.
This dude's only concern in here is what ninjahood is up to...holy **** bruh, get off that man's nuts.
That statement applies to YOU more than anyone else in here champ.  President Obama won the electoral college and and more importantly the popular count.
Yeah...because winning the popular count gets you elected, right?

On 2nd thought, maybe you should stick to worrying about ninja.
The true to heart Conservatives never had Romney's back to begin with, they had the back of whoever could possibly beat President Obama.  Romney is no conservative, not by any stretch, he himself would tell you that.  He was never "severely conversative".

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Just FYI, you tax these people 100% and you won't do squat to the deficit. Current debt is $16 Trillion...TRILLION...With a "T".

I completley get that. But they are drawing a line in the sand for no apparent reason. Going back to Clinton era cuts is not serious. In any way.

You can't start the conversation by saying

* we won't raise taxes one penny on the rich
*we will not decrease the military.
* we will not decrease oil subsidies.

Entitlement reform?

Yea...**** goes both ways.

& alot of ya can scoff all ya want, da housing crash was terrible.. unless your

Money was cooling on da sideline, free of da shackles of underwater mortgages. :smokin
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Catching up on the last few pages...people on both sides making good points but you have this peon Deuce King **** riding ninjahood the whole way through.
This dude's only concern in here is what ninjahood is up to...holy **** bruh, get off that man's nuts.
That statement applies to YOU more than anyone else in here champ.  President Obama won the electoral college and and more importantly the popular count.
Yeah...because winning the popular count gets you elected, right?

On 2nd thought, maybe you should stick to worrying about ninja.
First off, aint nobody but you currently riding ninjahood.  Me and him just joke with each other from time to time, so don't you worry about that.  There's a time to come to ninjahood's defense if you want to save him but this aint it.  In regards to the popular vote, I was making a point from a point that was previously mentioned by him. If you want to be a groupie, go do it in another thread. 
Entitlement reform?
Yea...**** goes both ways.
& alot of ya can scoff all ya want, da housing crash was terrible.. unless your
Money was cooling on da sideline, free of da shackles of underwater mortgages. :smokin

You live in a small rent controlled apartment in Washington Heights, stop act you winning at life or got the system beat.

Your like one of those dude who put one house on the purple properties in Monopoly and think they are doin it.

Congrats if another recession won't ruin your life, but it ain't anything to brag about. :smh:
Entitlement reform?
Yea...**** goes both ways.
& alot of ya can scoff all ya want, da housing crash was terrible.. unless your
Money was cooling on da sideline, free of da shackles of underwater mortgages. :smokin

You live in a small rent controlled apartment in Washington Heights, stop act you winning at life or got the system beat.

Your like one of those dude who put one house on the purple properties in Monopoly and think they are doin it.

Congrats if another recession won't ruin your life, but it ain't anything to brag about. :smh:

But i AM good though :lol:

Stashed income + cheap rent = not a care in da world 8)

Da white picket fence aint on da cards, dont want it, dont need it.

I rather have property in DR, & avoid da property tax in da US, as well as not having

A damn 30 year mortgage...long term debt? Im good.
I think the thing that all of us know and realize as this presidential campaign has come to an end is that it's now time for ninjahood to finally give us his concession speech.  There was ALOT of things that ninjahood said and did wrong........alot, and he should be man enough to admit his mistakes.  The floor is now yours ninjahood, we're waiting on you champ.
Which is even more reason why I know he's constructing his concession speech right now just so he can highlight the MANY ways and times he was completely and utterly wrong throughout this presidential race.  We're still waiting on you ninjahood. Now's the time for you throw in the towel champ and think of ways you can better yourself for the future.  I told you that you yesterday that YOU were going to be next kid, and I meant every word of that.
You threw your support around Mitt Romney, and worse yet tried your hardest to promote Mitt Romney here on Niketalk.  Both matters show that you conducted yourself inappropriately and went with the losing candidate, thus making you a direct reflection of that.  You said Romney was better than Obama, you said the Latino community was going to support Romney, you said you spend porsche money on sneakers...................you are and were wrong on all accounts. 

You were Romney's side this election, and that means you were on the wrong side champ.  You also weren't able to deliver the state of New York to the Republican party and I specifically told you that if New York didn't go red that I was going to hold you personally responsible.  Now do the right thing ninjahood and give your concession speech, not now but right now.
At least the Republican party can say they gained the support of a certain Washington Heights resident.  I'm not sure what demographic that would fall under or even if Republicans want that support as it appears to be more harm than good but at least they know they have his support for years to come, be it toxic or not.
I think this statement right here regarding ninjahood is just about more telling than anything else that he has said.  It shows just how out of place ninjahood is even with his "own" community or just how much the Latino community wants NOTHING to do with him or his ideology.  The Latino community has rejected ninjahood's notion that "da hemi and a gold chain is living it up"  The Latino community wants something better than that, and they want something more than that, and I don't blame them one bit.  They want progression, they want to be in good standing, they want to be apart of the winning team, which means they won't be joining hands with ninjahood in any way, shape or form. 
Sounds like your bout to load up on your stock pile over there champ.  If something or somebody starts to pop off in Washington Heights we know who to look for.

That's like all in the last few pages, dog. Then you have the nerve to call anyone other than yourself a groupie...

You're one of those ****** that never knows when to shut up so I won't entertain you any more...but let you tell it, ninjahood lost the election yesterday, not Romney.
Just FYI, you tax these people 100% and you won't do squat to the deficit. Current debt is $16 Trillion...TRILLION...With a "T".

I completley get that. But they are drawing a line in the sand for no apparent reason. Going back to Clinton era cuts is not serious. In any way.

You can't start the conversation by saying

* we won't raise taxes one penny on the rich
*we will not decrease the military.
* we will not decrease oil subsidies.


Increasing taxes is but one component of reducing the DEFICIT.

By the way, the United States will always be in DEBT. No country can sustain complete solvency-- nor is solvency necessarily important. Indeed, debt can sometimes be healthy. Although I will acknowledge the current US debt figure is excessive.
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But i AM good though :lol:
Stashed income + cheap rent = not a care in da world 8)
Da white picket fence aint on da cards, dont want it, dont need it.
I rather have property in DR, & avoid da property tax in da US, as well as not having
A damn 30 year mortgage...long term debt? Im good.

I get that, and good for you.

But your basically bragging that another recession won't ruin life. Guess what, it won't ruin mine either, it won't ruin hundreds of millions of other Americans.

It is nothing special

And your in the position your are in because of help from the government. Da rent control isn't out of the goodness of landlords hearts.

Millions of people might get their lives destroyed by another recessions you trying to stunt because your not going to be one of them. Grow the **** up
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Yea Chris Matthews was pretty sad. At least he apologized. Dumb comment to make
When he said it at midnight I was uh oh.
How he stayed up until 3am I have no idea
A lot of these political pundits are THEE worst.
Scum of the ******g Earth. People forget about these things the next week but these morons get away with making ignorant comments far too often.
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