Tom Cotton is horrible. I don't even mean horrible through my the-game-is-rigged, black-lives-matter, no-human-is-illegal, women's-rights-are-human-rights, progressive eyes. I mean he is horrible even by the criteria of the median Arkansas voter who is white, lower middle class and who has loved ones who are in the armed forces as well as loved ones who are struggling with addiction and chronic disease.
If you are a callous, white, Arkansas Republican voter you still should hate Tom Cotton because he works exclusively of special interests, most of which are out of State. He serves the Defense Contractors, law enforcement Unions and Private Corrections Contractors as well as the usual Wall Street and Pharmaceutical and Insurance Companies.
As other conservatives have decided to treat addiction as medical issue (since the face of addiction is now white) Tom Cotton said that there are too few people in Prison. As other conservatives get less enthusiastic about intervention abroad Sen. Cotton committed Treason in order to increase the likelihood of a future war with Iran. While conservatives are okay with denying healthcare to people of color, they want affordable healthcare and Sen. Cotton wants to do away with all of that.
Even on conservatives terms, Tom Cotton is a failure and sellout.