***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This article was written by this dude....

In response to Trump being called an asset.

The relevant passage for consideration...

So yeah, I don't think it is so out of bounds to call Gabbard and an asset. She not only does she do and say things that align with Russia's interest, she spews Russian talking points constantly in the process.

I mean, if the argument is that the term asset should simply refer to "people who either knowingly or unknowingly accept [Russian] propaganda," as stated in the article, it is basically a meaningless term.
This dude is a child


so you really think that’s what he was getting at.
Bro that was three years ago, and y'all are just now taking issue with her and want to retroactively throw shade at Bernie and his "Bros" for her "rise"? And Jacobin, the much-derided organ of the Bernie left and especially those "Bros" has exactly two articles on Gabbard, both of them slamming her. But they're responsible for her ascent, huh? While you've intimated that Bernie was marginal to the recent leftward movement of the Democratic Party, he and a small contingent of his supporters are now primarily (solely?) responsible for the rise of Gabbard's national profile? I guess we're just gonna agree to disagree on these points.

While those photos are unfortunate given recent developments and may have been in bad judgment at the time (I don't know, no one I can recall was saying so at that time), this is still petty pearl clutching on y'all behalf. If we're gonna look through the archives at every person that the other candidates have taken photos with and said a nice word or two about and then blame them for whatever happened subsequently with those people, we're gonna be in for a long ****ing haul here.

That said, I do appreciate the clarification regarding which supporters you're referring to, though as you're probably aware, many folks use "Bernie Bros" as shorthand for his supporters in general. So, admittedly, I can be prone to react to it on those grounds.

-I meant it got so out of hand that the Jacobin (a proud full fledged member of the Bernie or Bust media) had to write articles to pushback on it. That goes to my point that support for her existed within the Bernie supporting left, that the title and the article is pushing back on this love Gabbard was getting from some progressives. Sorry if this was not clear.

-This argument makes no sense. I argue that Bernie by himself can't be given all the credit for the Dems leftward shift. I don't see how that somehow is contradictory to me saying a faction of his supporters are responsible for her rise. Knowingly or unknowingly people gave a ****** person a platform because their thought the goals aligned. I would freely admit I don't think Gabbard agenda align's with Sanders supporters, even so called Bernie Bros, that doesn't mean that are not complicit to getting eyes on her.

I added this to my last post, but when she was being considered for a cabinet position under Trump, look at what claim to fame news outlets were singling out...


Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a high-profile Bernie Sanders supporter during the Democratic primaries, is “under serious consideration” for various Cabinet positions in President-elect Donald Trump's administration, according to a senior official on the transition team.


Whoever the President-Elect taps to be his secretary of state will play a crucial role in shaping the President-Elect’s vision for the future of American foreign policy. One person reportedly “under serious consideration” to fill the position is United States Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), who made headlines in February when she resigned as vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee in order to endorse Bernie Sanders for President

-Again you are just whining here. Your issue now is that people (really me) not do something to other candidates that I did to Bernie. You admit it was bad judgment, but the real issue is that you feel me pointing it somehow unfair.

Me from a years past is you think I just decided now to start in on her...
Bernie Bros love them some Tulsi because she endorsed Bernie during the primary and quit the DNC because she felt they were being unfair to Bernie.

If you got to the usual Bernie Bros stomping grounds, the cape for he hard because of this.

She has a very hardline against ISIS and Syria, that borders of Islamophobia at times. She was rumored to be interested in joining the Trump cabinet, and was applauding Trump like crazy during his speech. But somehow let Bernie Bros tell it, she is a progressive hero because she should up to the DNC for Bernie.


When Steve Bannon like the way she thinks on foreign Policy, that should give everyone pause. Yet outlets like TYT (the Fox News of the Left) will give his woman a platform, unchecked whenever she wants as long as she criticizes the DNC, Hillary, or Obama.

