***Official Political Discussion Thread***

He's going to be impeached.
We will see. George Bush lied about why we went to war in Iraq and didn't get impeached. However he was smart about it and didn't do anything xenophobic or dividing in policy.
So far Trump has looked like a fool in his policy making by making more enemies like this.

I honestly don't see him lasting more than 1.5 years in office. If that.

I do believe what I'm reading about folks behind the scenes wanting Pence to take over.

*I'm sure we've ALL been there at one point in our academic careers where we were unprepared for a presentation, public speaking etc. and just "winged" it. Grades/responses are reflected on that. THis is how I feel everytime I see Trump open his big mouth. He's either writing his own speeches, or just going up there and saying the first thing that comes to mind. It's unreal that this man is the president.

lobotomybeats lobotomybeats :wow: I just made out the Trump pic. Dude...you can make some SERIOUS $$$$$ off of that. Watermark it, trademark, do what you can to make that image YOURS. Amazing stuff, bro.
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He's going to be impeached.
We will see. George Bush lied about why we went to war in Iraq and didn't get impeached. However he was smart about it and didn't do anything xenophobic or dividing in policy.
So far Trump has looked like a fool in his policy making by making more enemies like this.

I honestly don't see him lasting more than 1.5 years in office. If that.

I do believe what I'm reading about folks behind the scenes wanting Pence to take over.

*I'm sure we've ALL been there at one point in our academic careers where we were unprepared for a presentation, public speaking etc. and just "winged" it. Grades/responses are reflected on that. THis is how I feel everytime I see Trump open his big mouth. He's either writing his own speeches, or just going up there and saying the first thing that comes to mind. It's unreal that this man is the president.
The conservative media has been pushing this anti immigration and hate propaganda that manifested into people responding to the Trump campaign dog whistles with glee. It's sad really. I do not recall the Republican Party being like this 15 years ago.
lobotomybeats lobotomybeats one more thing...I'm like 70% sure of this, but I don't think you'd have any issues with making shirts or apparel with the president's likeness on it. For whatever the reason, I don't think that position (president) can come at anyone for using their image in a legal sense. You gotta do something with that. It's seriously brilliant.
lobotomybeats lobotomybeats one more thing...I'm like 70% sure of this, but I don't think you'd have any issues with making shirts or apparel with the president's likeness on it. For whatever the reason, I don't think that position (president) can come at anyone for using their image in a legal sense. You gotta do something with that. It's seriously brilliant.

Correct, he's our president. His image is ours. Even if there was an issue, I'm not explicitly showing his image. Ha.
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Eddie had a Ninja moment :lol:
At least I can count how many days are in a week :D :lol:

Y'all libbies in da echo chamber don't know how calendars in the real world work b

There are 3 days in a week. Dis ain't rocket science.
it's like dis. it's like you're working on a car. you got da engine, da gearbox, and if all da parts don't work together, there's no money in dat.
Who needs the separation of church and state? :smh:
Very troubling. Religion is on a strong decline here except for Islam but we never really had a christian extremist problem, at least not since I was born. We were one of the first EU countries to legalize gay marriage and abortion. But the US is a different story. Whereas I don't know any religious people besides muslims and the elderly, it seems like it is everywhere in the US. Biblethumpers like Mike Pence are a threat to civil rights across the nation. Separation of church and state is essential to a democracy for good reason.
Reporters need to start calling out these alt facts as soon as they leave his lips.
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McCain calls Australian ambassador to express support after Trump exchange 

Sen. John McCain  (R-Ariz.) said Thursday that he spoke to the Australian ambassador to express support for the nations' relationship after a heated call from President Trump.

"I called Australia’s Ambassador to the United States this morning to express my unwavering support for the U.S.-Australia alliance," McCain, who's frequently criticized Trump, said in a statement.

McCain added that he asked Joe Hockey, the Australian ambassador to the U.S., to "convey to the people of Australia" that Americans value their alliance, "honor the sacrifice of the Australians who have served and are serving by our side, and remain committed to the safer, freer, and better world that Australia does far more than its fair share to protect and promote.”

The Washington Post reported on Wednesday  that Trump lashed out at Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a call last Saturday.

The president boasted about his Electoral College victory, blasted a previous plan between the nations to accept refugees and cut short what was expected to be an hourlong call, according to the Post.

"This was the worst call by far,” Trump allegedly told Turnbull during their conversation, according to senior U.S. officials briefed on the phone call.

McCain, however, on Thursday stressed the importance of the U.S.-Australia relationship in his statement, noting the two countries have fought in conflicts together dating back to World War I.

He added that the countries' alliance is "more important than ever," pointing to their work in the Asia-Pacific region and combating terrorism.

“In short, Australia is one of America’s oldest friends and staunchest allies. We are united by ties of family and friendship, mutual interests and common values, and shared sacrifice in wartime," he said.
Ilan Goldenberg@ilangoldenberg 6h6 hours ago

I think by "on its last legs" you mean "on the verge of getting a nuclear weapon." Also $150 billion has been debunked many timeshttps://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/827119326880813056  …

Ilan Goldenberg added,

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Iran was on its last legs and ready to collapse until the U.S. came along and gave it a life-line in the form of the Iran Deal: $150 billion
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