***Official Political Discussion Thread***

But Susan Rice doe

Albert Da Albatros flying around DC, looking to land around Rice's neck.....


He gonna find her any day now b
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No fighting China on currency, no wall, no NATO reform. Add a few more items to the list: Janet Yellen was definitely out before she wasn’t; our relationship with Russia was “great” during the campaign but today is a “horrible relationship” that is “at an all-time low” (he may not know about the Cuban missile crisis); the president could not make war on Syria without congressional approval (“big mistake if he does not!”) until he could. The Affordable Care Act remains the law of the land. Steve Bannon of Goldman Sachs, Gary Cohn of Goldman Sachs, Steven Mnuchin of Goldman Sachs, and Dina Powell of Goldman Sachs are firmly ensconced in their various roles throughout the Trump administration. The alt-right basement-dwellers and sundry knuckleheads beamed that Trump was going to be a “nationalist,” and that he would give the boot to coastal elitists, moderates, and Ivy League snoots. In reality, Trump is a New York Democrat who is being advised by other New York Democrats — Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner prominent among them — who are more or less the sort of people who brought you the Obama and Clinton administrations: business-friendly corporate Democrats, people who think of themselves as post-ideological pragmatists, consensus progressives who are much more interested in opening up backdoor channels to Planned Parenthood than they are in the priorities of people they consider nothing more than a bunch of snake-handling rustics and talk-radio listeners stockpiling gold coins and freeze-dried ice cream in their basements. Trump was a Clinton donor and a Chuck Schumer donor, and he is acting like one.


Rush Limbaugh was right in his way: What Trump said during the campaign was, in fact, a load of nonsense deployed for the purposes of steamrolling the other side in difficult and delicate negotiations. What Limbaugh and the rest of Trump’s admirers missed is that it wasn’t NATO and the Chi-Coms and Enrique Peña Nieto on the other side of the negotiating table getting hornswoggled.

It was them.

— Kevin D. Williamson is National Review’s roving correspondent.

They're so blinded by their hatred of Democrats that they can't even recognize (or worse, admit) that the person they thought was no worse than Hillary is a dyed-in-the-wool PLUTOCRAT.

Trump is the monster that rose from the GOP's policy of obstruction and lies, and they continue to blatantly lie to themselves and to what remains of their faithful audience.

At this point it is pathetic to read and watch. The GOP mouthpieces need to own up to their mistake of demonizing the opposition and acknowledge that them controlling the government amounts to nothing more than a Pyrrhic victory.


In his cross claim, Bamberger's attorney Stephen Pence wrote that Trump "promised to pay the legal fees of those who — following Trump's urgings — removed the protesters" at multiple rallies." As such, he claims Trump should be held liable.

Da check is ready to be mailed; da Don is just checking with da Barson to confirm the current address of da assaulter-in-training.
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Many conservatives, especially conservative intellectuals, have a hard time coming to terms with how morally bankrupt their ideology has become, and how dysfunctional the right is.

Being a Republican or conservative these days just seems to be anti-Democrat. Most of the somewhat decent public policy ideas they had decades ago are no associated with the left. The moderate right has pretty much disappeared.

The left are better capitalist that them, more charitable, more caring of America's citizens, more moral, and more truly patriotic.

This is why the left has people like Sam Harris, Andrew Sullivan, Mike Bloomberg, Mark Cuban, and Jim Webb. These dudes are not liberals or progressives, they are refugees from the right. :lol: And like good liberals, we let them in.

So of course they have to keep bring up Clinton and Obama, because that's all they have left, blaming liberals "elites" for their self inflicted wounds.
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There are dummies in Georgia for for small time Dem candidates on the ballot. They have sucked up over 1% of the votes. If Ossoff comes in at 49%, I heading down to GA, standing in the street and demanding these clowns show themselves.
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Many conservatives, especially conservative intellectuals, have a hard time coming to terms with how morally bankrupt their ideology has become, and how dysfunctional the right is.

Being a Republican or conservative these days just seems to be anti-Democrat. Most of the somewhat decent public policy ideas they had decades ago are no associated with the left. The moderate right has pretty much disappeared.

The left are better capitalist that them, more charitable, more caring of America's citizens, more moral, and more truly patriotic.

This is why the left has people like Sam Harris, Andrew Sullivan, Mike Bloomberg, Mark Cuban, and Jim Webb. These dudes are not liberals or progressives, they are refugees from the right. :lol: And like good liberals, we let them in.

So of course they have to keep bring up Clinton and Obama, because that's all they have left, blaming liberals "elites" for their self inflicted wounds.

what, if it many of the past conservative ideas/policies have been adopted by progressives, does that say about where the left is these days? and if the latter part about the left being better in all those regards is really true objectively, why hasn't the country at large moved left? i guess it would be useful to distinguish major populous regions with the more country/rural/small cities, but if those things were broadly true of the left it should be apparent in the national discourse, no?
Many conservatives, especially conservative intellectuals, have a hard time coming to terms with how morally bankrupt their ideology has become, and how dysfunctional the right is.

Being a Republican or conservative these days just seems to be anti-Democrat. Most of the somewhat decent public policy ideas they had decades ago are no associated with the left. The moderate right has pretty much disappeared.

