***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Like I said before, quote me using either the word "wonder", a question mark, or an interrogative.
Funny how you seem to be the only one in here that thinks I was "open ended wondering".
Even after I made it clear I wasn't since you tried to be cute and use me as an excuse to get your pedo excuse game going.
Man here we go. **** done hit the fan again and look at the idiots climb up the ropes like dudes trying to beat the 10 count from a prime Tyson left hook. You bum *** dudes. And no I won’t talk out the side of my neck, I’m talking about ninja hood, that bum white dude claiming he wants to be down, and the other two that keep coming in here talking some of the dumbest **** you can ****ing imagine. @ them for me so thy can all see this.

“How as a white man can I be down?”, the answer..... you can’t, ****ing deal with it. Trying to play both sides LOL. Nobody wants your understanding or sympathy. Stay in your lane, shut your *** up, the end. That’s like a dude born in Mexico asking how he can be born in Italy. You can’t. “I only agree with _______ part of trump” LOL spoken like a true dumb ***. Tell me, what part of what was said either happened, superseded ALL of the hate speech, or wasn’t going to happen by ANY other candidate? “Ahhh I want my tax break (you’re not rich so you’re not getting a break on ****) so ahhhh.... the whole wall around MEXICO would be worth it.” LOL my goodness, then you cry you want to be down with the minorities? “Why do I look like a racist?” You don’t “LOOK” like one, you ARE one. Sit down, shut the **** up.

Ninja, now you’re a special one for the ages. I don’t know what circle of dudes you hang around that you talk to that keep pumping you up like you’re smart but it’s a wrap doggie. Your constant dumbass “arguments” are hilariously sad. You truly are the product of the white regime take over right down to the self hate, small potatoes aspirations, and disownment of your black heritage. Astonishing. Your constant use of random articles and statistics is actually really funny. Like trying to solve 2+2 with jello, just doesn’t work that way LOL. Here’s the truth, anything to do with ANYTHING intellectual ain’t your lane. This includes but is not limited to; politics, economics, social issues, mathematics, logistics, and philosophy. When we need info about worthless middle school level ********, boy oh boy, that’s your lane. When we need info about used jerseys released in 1993, that’s your lane. When we need serial codes for GR on sale Nike’s , that’s your lane. When we need to know the 411 on trendy sidekick apps, that’s your lane. When we need advice on dated pawn shop special leather jackets, that YOUR lane. Kiddie table, that’s your lane. Stay in YO lane.

With that said, how in the right mind can you get behind ANYTHING that’s going on now? We’ve reached the point where we’ve got pedophiles quoting the Bible AND THEN getting caught signed and dated LOL. The white system is collapsing and it is glorious. We were taught to aspire to be a “white business man” type dude but now that stereotype has been debunked. Who’s surprised by this? White women are synonyms with getting drunk, being horrible parents, being hooked on antidepressants, and cheating on their husbands. White teens go hand in hand with being pain pill abusers and school shooters. Old white men are now seen as pedos and dumbasses. The system has flipped to the point where there is no going back.

The racists have no choice but to expose themselves. They’re literally coming away with NO incentives but racial hate. Betty Su from Alabama working at the sonic really thinks these millionaire tax breaks help her? LOL

Kap in 30 years will be looked at like Ali. Fake white racists will talk about how it wasn’t them trying to put him down it was the “other guys”.

This gets deleted, reported, etc, then it does. I know NT needs some of these yahoos to keep the clicks coming. They’re the free entertainment. I’m all for “not keeping this a one sided echo chamber” but, ask yourself, do you really need the “other side” of pedophilia and racism? That side needs to plead their case?

To the others, every now and then I still come check this place out. When I do you guys always make me laugh.

Couple random things before I bounce for a while again

1. Xbox X >ps4pro but both are actually trash
2. Gohan beeeen washed
3 YES chick fil a IS that’s good
4. GOTG 2 was absolutely horrible


Greatest post in NT history? Great ****in contender. You probably will get banned for that ****. But that was like Lupe on Mural.
I wonder what Glen Glenwald's self righteous *** has to say about the Wikileaks news.

His as was all about the Clinton & Obama whataboutisms during the election whenever people bringing up the Wikileaks angle. And dude stay downplaying Russia's role in influencing the election
I'm still debating if I want to finish his book "No Place to Hide." Dude hit such a heel turn its depressing.
Man here we go. **** done hit the fan again and look at the idiots climb up the ropes like dudes trying to beat the 10 count from a prime Tyson left hook. You bum *** dudes. And no I won’t talk out the side of my neck, I’m talking about ninja hood, that bum white dude claiming he wants to be down, and the other two that keep coming in here talking some of the dumbest **** you can ****ing imagine. @ them for me so thy can all see this.

