***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Time for moderate Christians to speak up...

The only difference between Christian extremists and Muslim extremists is that the Christian ones blend in with suits


and uniforms


(or have others do the dirty work for them). They'll write angry essays over Islamic terrorist attacks and black protesters but will lose zero sleep over police killing minorities or soldiers killing hundreds of civilians in the Middle East.
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So instead of picking themselves up by their bootstraps, they are depending on the Federal Government to bring back their jobs.

I thought that was something only "the blacks" did.

It's even worse. They have been offered the opportunity to add to their set of skills free of charge and they turned it down.

Then, they get angry when they are told that they deserve to be left behind.

Knowledge is never wasted. I wish they internalized that the same way they have internalized the Fox News drivel that pollutes their brains.
I noticed earlier that BusinessInsider had a story up about Manafort using "bond007" as his password so I decided to try and independently confirm if this was correct.
I have access to a private searchable database of massive data leaks so I did a search on Manafort's email address ( [email protected]) which I grabbed from his daughter's leaked texts.
I can confirm that email address is indeed linked to both an Adobe and Dropbox account as seen here. Note that the passwords are encrypted in the image below. But what I assume BusinessInsider did is look directly in the Adope or Dropbox leak files themselves and ran a search on Manafort's email address in there. I do not have direct access to those files on my laptop at this time but undoubtedly I'd come to the same conclusion.
How ironic that this man was using bond007 and Bond007 as his password and now he's on a 10 million dollar bond :lol:

Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor. Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.


It follows that a solid majority (59%) of Americans think people should be allowed to express unpopular opinions in public, even those deeply offensive to others. On the other hand, 40% think government should prevent hate speech. Despite this, the survey also found Americans willing to censor, regulate, or punish a wide variety of speech and expression they personally find offensive:

  • 51% of staunch liberals say it’s “morally acceptable” to punch Nazis.
  • 53% of Republicans favor stripping U.S. citizenship from people who burn the American flag.
  • 51% of Democrats support a law that requires Americans use transgender people’s preferred gender pronouns.
  • 65% of Republicans say NFL players should be fired if they refuse to stand for the anthem.
  • 58% of Democrats say employers should punish employees for offensive Facebook posts.
  • 47% of Republicans favor bans on building new mosques.

Americans also can’t agree what speech is hateful, offensive, or simply a political opinion:

  • 59% of liberals say it’s hate speech to say transgender people have a mental disorder; only 17% of conservatives agree.
  • 39% of conservatives believe it’s hate speech to say the police are racist; only 17% of liberals agree.
  • 80% of liberals say it’s hateful or offensive to say illegal immigrants should be deported; only 36% of conservatives agree.
  • 87% of liberals say it’s hateful or offensive to say women shouldn’t fight in military combat roles, while 47% of conservatives agree.
  • 90% of liberals say it’s hateful or offensive to say homosexuality is a sin, while 47% of conservatives agree.

A ton more in the link
Paul Ryan's office initially asked Dapper Don to name the tax reform bill. An aide said they asked due to Trump's knack for branding.
The result: Trump chose for “the Cut Cut Cut Act”

“I have the very best words.”

And the reason libs tend to not be afraid to share their thoughts is because they tend to be actually coherent and based on facts or some actuall basis that has been tested. That’s a mute talking point from Fox News or infowars.

If the right wing brought up their talking points from the Wall Street journal I wouldn’t even have a problem but many of them, like Trump, wouldn’t be able to read one article in an hour let alone without a dictionary to reference. So they go for the sensualized cover headline. I swear if Murdock did anything in his life that is of value it’s that he made catchy headlines the end all for information for low information people. Mix that with making your newspapers and media scale down their grammar to a 4th grade level and you bring in every person.
This is all just going to end in Bush tax cuts re dux right?

Paul ryans dreams of permanent 20% corporate tax, has to be dead right?
Everyday it is a new story. Some new tie. This has been going on since last year. With all the people looking for stuff on Trump, you'd think they would have found it by now.

The groupthink in here is at an all-time high

Yeah, if Mueller had found anything, he'd be giving us the play-by-play on Twitter. Why do we not know the juicy details of an ongoing federal investigation??
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