The left are better capitalist that them, more charitable, more caring of America's citizens, more moral, and more truly patriotic.

This is why the left has people like Sam Harris, Andrew Sullivan, Mike Bloomberg, Mark Cuban, and Jim Webb. These dudes are not liberals or progressives, they are refugees from the right. :lol: And like good liberals, we let them in.

So of course they have to keep bring up Clinton and Obama, because that's all they have left, blaming liberals "elites" for their self inflicted wounds.

what, if it many of the past conservative ideas/policies have been adopted by progressives, does that say about where the left is these days? and if the latter part about the left being better in all those regards is really true objectively, why hasn't the country at large moved left? i guess it would be useful to distinguish major populous regions with the more country/rural/small cities, but if those things were broadly true of the left it should be apparent in the national discourse, no?

Progressives really haven't adopted former right wing positions. It is the center left that has adopted (not that they were so opposed to them in the first place) all the old decent policies moderate Republicans used to push/support. I am speaking more of market based solutions.

Progressive want basic income, the center left wants to expand EIC on top of our current welfare system. The left wing might want a federal jobs program where the federal government hire workers directly, the center left might just want a jobs bills that gives money to private sector firms. These are two sides trying to solve an issue, the GOP answer to everything these days just seems to be supply side tax breaks.

At one time their might have been a healthy policy debate in America and both sides contributed but right now serious public policy debates really just happens on the left. Healthcare is a perfect example of this, so is climate change for that fact.. The right is more concern with how can more things turn into commodities and how can more wealth be transferred to the top. And I might be bias but you can see this clearly.

Nothing is scared to the right, not our education system, healthcare system, our infrastructure, hell not even people's water supply.

And the country has moved left in recent. Left wing economic policy is more popular that in recent decades, social justice much more serious issue today that it was for the past couple decades, war is not as popular as it was before the Iraq War. Hell Trump got all those swing voters because they ignored his racism and were attracted to his left wing promises. To interfere in markets with regulation to help their economic situation, jobs programs, and cheap healthcare.

But many things still cloud the judgment of voters. The GOP base still actively votes against their self interest for "cultural reasons", American still think supply side economics work :smh: (thanks Reagan), and too many on the left still like to means test and try to discipline the poor too much (thanks Clinton).

The problem is that our electoral system gives the Republican base a disproportional amount of power. The combination of gerrymandering, voter suppression, first pass the post voting, Citizen's United, the electoral college, the cap on House Reps, all help the GOP and should be changed because it would make the government answer to voters more. Hell even Senators need to be increased.

If moved to a system that was truly representative, and we encouraged voting, publicly funded campaigns, and people actually turned out, our government would look much more liberal/Democrat.

Demographic shift will eventually cause this to happen, but we are decades away, and the GOP will not just let it happen.
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20% counted, Ossoff with 56% of the vote but trending towards down. Hope he can hang on and beat that magic number [emoji]128531[/emoji]
20% counted, Ossoff with 56% of the vote but trending towards down. Hope he can hang on and beat that magic number [emoji]128531[/emoji]

Nate Cohn‏ @Nate_Cohn

Based exclusively on the 41 ~completed precincts:
I'd guess we're on track for 190k, Ossoff at 48. A real MoE on both

could be wrong but still
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In his cross claim, Bamberger's attorney Stephen Pence wrote that Trump "promised to pay the legal fees of those who — following Trump's urgings — removed the protesters" at multiple rallies." As such, he claims Trump should be held liable.

Da check is ready to be mailed; da Don is just checking with da Barson to confirm the current address of da assaulter-in-training.

This woman gave up her jobs, marriage, and over 86K of her own money to support Trump :rofl:

White supremacy needs to be classified as an opiate, because I have never seen something so destructive yet so addicting
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Many conservatives, especially conservative intellectuals, have a hard time coming to terms with how morally bankrupt their ideology has become, and how dysfunctional the right is.

Being a Republican or conservative these days just seems to be anti-Democrat. Most of the somewhat decent public policy ideas they had decades ago are no associated with the left. The moderate right has pretty much disappeared.

The left are better capitalist that them, more charitable, more caring of America's citizens, more moral, and more truly patriotic.

This is why the left has people like Sam Harris, Andrew Sullivan, Mike Bloomberg, Mark Cuban, and Jim Webb. These dudes are not liberals or progressives, they are refugees from the right. :lol: And like good liberals, we let them in.

So of course they have to keep bring up Clinton and Obama, because that's all they have left, blaming liberals "elites" for their self inflicted wounds.

what, if it many of the past conservative ideas/policies have been adopted by progressives, does that say about where the left is these days? and if the latter part about the left being better in all those regards is really true objectively, why hasn't the country at large moved left? i guess it would be useful to distinguish major populous regions with the more country/rural/small cities, but if those things were broadly true of the left it should be apparent in the national discourse, no?

How do you define the "country at large"? (Think about it)

From an economic, education/innovation, and population POV, the US is like a train, with the areas trending left (large urban centers) as the locomotive while the areas representing the right (small towns, rural areas, etc...) being the cars. The problem is that our electoral system hasn't reflected any of those migratory and economic changes, which is how we end up with an unbalanced congressional body.
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