***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Coup you're right... But if he doesn't go on the attack in the debate.. Similar to what Biden did (minus the hilarious facial reactions).. The polls will continue to swing toward Romney and it will swing the swing states...

And I don't like Obama's chances of growing balls, and giving logical thoughts without long pauses and stuttering
The second debate is a town hall meeting. That should work in Obama's favor.

Romney doesn't know how to speak to regular people.
Coup you're right... But if he doesn't go on the attack in the debate.. Similar to what Biden did (minus the hilarious facial reactions).. The polls will continue to swing toward Romney and it will swing the swing states...
And I don't like Obama's chances of growing balls, and giving logical thoughts without long pauses and stuttering

Yea I question whether Obama has it in him. I went back to the 2008 debates and I noticed he wasn't threatened because McCain has always been a non-confrontational guy. Their debate from a dramatical point of view was quite boring (like most debates). Then I went back to the 2008 primaries and saw Hillary & Obama go at it (they went at each other) and Obama did a good job of aggressively calling her out but it was easy for Obama because he didn't have a record that Hillary couldn't really attack back.

What's different now is that Obama has been in office for 4 years and Romney has a legitimate record to attack him and Obama just doesn't look like he can defend himself well. I question whether he can do it as well, I really do. Thats the biggest problem I've had with Obama was his leadership persona. He's always been timid, I thought he was tougher. If you take a look at Clinton, that man was had it all. He was firm, well-spoken, and had great charisma but if anybody ever wanted to lace them up and go to battle. He'd welcome it. Obama just may not be that type of guy.
Way before the Republican primary, nearly 2 yrs ago, I thought Mitt Romney was the only candidate that would be a problem for Obama. Romney is a beast on business and economics. He may lie but he knows his stuff. This next 2 debates are going to be tough for Obama. I don't know that Obama can learn business and economics in time for the debates. Or well enough to speak confidently on those topics.

I don't anticipate Obama will have a good showing on the topics of taxes and the economy but he will shine on foreign policy.

I don't want Mitt to be President because I think this is the real Mitt
What's wrong with this though? If someone gives you a bad haircut, you "fire" them and find someone else. If someone messes up your car repair, you "fire" them. Look on Yelp for all the businesses that people have "fired" because of bad service.
Way before the Republican primary, nearly 2 yrs ago, I thought Mitt Romney was the only candidate that would be a problem for Obama. Romney is a beast on business and economics. He may lie but he knows his stuff. This next 2 debates are going to be tough for Obama. I don't know that Obama can learn business and economics in time for the debates. Or well enough to speak confidently on those topics.

I don't anticipate Obama will have a good showing on the topics of taxes and the economy but he will shine on foreign policy.

I don't want Mitt to be President because I think this is the real Mitt
What's wrong with this though? If someone gives you a bad haircut, you "fire" them and find someone else. If someone messes up your car repair, you "fire" them. Look on Yelp for all the businesses that people have "fired" because of bad service.
Not the same thing, bro.
Way before the Republican primary, nearly 2 yrs ago, I thought Mitt Romney was the only candidate that would be a problem for Obama. Romney is a beast on business and economics. He may lie but he knows his stuff. This next 2 debates are going to be tough for Obama. I don't know that Obama can learn business and economics in time for the debates. Or well enough to speak confidently on those topics.

I don't anticipate Obama will have a good showing on the topics of taxes and the economy but he will shine on foreign policy.

I don't want Mitt to be President because I think this is the real Mitt
What's wrong with this though? If someone gives you a bad haircut, you "fire" them and find someone else. If someone messes up your car repair, you "fire" them. Look on Yelp for all the businesses that people have "fired" because of bad service.

You'd try to polish a turd if you could and sell it as a diamond.

Son. You're the president of ALL americans. Not the ones who employ them.

That sort of attitude and desire to fire employees doesn't work when you're trying to improve the economy and "create" jobs. 

