***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Democrats are soo weak. "If he keeps stonewalling we will just add that to another article of impeachment"

And? So? The hell does that do? Nothing. Yall not gonna do ****.
The impeachment process is doing its job, which is to highlight the crimes committed by Trump and the complicity of the GOP. My only concern is the time the process will take to eventually get him out: to be successful, a significant majority of the public has to be on the side of the House majority (Dems) and that gives Trump enough time to cause long lasting damage to the standing of the US regionally and internationally. We can fix our national/local laws, but we can't easily re-enter international agreements his administration decides to pull out of, and based on recent events, we will no longer be the partner of choice on a host of issues.

Essentially, Russia and China are winning thanks to Trump.
The ICIG is a Trump appointee and issued 2 criminal referrals after reviewing the complaint and determining it was credible and of urgent concern. One referral to the DOJ along with DNI Maguire but also a separate one to the FBI.
When this nightmare is over, we can't forget all the people that enabled and defended Trump while he made corrupt decision after corrupt decision. It will be so easy for many people to forget who was involved but we can't allow that to happen. They need to be held accountable for their role in this nonsense. If they can't face criminal charges, the only other way to hurt them is to kick them out of office.
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