***Official Political Discussion Thread***




What a joke.

I believe she was resentenced in 2015, after a successful appeal, and only served 3 years in total. That was the same time as the original plea deal she had rejected at the original trial.

It was during a domestic dispute, she fired a warning shot at her husband, who was threatening her. The 20-year sentence was because of another **** policy at play, mandatory minimums.
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Yeah this is blowing my mind. I gotta hear the reasoning.

If you read the Twitter thread there does seem a little more to it than the headline - it was a domestic dispute rather than an intruder but she still didn’t shoot anyone, just discharged a gun and got convicted. It appears that they wouldn’t drop the case - they made her plead guilty to something. I guess it kept their stats up or something and clearly that is more important than someone’s freedom and future job prospects.
Avenatti may be a bit of a gutter rat, but for all of Comey's tipping of his fedora in a gentlemanly fashion still got his *** fired. Even Comey have come to the realization, that he, himself has to get down and dirty and let his voice be heard. This is not just about the letter of the law, because Trump's best option is to play this out as politics, while he still has the GOP's tiny nuts in his medium-sized hands.

WASHINGTON — Mick Mulvaney, the interim director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, will move the agency’s student loan division into the bureau’s consumer information unit, a shift that career officials fear will sidetrack a major enforcement case the agency is pursuing against Navient, the nation’s largest student loan collector.

The change, outlined in an email sent to the bureau’s staff Wednesday morning, is part of an effort by Mr. Mulvaney to refocus the agency away from its consumer finance enforcement and rule-writing mission and more toward providing consumers with information about their legal rights.

It follows a similar move Mr. Mulvaney made in February, when he folded the bureau’s fair lending division into the consumer unit, telling staff it would “continue to focus on advocacy, coordination and education.”


The change comes at a critical moment in the agency’s effort to rein in abuses in the student loan industry. The program, started under the Obama administration, has clawed back about $750 million from lenders since 2011. At the center of the bureau’s effort is its case against Navient, a spinoff of Sallie Mae, which the agency accused in 2017 of steering low-income borrowers into higher payments than they needed to make, misallocating payments and failing to provide customers with clear information about cost-saving options.
the moment when white trash Americans realize that, even by their own ****** xenophobic definition, they're actually less American than 1) African Americans, 2) Muslim Americans, 3) Mexican Americans, and 4) (of course) Native Americans...

whenever that moment comes, let me know...
I don't care about Avenatti's character. smells like another self-defeating purity test.

let him talk his **** and beat Trump at his own Twitter game.

keep in mind Trump is not smart these days, just belligerent, and his repetitive tweet-game is not as entertaining anymore. he's going to go down in the popularity contest, and it's going to take porn stars and sleazy lawyers and not Harvard historians and long-form writers from the New Yorker to do it.

edit: on cue

it's going down

edit2: pee pee tape is real.
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Mueller's Probe Is Even More Expansive Than It Seems
The special counsel’s team has interviewed a number of big names. But their interest in more obscure players tells a story, too.
FBI agents working for special counsel Robert Mueller allegedly detained a lawyer with ties to Russia who is closely associated with Joseph Mifsud, the shadowy professor who claimed during the election that Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.

The revelation was made in a book co-written by that lawyer, Stephan Roh, and set to be published next month. “The Faking of RUSSIA-GATE: The Papadopoulos Case” is the latest in a stream of books aiming to capitalize on the chaos of this political moment. But it sheds new light on the expansive nature of Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s election interference and possible ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign team and Moscow. It also highlights Mueller’s interest in answering one of the probe’s biggest outstanding questions: whether the campaign knew in advance that Russia planned to interfere in the election.

Mifsud is one of several key figures among a complicated cast of characters shaping the Russia probe. In the spring of 2016, Mifsud told a young Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, that Russia had “dirt” on Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails,” according to the special counsel’s statement of the offense against Papadopoulos, who was indicted for misleading federal agents about his conversations with Mifsud. Russia had hacked the Democratic National Committee months earlier, and would soon break into Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s inbox. It is still not clear how Mifsud seemed to know in advance that Russia sought to compromise Clinton’s candidacy.

The lawyer allegedly questioned by Mueller’s team, Stephan Roh, is a German multimillionaire with ties to Russia. He hired Mifsud as a “business-development consultant” in 2015, and is Mifsud’s “partner and best friend” and “the money behind him,” Papadopoulos’s wife, Simona Mangiante, who worked for Mifsud briefly, told me. Roh’s wife is Olga Roh, a Russian fashion designer who appeared on the British reality TV show Meet the Russians. He’s also in the nuclear-energy business: He acquired a small British nuclear consulting firm from scientist Dr. John Harbottle in 2005, according to the BBC, and invited Harbottle on an all-expenses paid trip to Moscow shortly thereafter, Harbottle told the outlet. Harbottle declined the offer because he “smelt a rat,” he said, and was then fired. Within three years, Severnvale Nuclear Services’ turnover went from under $100,000 to $44 million, per the BBC.

