***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Can anyone give me legit reasons why Romney is better and examples to back it up?

Let's go off of Romney's last debate. Romney said he would:

Keep Obamacare - keep the pre-existing condition part
Hire teachers and invest in education
Will not cut taxes on millionaires
He wants to lessen regulations in energy
He wants to balance the budget.

The only difference between the two is that Romney wants to increase military spending and the plan for Medicare.

To be honest, I've never seen anything like this where a guy practically came out and said, "I'm going to do the same thing as the other guy".
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Let's go off of Romney's last debate. Romney said he would:
Keep Obamacare - keep the pre-existing condition part
Hire teachers and invest in education
Will not cut taxes on millionaires
He wants to lessen regulations in energy
He wants to balance the budget.
The only difference between the two is that Romney wants to increase military spending and the plan for Medicare.

:rofl: You're using what he said at the debate.

Putty is gonna eat you alive :lol:
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Let's go off of Romney's last debate. Romney said he would:
Keep Obamacare - keep the pre-existing condition part
Hire teachers and invest in education
Will not cut taxes on millionaires
He wants to lessen regulations in energy
He wants to balance the budget.
The only difference between the two is that Romney wants to increase military spending and the plan for Medicare.
To be honest, I've never seen anything like this where a guy practically came out and said, "I'm going to do the same thing as the other guy".

So considering increased military spending would just further increase the deficit, why in the hell would anybody think he'd be better than Obama :lol:
:rofl: All we can do is go by the most recent thing this guy says. Everyday, his whole plan completely changes. :smh:

So you use the lies he said on one night instead of what he been saying for months. Plus you completely disregard all the social issues. C'mon brah
You try to play someone and you got phonics issues?
January 20 2009-The Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered its worst one-day drop since December 1, slumping by 332 points to 7,949
As of this post- 13328.85------------:tongue:
If you want to measure the US ECONOMY, you have to measure the STOCK MARKET, all this economy crap is a big smokescreen...
You want to know how the economy is doing, go to your local malls, any empty stores? The only people you see on the streets are people waiting in line to get a phone they already have- Bill Maher

Actually driving around town and in malls I see tons of store fronts that are now EMPTY and FOR LEASE because the prior tenant shut down shop. Couldnt afford to remain open

May be a minor point but just as the influence of and profitability for print media has changed drastically, the internet and specifically e-commerce has greatly impacted many small businesses that occupied those store fronts. Yes, coupled with the economy, but increasing rents and expenses plus people focusing their purchases towards cost-savings online and ease of use has and would've affected many brick and mortar stores regardless.
Romney's liberal on social issues soo... (From Ryan in the video below, "you'll find out in the debates")

So Barack and Mitt agree on every social issue? That's what I am asking.

Because you are going say "The only difference between the two is that Romney wants to increase military spending and the plan for Medicare" then that implies they agree on everything else
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So Barack and Mitt agree on every social issue? That's what I am asking.
Because you are going say "The only difference between the two is that Romney wants to increase military spending and the plan for Medicare" then that implies they agree on everything else

He said he's not going to introduce legislation on abortion. So, you are referring to what else? Guns, religion? I guess if you consider these all important issues.

So Barack and Mitt agree on every social issue? That's what I am asking.
Because you are going say "The only difference between the two is that Romney wants to increase military spending and the plan for Medicare" then that implies they agree on everything else

Mitt is multiple choice on EVERY issue.

Fellow Mormon John Huntsman called dude a "perfectly oiled weathervane."

I don’t give a ---- what comes out of my mouth. I say what it takes. Whatever it takes, that’s what I’m saying.

- Dave Chappelle

Julius F. Wrek
Romney canceled he & Mrs. Romney's appearance on The View this week & Ryan takes photos at a homeless shelter washing dishes that were already clean...What a moron...

I'm mean seriously what a great way to show how out of touch you really are. Who the eff is running his portion of the campaign? Why did they let this happen so close to the election. The left leaning press should have a field day with this as they should. The person responsible for letting this happen should be banished to Alaska to & only be allowed to work for palin to run errands for her...
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It won't have an impact. The debate is tonight. All news coverage will be on that. Late night shows might say something about it. But I doubt major networks will dedicate an huge time to that.
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