Romney is stuck in this business rhetoric that appeals only to managers, not actual citizens.

You'll always get better results from workers by inspiring them to contribute to the world at large rather than insinuating that they're a slip up away from disaster

Leave that sort of nonsense to people who aren't representatives of the country. 
Unless Obama wins the debate Tuesday... He will lose the election..
That's how bad he played the first debate in retrospect.
Man, it's disheartening that a 'stylistic win' can sway voters in such a way.
This is what kills me.

I mean damn, I want third and fourth party candidates more than anyone, but I mean on sheer facts alone the republicans have been FAR outmatched. 
Oh, and I'm not ever letting up on that point that style matters. 

If the words out of your mouth equate to breaking the fact-checking machine then you're unqualified. 
Way before the Republican primary, nearly 2 yrs ago, I thought Mitt Romney was the only candidate that would be a problem for Obama. Romney is a beast on business and economics. He may lie but he knows his stuff. This next 2 debates are going to be tough for Obama. I don't know that Obama can learn business and economics in time for the debates. Or well enough to speak confidently on those topics.

I don't anticipate Obama will have a good showing on the topics of taxes and the economy but he will shine on foreign policy.

I don't want Mitt to be President because I think this is the real Mitt
What's wrong with this though? If someone gives you a bad haircut, you "fire" them and find someone else. If someone messes up your car repair, you "fire" them. Look on Yelp for all the businesses that people have "fired" because of bad service.
Not the same thing, bro.
Why not? Do we like dealing with DMV or post office workers who don't care about their jobs? Do we want teachers who go to work, punch the clock and pass on kids who don't know how to add and subtract or read when they're in high school?

I'm not saying fire them at the first chance you get. Any good manager will council the person and guide them to success but the union rules we have allowed for many government employees have made for an atrocious atmosphere of mediocrity and lackluster results.
Unless Obama wins the debate Tuesday... He will lose the election..

That's how bad he played the first debate in retrospect.

Agreed. I have a gut feeling that he's gonna lose regardless though.

While the economy as a whole HAS gotten better, I think a lot of Americans are blind enough to believe that Romney can come in and make things much better, much quicker. I just think Obama is in an impossible spot, especially when the opposition is so hell bent on winning that their stances switch up when convenient.
What I'm about to say may be controversial, but a behavioral analyst (I think that's what she was) also said it on CNN one night.....and she was white..

Obama CAN'T go on the attack against Romney the way Biden did because he's African-American. And unfortunately despite the fact he's the damn President, him "attacking" Romney will have him viewed as "the angry black man" to a lot of your more close minded Americans (even the ones who may have voted for him in 08)

Hear me out on this one...I know because this is NT, most of the demographic is younger and wouldn't think of him in that light if he was the aggressor in the next debate. However, a lot your of 50+, midwestern and southern people would....democrats AND republicans.

So, personally I don't think its that Obama doesnt have the fight or confidence to throughly check Romney on his bull, even though he's not the greatest debater. I think his team advised him to be more reserved and held back, however, obviously that hasn't worked.

we'll see what happens on Tuesday though.
What I'm about to say may be controversial, but a behavioral analyst (I think that's what she was) also said it on CNN one night.....and she was white..
Obama CAN'T go on the attack against Romney the way Biden did because he's African-American. And unfortunately despite the fact he's the damn President, him "attacking" Romney will have him viewed as "the angry black man" to a lot of your more close minded Americans (even the ones who may have voted for him in 08)
Hear me out on this one...I know because this is NT, most of the demographic is younger and wouldn't think of him in that light if he was the aggressor in the next debate. However, a lot your of 50+, midwestern and southern people would....democrats AND republicans.
So, personally I don't think its that Obama doesnt have the fight or confidence to throughly check Romney on his bull, even though he's not the greatest debater. I think his team advised him to be more reserved and held back, however, obviously that hasn't worked.
we'll see what happens on Tuesday though.

