***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Will the south ever change?

Not in our lifetime I dont think
Florida amendments were confusing af if you didn't already go in with an understanding of what they meant...

the language on the ballot were all a bunch of lawyer talk...
i knew this would happen in florida. i just knew it. i tried to tell everyone too but everyone was so hopeful. people see orlando, miami, and tampa and think thats representative of the state. when honestly, EVERYTHING besides those cities is hella country backwoods retirement-aged idiots who would shoot themselves before voting democrat even if it served their better interest. nothing ever changes.
i knew this would happen in florida. i just knew it. i tried to tell everyone too but everyone was so hopeful. people see orlando, miami, and tampa and think thats representative of the state. when honestly, EVERYTHING besides those cities is hella country backwoods retirement-aged idiots who would shoot themselves before voting democrat even if it served their better interest. nothing ever changes.

All of this
there have been some setbacks tonight (FL and TX) but there are encouraging signs everywhere. even Steve King, the racist Representative from Iowa, is currently losing.

winning the house is huge.

lots of ballot measures are being passed too that will improve voting rights for future elections.

we want to take leap forwards but in reality progress comes from many small steps forward.
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