Tell that to your girl Tulsi, she looking funny in the light

Bernie Bros love them some Tulsi because she endorsed Bernie during the primary and quit the DNC because she felt they were being unfair to Bernie.

If you got to the usual Bernie Bros stomping grounds, the cape for he hard because of this.

She has a very hardline against ISIS and Syria, that borders of Islamophobia at times. She was rumored to be interested in joining the Trump cabinet, and was applauding Trump like crazy during his speech. But somehow let Bernie Bros tell it, she is a progressive hero because she should up to the DNC for Bernie.


When Steve Bannon like the way she thinks on foreign Policy, that should give everyone pause. Yet outlets like TYT (the Fox News of the Left) will give his woman a platform, unchecked whenever she wants as long as she criticizes the DNC, Hillary, or Obama.

So spare me with assertion that critiquing Gabbard is something new to me.

-Oh please, it was more than a picture. She campaign with Sanders, she gave speeches at his events, was guess on outlets that heavily favored Sanders, and acted as one of his surrogates in the media a few times. Yes other politicians have made poor choices in giving people platforms, that doesn't change the fact Sanders and his supporters did that for Gabbard. And I didn't even place blame on Bernie himself, I would like to point out. I called out a ****** subset of his supporters. And it is not like I am putting her propaganda spewing on anyone but her.

So yeah, I get being a Sanders supporter you are sensitive to negative comments about Sanders and Sanders supporters. But with all due respect, since I show my work, I don't think I have to post in a way that make Sanders supporters more comfortable.
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I mean, if the argument is that the term asset should simply refer to "people who either knowingly or unknowingly accept [Russian] propaganda," as stated in the article, it is basically a meaningless term.
I don't think that is simply the argument in the article.

Even if it were, it would not being meaningless term in regards to Gabbard.

If you have a problem with the definition, cool, I was cite a source to pushback on the implication that I was simply moving the goalpost around to make something stick to Gabbard.
Y'all are surprised by this? I'm not...

So what, she is not a real progressive now? Is that what you are trying to imply?
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I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist but ish aint adding up.
NRA getting money from Russia.
Republicans meeting in Russia with Putin and taking NRA money. But guns illegal in Russia.
South Americans being locked in cages when they haven't broken the law. Which I think is a test to see where the majority of the US is. Jews were not the first.
White population not being the majority in the future.
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Jesus Christ. I read the whole thing. I wasn't aware of Germany's 20th century presence in south west Africa.

In 30 years on this earth, one thing I've learned is that I'll never fully grasp the extent of violence and savagery European nations have perpetrated against humanity.
I despise Gabbard but handullz handullz has a point as far as folks in here and beyond playing fast and loose with language regarding her. Repeatedly calling someone a “Russian asset” and then when pressed saying “Well, she might not actually be a Russian asset but the Russians like her rhetoric so it’s the same thing” is incredibly problematic, to say the least. And this is the kind of dynamic many of y’all would be on absolute fire about if it were coming from and/or directed toward other political corners.

Calling her a Republican plant would be way more accurate anyway.
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Jesus Christ. I read the whole thing. I wasn't aware of Germany's 20th century presence in south west Africa.

In 30 years on this earth, one thing I've learned is that I'll never fully grasp the extent of violence and savagery European nations have perpetrated against humanity.
They got in the colonialism game late, mostly to bolster their status as a European power. At the end of WWI, they lost all their territories to France and Great Britain.
I need to find the paper, but there was some research done into how effective Fox News in swinging opinions on the right wing. Like it is so strong it swings elections by a couple points.

i sincerely believe nixon stays in office in 2019 with Fox News and co there to back him
I need to find the paper, but there was some research done into how effective Fox News in swinging opinions on the right wing. Like it is so strong it swings elections by a couple points.

If JROSE5 had Coal Gang backing him up he would still be the Administrator of this website. Lots of disturbing things being revealed about the Steele Dossier as it relates to Meth and Gray Market sneakers.
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