I read that theory and I think it's absurd. Standing up for himself, attacking lies, and looking confident wouldn't make the majority of those people you mentioned think "He's the Angry Black Guy". He's been our president for 4 years already, the country more or less knows his attitude and demeanor by now. It's a stupid theory thats trying to give an excuse for Obama looking timid and weak.
Obama said he was "too polite" to Romney.... Thanks for telling us something we don't know

And I've watched the VP debates in entirety once and parts I wanted to see again..

Biden hammered him at every turn... Was not even fair.. And when Ryan mentioned the car crash and Romney going to visit the family, did any of his advisers tell him about Biden at all.

I think the VP only has effect of slowing Romney a bit. If Obama decisively wins the 2nd debate he will re-open big leads. Obama has to be on point for 90 minutes.. Keep it personal to American people.. No stuttering, no thinking.. Just deliver facts, your message, and call out a lie for what it is.

Obama has SOOOOOOOOOOOO much to attack Romney for.. He's an extremely easy target. He just needs to tell the truth and do it in a relating way to the average American
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Even Barack Obama said he lost the debate.

Still, remember, FutureMD is always right - "no one wins debates"

No but seriously, Obama looks shook right now. He's even timid about calling out that Romney lied about abortion in this interview. Wtf Obama?
What's wrong with this though? If someone gives you a bad haircut, you "fire" them and find someone else. If someone messes up your car repair, you "fire" them. Look on Yelp for all the businesses that people have "fired" because of bad service.

Everybody else laid into you and now I am going to as well. That's not the type of characteristic that I want in a person running a country. That's the private equity attitude that "I'll buy the business and fire a bunch of employees and resell the business or shut it down if it's not profitable".

The country isn't a private equity firm. Furthermore, even in business, fear(of being fired) does not produce good results long term. Fear may work once but the effect wears off. You get better results by positive motivation over the long haul.

To add, you can't go around firing everyone when you are running a country, otherwise you end up with half of all Americans on food stamps and/or unemployed. When you run a business, you can fire those employees and let the government deal with them through unemployment and food stamps. When you run a country, you are still responsible for those on food stamps.

In summary, Mitt's moments like these "I like to fire people", "47% of people don't pay income tax", and "I bet you 10 grand", make him come off as a person that dislikes lower and middle class people, especially ones that aren't employed in highly respected industries. To be more specific, he comes across as a person that thinks people that work jobs like , retail service workers and waitresses are lazy and should be fired at the drop of a hat.
I don't see why any of you are so surprised by his debate performance. I've been saying it since before the first debate, the ability to give a great teleprompterspeech does not make someone a great debater. The President is at his best when he can appeal to people's emotions and common ground. Be the Great unifier that he was in 08. But he can't now because we heard all that before. We want solid plans, and the President has always been vague on policy. Things that sound nice but with no real detail. So he can't can't more specific because he''ll end up alienating voters that he needs. An if he goes on one of his long policy lectures he''ll be looked at as to professorial, which was a huge criticism of him 08. An he can't really go into attack mode because then it'd just be adding credence that Republicans have been using, that he can't run on his record so he's going negative. He's in very tough spot.
These debates are entertaining, but they aren't going to change anyone's vote.

What you have is a charged Republican following that wants nothing more than President Obama out of office. They don't care the that Romney/Ryan ticket has no specific plans for changing the direction of this country, that they would ruin the progress made regarding the withdrawal of ground forces in Afghanistan, and that they have continued to flip flop on their policies/lie.

They have ignored every bit of progress that this country has made under the Obama administration, but will gladly take credit for it if they get into office. Their "take care of the rich first" policies are will put this country right back where it was four years ago, but the Republican voters are ok with all of this as long as their candidate is in the drivers seat.

