***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Am I the only one who has an issue seeing the tweet screen caps? I feel like I'm missing out on a lot not being able to see them

I am too! It’s super annoying because you see a tweet with a lot of reps that’s quoted multiple times and you’re clueless haha
I am too! It’s super annoying because you see a tweet with a lot of reps that’s quoted multiple times and you’re clueless haha

No, it's been an issue for a few hours now - we're looking into it. It looks like Twitter has changed something which has broken the way they are displayed.

Quite the bit of irony here given that the current first lady wouldn't have been able to work without this...

Its alway seems to be the descendants of immigrants and those partnered to immigrants who love to scapegoat immigrants and try to make life harder for them :smh:

Quite the bit of irony here given that the current first lady wouldn't have been able to work without this...

Its alway seems to be the descendants of immigrants and those partnered to immigrants who love to scapegoat immigrants and try to make life harder for them :smh:

Or perhaps Da Don wishes MEANIE Melania was never around in the first place.

How can these clowns face the public and while they take away government assistance and insurance from single mothers and children everywhere, have the audacity to say the answer is HAVE MORE KIDS...

This dumbass really thinks Obama appointed Pai as the chairman of the FCC :rofl::rofl:
I don't care about Paul Ryan's policies and what he says b

He looks so earnest and that's all that matters famb. Someone that looks like that, even when we think they're doing wrong, are obviously just doing a greater good.

Like if Paul Ryan ate the other half of my sandwich I saved in the fridge at work, fam is just using those calories to do better things than I would have with them.

Not sure how much longer Rexxon can withstand going from fortune 500 CEO to being publicly and privately castrated every other week :lol::sick:

He was always fighting an uphill battle doing the job with 2 huge handicaps,lack of policy experience and a gutted State dept with constant brain and skill drain
Ryan's ideology, which is a combo of trickle down economics austerity, is plain and simple economic terrorism on anyone that it not rich and well connected.

If there is one thing to remember, it's this.
until people that think and act and like Paul Ryan are viewed as just as unacceptable as a bumbling bigot like Trump

True, but greed is that powerful, so the likes of Paul Ryan will never be seen as disgraceful as Trump until they hurt the people at the other end of their economic policies.

Remember that people CHEERED when Trump bragged about evading taxes and getting paid by various municipalities to the tune of tens of millions for operating at a loss.

They didn't see that they, the taxpayer, were paying him. They wondered how they could cheat their fellow taxpayers out of money. This is the curse of laissez-faire capitalism.
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