***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Stephen's use of White Ice has made him look HANDSOME. The White Ice makes his hair look Amazing.
Of course. He'd have to fire most of the Inspectors General though. The Council of Inspectors General recently sent a letter DOJ with more than 70 signatories, including the DOJ Inspector General, stating that the OLC opinion that overruled the ICIG's determination and blocked the complaint from being transmitted to Congress was not supported by law. The letter also noted that DOJ's actions were a threat to the whistleblower system.


Yikes @dwalk31. 9 Black people are massacred in a church by a racist coward...and Trump’s Senior Policy Advisor is more concerned about confederate flags looking bad.

Most of those emails came from his time as Sessions' aide, so those emails may have been sent with a senate.gov address.

David Frum is also mentioned in it. Remember that when they try to reinvent themselves as never-Trumpists.
On top of that, she set up a very successful consumer protection agency under Obama, so she knows a thing or two about fighting large corporations and their owners.

I think the cfpb has been great to the extent it's been allowed to function. But I fear it will be cast out of existence by the supreme court soon

and why I don't get the Warren fear. In the age of a R supreme court and citizens united it's hard to see congress pass anything that could put a significant dent in economic inequality... regardless of who is POTUS and controls congress

a Warren/Biden/Bernie presidency probably don't look all that different from one another to billionaires/corporations
While there will be extra electoral attempts to unseat Bernie Sanders if he becomes President, I am starting to believe that capital will attempt a coup against Elizabeth Warren.

After seeing coups against Lula and Evo, it’s obvious that capital will oppose reformers as well as revolutionaries. Recall that in the 2000’s, Lula and Evo came you power as part of the “pink tide” which was a wave of elections where several left meaning but not revolutionary leaders got voted into power. Those new leaders emphasized that they would work with capital while pursuing social democracy.

Wealthy Brazilians and wealthy Bolivians stayed wealthy while extreme poverty was reduced and investors in New York and London still get a good rate of return on their bonds as well as their foreign direct investment into those Latin American Countries.

For the wealthy people in Latin America and for the investor class in the global north, shared prosperity was unacceptable for two reasons. One is that they could get higher rates of return these countries went back to neoliberal policies. The other reason is that even modest measures to reduce poverty disrupt the lord-serf, client-patron social relations that exists in Latin America.

The fact that capital cannot tolerate social democracy and growing rich at a somewhat slower pace should be a warning to workers in all countries.

cult 45 will be there, but they’re not enough

republicans can only continue to turn a blind eye for so long and little things like that help to chip away.. I mean obviously the representatives ain’t going do shh like support impeachment or the actual defense of things because that’s the end of them without all this BS even without the trump factor, but they’re too far down the hole at this point with this guy

going be funny as hell trying see them on the backend and try and deny things

Thing is they can't be criminals, that would mean they were arrested which would have lead to their deportation long ago and this wouldn't even be a topic.
Thing is they can't be criminals, that would mean they were arrested which would have lead to their deportation long ago and this wouldn't even be a topic.

Maybe it's because things to be outraged about are so plentiful, but it still amazes me that a sitting president can say things that are so ridiculously false and incredibly racist and no one bat an eye anymore.

The dude made up a racist lie, implying that immigrants turn into criminals and everybody just went along with their Tuesday. Again, you can say this about most things he does but it's still wild to me.
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