***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I didn't really see the debate going either way till Biden got him just now for asking for stimulus money. That was good. That will be in the replays.
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Well don't take all the 4 minutes then 


Straight. Sonning. This. Dude. 
Ryan thinks hes slick with that "diress" comment.

The best thing about Bidens performance is that he is calling ryan on his lies AS SOON AS THEY COME OUT OF HIS MOUTH.
Aye real talk did palin do this bad?

Biden went easy on Palin, he was told not to be aggressive and attack her because of the Women vote. Also Obama way ahead in the polls, their was no need. Palin did it to herself, he didn't need to do a damn thing.
Biden has a counter to EVERYTHING. If Obama had done his job in the first debate, the gallop polls wouldn't be as close as they are right now.
Terrible look for Paul Ryan and Romney's campaign overall. This is why Ryan was brought in to counter a VP who has basically been inept since he's been in office. Many expected Ryan to crush Biden in the debate and this is certainly not the case. There's still a half hour left.
But remember.

You can't win these debates.

There are no winners. No trophies are awarded. I'm being consistent here. 

Its about facts. Nothing less. 
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