Roh intersected with Mifsud at two institutions: the now-defunct London Academy of Diplomacy and Link Campus University, a private institution in Rome that Roh co-owns, and where Mifsud taught briefly. In April 2016, Mifsud and Roh spoke on a panel together at the Kremlin-backed Valdai Club—a think tank that is close to President Vladimir Putin and hosts him every year for a keynote address. The club is described in the book as “one of the most influential Russian think tanks in Moscow, maybe even the most prestigious.”

Roh and his co-author Thierry Pastor, who also knows Mifsud, write in the book that, upon arriving in New York City with his family in October 2017, “one of the co-authors” was “fished from the passport control” line at John F. Kennedy airport while his family “was retained with armed police force.” (Photos posted by Roh’s wife on social media in October 2017 suggest she was visiting New York in late October.) He was then interrogated for “hours,” they write, by “a team of Special Counsel Robert Mueller investigating Russia-Gate.” The book alleges that he and his family were then “observed, followed, and taped, at every moment and every place in New York” by the FBI and that his family was assigned to “special rooms at the hotel” while security personnel “patrolled the corridors.”

It is unclear whether Roh was actually surveilled after being interviewed—a spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined to comment. The book further alleges that Mifsud is not a Russian spy but is actually “deeply embedded in the network of Western Intelligence Services.” Papadopoulos, too, is a “western intelligence operative,” the authors assert, who was “placed” in the Trump campaign by the FBI. In that sense, the book is similar to one written recently by another obscure player detained and questioned by Mueller’s team earlier this year: Ted Malloch, a controversial London-based academic with ties to Trump associates Roger Stone and Nigel Farage. In his book The Plot to Destroy Trump: How the Deep State Fabricated the Russia Dossier to Subvert the President, Malloch argues that the apparent covert intelligence activity connected to the Trump campaign was not Russian, but Western.

Roh and Pastor’s prevailing thesis is that Papadopoulos’s “mission” was to bring Trump into contact with Russian officials. “That’s nuts,” Papadopoulos’s wife Mangiante told me in response to the book’s theory. “From ‘coffee boy’ to spy … George has been upgraded!” she joked, referring to the Trump campaign’s claim that Papadopoulos, a young energy consultant who joined the Trump campaign in March 2016, was so low-level that he was basically a “coffee boy.”

Papadopoulos was indicted in October for lying to federal agents about his contact with Mifsud and is now cooperating with Mueller’s investigation. He landed on the FBI’s radar after he drunkenly told an Australian diplomat in May 2016, one month after meeting with Mifsud, that Russia had dirt on Clinton, according to The New York Times. The diplomat purportedly relayed the details of his conversation with Papadopoulos to Australian government officials, who in turn flagged it to the U.S. government shortly after news surfaced that the DNC had been hacked. Papadopoulos’s inadvertent disclosure, combined with the massive data breach, is apparently what triggered the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe.

According to the book, Mueller interviewed another Mifsud associate in the summer of 2017: Ivan Timofeev, a program director at a Russian government-funded think tank who Mueller described in court filings as “connected to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” Mifsud connected Timofeev to Papadopoulos by email in the spring of 2016, according to the filings. Over lunch earlier this year, the book says, Timofeev described being stopped by the FBI at JFK in “mid-2017” and questioned about his relationship with Papadopoulos, the DNC hacks, and about the “thousands of emails with dirt on Hillary Clinton.” His cellphone and laptop were seized, too. Timofeev told the FBI that Papadopoulos “put forth the idea of a possible visit to Russia by Mr. Trump or his team members,” but that such a meeting never materialized. He told Papadopoulos that he was awaiting “an official request from the Donald Trump Campaign,” according to the authors.

Mifsud has virtually disappeared since his name was made public late last year. In their book, Roh and Pastor say that “the head of the Italian secret services contacted the President of LINK Campus, Vincenzo Scotti,” and recommended that Mifsud “disappear.” Since then, Mifsud “has been requested to hide, not to communicate, and not to speak to the press,” Roh and Pastor write. “He has been ‘put away’ and threatened to stay quiet.”
Party of Lincoln (Navigator)

Republicans Just Made It Easier For Auto Companies to Rob Black Consumers; Call Evidence of Discrimination ‘Junk Science’


The Republican Party policies of financial deregulation and rollback of civil rights enforcement have come together, as the U.S. Senate gives the green light for auto lenders to racially discriminate against Black and Latino consumers with more expensive loans.

In a vote on party lines, Republicans led by Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, with the aid of one Democrat — Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia — made use of the Congressional Review Act to overturn an Obama-era rule issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Issued in 2013, the guidance from the Obama administration explained that some car lenders that offer financing through dealerships engage in illegal and discriminatory markups that harm consumers and cost them tens of millions of dollars each year.

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