“How as a white man can I be down?”, the answer..... you can’t, ****ing deal with it. Trying to play both sides LOL. Nobody wants your understanding or sympathy. Stay in your lane, shut your *** up, the end. That’s like a dude born in Mexico asking how he can be born in Italy. You can’t. “I only agree with _______ part of trump” LOL spoken like a true dumb ***. Tell me, what part of what was said either happened, superseded ALL of the hate speech, or wasn’t going to happen by ANY other candidate? “Ahhh I want my tax break (you’re not rich so you’re not getting a break on ****) so ahhhh.... the whole wall around MEXICO would be worth it.” LOL my goodness, then you cry you want to be down with the minorities? “Why do I look like a racist?” You don’t “LOOK” like one, you ARE one. Sit down, shut the **** up.

Ninja, now you’re a special one for the ages. I don’t know what circle of dudes you hang around that you talk to that keep pumping you up like you’re smart but it’s a wrap doggie. Your constant dumbass “arguments” are hilariously sad. You truly are the product of the white regime take over right down to the self hate, small potatoes aspirations, and disownment of your black heritage. Astonishing. Your constant use of random articles and statistics is actually really funny. Like trying to solve 2+2 with jello, just doesn’t work that way LOL. Here’s the truth, anything to do with ANYTHING intellectual ain’t your lane. This includes but is not limited to; politics, economics, social issues, mathematics, logistics, and philosophy. When we need info about worthless middle school level ********, boy oh boy, that’s your lane. When we need info about used jerseys released in 1993, that’s your lane. When we need serial codes for GR on sale Nike’s , that’s your lane. When we need to know the 411 on trendy sidekick apps, that’s your lane. When we need advice on dated pawn shop special leather jackets, that YOUR lane. Kiddie table, that’s your lane. Stay in YO lane.

With that said, how in the right mind can you get behind ANYTHING that’s going on now? We’ve reached the point where we’ve got pedophiles quoting the Bible AND THEN getting caught signed and dated LOL. The white system is collapsing and it is glorious. We were taught to aspire to be a “white business man” type dude but now that stereotype has been debunked. Who’s surprised by this? White women are synonyms with getting drunk, being horrible parents, being hooked on antidepressants, and cheating on their husbands. White teens go hand in hand with being pain pill abusers and school shooters. Old white men are now seen as pedos and dumbasses. The system has flipped to the point where there is no going back.

The racists have no choice but to expose themselves. They’re literally coming away with NO incentives but racial hate. Betty Su from Alabama working at the sonic really thinks these millionaire tax breaks help her? LOL

Kap in 30 years will be looked at like Ali. Fake white racists will talk about how it wasn’t them trying to put him down it was the “other guys”.

This gets deleted, reported, etc, then it does. I know NT needs some of these yahoos to keep the clicks coming. They’re the free entertainment. I’m all for “not keeping this a one sided echo chamber” but, ask yourself, do you really need the “other side” of pedophilia and racism? That side needs to plead their case?

To the others, every now and then I still come check this place out. When I do you guys always make me laugh.

Couple random things before I bounce for a while again

1. Xbox X >ps4pro but both are actually trash
2. Gohan beeeen washed
3 YES chick fil a IS that’s good
4. GOTG 2 was absolutely horrible


The timing of this so shortly after his Asia trip has me slightly nervous tbh

Don't even wanna be too alarmist either but they just sent 3 carriers to the Pacific at once as well as

Trying to get recruitment up anyway possible

Hoping it's only gonna be about the tax breaks for the wealthy in the end though...

Having it be about that draconian tax bill would be a relief at this stage
"Brett J. Talley, the young lawyer nominated by President Trump for a lifetime federal judgeship in Alabama, was asked by a Senate committee to disclose family members who are likely to present potential conflicts of interest if he is confirmed.

In response, Talley said he would evaluate “real or potential conflict, or relationships that could give rise to appearance of conflict” and recuse himself from cases if necessary, according to a Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire.

He did not, however, identify any family members — including his wife, who is one of President Trump’s attorneys. Annie Donaldson is White House Counsel Donald McGahn’s chief of staff."

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Trumps last effort to deflect all the **** that's gonna come down on him, is declaring war, we all know it....

We elected a crook that will put thousands of troops at risk and a global crisis as a deflection tactic....well done America
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