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These debates are entertaining, but they aren't going to change anyone's vote.
What you have is a charged Republican following that wants nothing more than President Obama out of office. They don't care the that Romney/Ryan ticket has no specific plans for changing the direction of this country, that they would ruin the progress made regarding the withdrawal of ground forces in Afghanistan, and that they have continued to flip flop on their policies/lie.
They have ignored every bit of progress that this country has made under the Obama administration, but will gladly take credit for it if they get into office. Their "take care of the rich first" policies are will put this country right back where it was four years ago, but the Republican voters are ok with all of this as long as their candidate is in the drivers seat.

I agree with everything you said except the highlighted part. I'm shocked everyday by people who are undecided because they haven't researched the candidates are use crap like "Romney won the debate so I'm leading towards him" to choose who to vote for. These are usually the people who firmly believe that Dems and Reps are "all the same"
What's wrong with this though? If someone gives you a bad haircut, you "fire" them and find someone else. If someone messes up your car repair, you "fire" them. Look on Yelp for all the businesses that people have "fired" because of bad service.
Everybody else laid into you and now I am going to as well. That's not the type of characteristic that I want in a person running a country. That's the private equity attitude that "I'll buy the business and fire a bunch of employees and resell the business or shut it down if it's not profitable".

The country isn't a private equity firm. Furthermore, even in business, fear(of being fired) does not produce good results long term. Fear may work once but the effect wears off. You get better results by positive motivation over the long haul.

To add, you can't go around firing everyone when you are running a country, otherwise you end up with half of all Americans on food stamps and/or unemployed. When you run a business, you can fire those employees and let the government deal with them through unemployment and food stamps. When you run a country, you are still responsible for those on food stamps.

In summary, Mitt's moments like these "I like to fire people", "47% of people don't pay income tax", and "I bet you 10 grand", make him come off as a person that dislikes lower and middle class people, especially ones that aren't employed in highly respected industries. To be more specific, he comes across as a person that thinks people that work jobs like , retail service workers and waitresses are lazy and should be fired at the drop of a hat.
I'm not under any impressions that he'll be able to run it like a private firm. While he is the CEO of the country, he's also only one of three spokes of the federal government. But to say that he shouldn't be able to fire people is to also say there aren't unnecessary redundancies within the federal government and that waste, fraud, & abuse to the system don't exist.

If you listen to the whole video, he's not saying that he likes to fire people just for the fun of it. It placed the caveat of bad service in there too.

While his stat about 47% not paying income taxes is true, if we dig deeper into the stats that also includes military, single parents, the elderly who no longer paying income taxes, and the disabled. I'm not going to agree with him that any of those groups are lazy. On the contrary, the military, single parents and the elderly in general work pretty hard and I have a lot of respect for the wisdom many of them bring from their experiences. He was right about 47% not paying taxes, he'll probably be right about 47% not voting for him, and he's right about those dependent on government services being more likely to vote for Obama. Where his mistake was is grouping all those together in a one circle Venn Diagram and saying the 47% encompassed all of those things. On that point, I will vehemently disagree with him.
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What's wrong with this though? If someone gives you a bad haircut, you "fire" them and find someone else. If someone messes up your car repair, you "fire" them. Look on Yelp for all the businesses that people have "fired" because of bad service.
Everybody else laid into you and now I am going to as well. That's not the type of characteristic that I want in a person running a country. That's the private equity attitude that "I'll buy the business and fire a bunch of employees and resell the business or shut it down if it's not profitable".

The country isn't a private equity firm. Furthermore, even in business, fear(of being fired) does not produce good results long term. Fear may work once but the effect wears off. You get better results by positive motivation over the long haul.

To add, you can't go around firing everyone when you are running a country, otherwise you end up with half of all Americans on food stamps and/or unemployed. When you run a business, you can fire those employees and let the government deal with them through unemployment and food stamps. When you run a country, you are still responsible for those on food stamps.

