***Official Political Discussion Thread***

How does that question by Based Jesus Based Jesus ask who is better suited?

It simply asks, how can Bernie win if he couldn't even beat Biden. I explained how losing to Biden in the primary doesn't necessarily mean Bernie would lose to Trump in a general.
Now I showed receipts you want to bait me into a semantic argument about what "better suited" means

I'll pass. I have wasted enough of my time on your bad faith buffoonery
Meth literally had to threatening banning you multiple times so you could cut out a ton of your trolling behavior.

But keep acting like everyone else is acting in bad faith when they call you a troll.

Dude, you earned that reputation.

As if Meth hasn't had to ask you to chill in the past. . .

But none of that has to do with the discussion
Delk is just repeating the gop talking points that the mom was stolen from Bernie. The scumbag been in here for a while saying that about 2016 and is still continuing down that line of thought. As we all know the only thing delk actually knows about is milking the government teet for every drop of $ he can. Everything else out his mouth is ********
Yale's student body is majority White & Asian by a significant amount but I'm supposed to believe their "preferred" racial group is something else? Funny how disproportionate representation is only a problem when it's Muslims, non-white hispanics and black people. Barely at that.
There would be no Comey letter if Bernie was the nominee. That is the strongest argument for Bernie being able to defeat Trump.

Everything else is conjecture because at the end of the day he got washed in the 2016 primary as well. And public perception among the age group with the lowest turnout rates doesn't say that much.
Perhaps you will be called a troll next
No troll intended, I remember doing a few papers on the primaries & the projection was there months prior that if Hilary won the nom Trump would be our next president.

Also, media he outlets were not really covering Bernie for whatever reason so his popularity pretty much only online. Had he won the primary outlets would've had to cover him more & America would've been more receptive to campaign. Life long activism towards equality, "universal health, free education", etc. Dude had pics of him marching w/ MLK.

Bernie got the minority/youth vote while Hilary got the white/older (non)white vote:

Bernie is like Chance the Rapper. Should've been bigger, but won't b/c they missed their opportunity to peak.
Yale's student body is majority White & Asian by a significant amount but I'm supposed to believe their "preferred" racial group is something else? Funny how disproportionate representation is only a problem when it's Muslims, non-white hispanics and black people. Barely at that.

Trump's very independent DOJ hard at work combating systemic racism
Trump's DOJ just invoked the Civil Rights Act to say that an Ivy League college was discriminating against white people by allowing a *checks notes* 6% African-American presence on the campus. This is what dwalk31 dwalk31 votes for.
This is disgusting

These schools let in hundreds of legacies too, but no one says a peep about that because it is mainly white people.
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