***Official Political Discussion Thread***

[QUOTE="Belgium, post: 31246338, member:
NYT: White House says Trump's tan is the result of ‘good genes’
Good lord...

I would KILL for these genes

Using tanning beds is associated with a significant increase in risk for skin cancer. This is especially true for white people. If this idiot has been regularly using tanning beds and hasn't developed skin cancer he's pretty lucky.
Can confirm the melanin glow on our President elect is indeed natural. Libs just need to appreciate that he is certifiably handsome and would never have to resort to beige Sunday pulpit suits like obummer to offset his personal glow.

Don don't crack. He's taken several dips in the Lazarus Pit. He is actually 450 years old but doesn't look a second past 80. Look at our President Elect laughing at Libs.

Using tanning beds is associated with a significant increase in risk for skin cancer. This is especially true for white people. If this idiot has been regularly using tanning beds and hasn't developed skin cancer he's pretty lucky.
Which is why I hope he tans as often as possible
This article is from June 8 2016, 1 day before the Trump Tower meeting.
Note that Trump had a meeting with Howard Lorber just one day before the Trump Tower meeting, and is described as a close friend of Trump.

Edit: Worked around the Bloomberg paywall, here it is.

Trump is starting to raise funds for a general election contest against Hillary Clinton after mostly relying on media attention and his own fortune to prevail in the Republican primary. Trump held his first fundraising event in California last week, and is planning gatherings in Texas, New York, and elsewhere over the coming days.

Clinton, for her part, has been assembling her fundraising infrastructure for more than a year. Just in the past three weeks, the main super-political action committee supporting her spent $5.7 million on advertising attacking Trump.

Several groups of Trump supporters are advancing plans for super-PACs, which can accept donations of as much as $1 million or more, but none has yet emerged as the dominant vehicle.

Trump, who had earlier pegged the cost of a presidential bid at $1 billion, said in the interview that he now sees no reason to raise even half that amount, because he can continue to rely on free media.

Like Trump himself, the real-estate executives he invited to today's meeting aren't staunchly partisan in their political giving. Over the years, Lefrak, Lorber, and Fascitelli, the biggest spenders of the bunch, have each given between $200,000 and $400,000 to federal races, according to Federal Election Commission records. Each gave at least a quarter of his money to Democrats. None of the five had donated to Trump as of April 30, the last day for which campaign contributions have been disclosed. None of the five returned phone calls or emails today.

LeFrak actually donated to a different candidate during the Republican primary—Governor John Kasich of Ohio.


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The man seriously has no clue. This isn’t real estate where you can just throw something together and then not pay the bill - moving an army and everything it requires is a huge undertaking. But how could anyone know that? It’s not like it’s been done before. Buhleeve me.
The link below is the full transcript of Trump's new interview on CBS. I have outlined some excerpts.

Here the president is defending the GRU/Internet Research Agency (IRA) by diminishing their election interference crimes as just being "bloggers", appearing to suggest they did nothing wrong.
Note that Mueller has also now accused Russia of leaking and altering (non-sensitive) discovery material from the Concord Management (IRA) case to start a new disinformation campaign against the Special Counsel investigation.

Aside from the lying about Russia, the indictment of Flynn's 2 business associates showed that Flynn was also secretly and illegally on the payroll of the Turkish government throughout the campaign all the way up to at least the Transition.
After the 11th hour stunt from Flynn's lawyers before his sentencing, the judge put Flynn under oath and he testified again that everything he admitted to in the indictment is correct.

First of all, Roger Stone didn't work on the campaign...except you when, when he did.
The time period Trump is referencing here is August 2015.

Excerpts from the Stone indictment about Stone's involvement with the campaign far beyond what Trump is lying about here:
After the July 22 2016 release of hacked DNC emails, a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact Stone about additional Wikileaks releases and what other damaging information Wikileaks had on the Clinton campaign. Stone thereafter told the Trump Campaign about potential future releases.

"Maintained regular contact with"

Regarding Roger Stone, Trump says it looks like he's "defending himself very well" and adds that you need to get rid of the Russia investigation(s).
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That's purely political because I don't think they realize that the stuff they're using as a talking point like gun control and abortion are probably still going to be reviewed by his replacement.

The man seriously has no clue. This isn’t real estate where you can just throw something together and then not pay the bill - moving an army and everything it requires is a huge undertaking. But how could anyone know that? It’s not like it’s been done before. Buhleeve me.

Not to mention he’s literally offering up other people’s lives at the cost of a pissing contest.
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