In summary, Mitt's moments like these "I like to fire people", "47% of people don't pay income tax", and "I bet you 10 grand", make him come off as a person that dislikes lower and middle class people, especially ones that aren't employed in highly respected industries. To be more specific, he comes across as a person that thinks people that work jobs like , retail service workers and waitresses are lazy and should be fired at the drop of a hat.
I'm not under any impressions that he'll be able to run it like a private firm. While he is the CEO of the country, he's also only one of three spokes of the federal government. But to say that he shouldn't be able to fire people is to also say there aren't unnecessary redundancies within the federal government and that waste, fraud, & abuse to the system don't exist.

If you listen to the whole video, he's not saying that he likes to fire people just for the fun of it. It placed the caveat of bad service in there too.

While his stat about 47% not paying income taxes is true, if we dig deeper into the stats that also includes military, single parents, the elderly who no longer paying income taxes, and the disabled. I'm not going to agree with him that any of those groups are lazy. On the contrary, the military, single parents and the elderly in general work pretty hard and I have a lot of respect for the wisdom many of them bring from their experiences. He was right about 47% not paying taxes, he'll probably be right about 47% not voting for him, and he's right about those dependent on government services being more likely to vote for Obama. Where his mistake was is grouping all those together in a one circle Venn Diagram and saying the 47% encompassed all of those things. On that point, I will vehemently disagree with him.
Basically confirming what we could gather pertaining to every point you've thrown up.

Upon further analysis, you don't believe half the stuff romney throws up because obviously its not that simple. But its just as simple for you to keep repeating stuff that isn't true. 
Even Barack Obama said he lost the debate.

Still, remember, FutureMD is always right - "no one wins debates"

No but seriously, Obama looks shook right now. He's even timid about calling out that Romney lied about abortion in this interview. Wtf Obama?

How do you win a debate?

Please tell me the rules of the debates.
What I'm about to say may be controversial, but a behavioral analyst (I think that's what she was) also said it on CNN one night.....and she was white..
Obama CAN'T go on the attack against Romney the way Biden did because he's African-American. And unfortunately despite the fact he's the damn President, him "attacking" Romney will have him viewed as "the angry black man" to a lot of your more close minded Americans (even the ones who may have voted for him in 08)
Hear me out on this one...I know because this is NT, most of the demographic is younger and wouldn't think of him in that light if he was the aggressor in the next debate. However, a lot your of 50+, midwestern and southern people would....democrats AND republicans.
So, personally I don't think its that Obama doesnt have the fight or confidence to throughly check Romney on his bull, even though he's not the greatest debater. I think his team advised him to be more reserved and held back, however, obviously that hasn't worked.
we'll see what happens on Tuesday though.
I read that theory and I think it's absurd. Standing up for himself, attacking lies, and looking confident wouldn't make the majority of those people you mentioned think "He's the Angry Black Guy". He's been our president for 4 years already, the country more or less knows his attitude and demeanor by now. It's a stupid theory thats trying to give an excuse for Obama looking timid and weak.
You're not getting it.

If you're "too" angry, then you don't get reelected.

If january rolls around, Obama has nothing to lose. 
Early indications that Biden has reversed the course slightly..... 538 has things trending upward slightly (4 electoral votes, and 4% better chance of winning) for Obama... All the polls are not in though.. Romney saw a bigger bounce starting Monday after the debate.. Doubtful Biden gets remotely close to that bounce in return.. But it has stopped Romney's momentum in the short term.

If Obama can win decisively Tuesday, polls will go back to what they were probably a week before the 1st debate, and right before Obama saw huge poll bounces.
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This Country put Bush in Office for 8 years.........

Obama has got this in the bag......................

And besides, as much as white folk wanna talk that talk, they know they don't have the cojones to kick the BLACK GUY out of office...............Race relations have actually gotten "weird" since Obama has took office, no one trying to get that mean mug on November 5th from the Black Collective............

Yeah, I said it.............
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