***Official Political Discussion Thread***

REALLY good testimony that will play REALLY well for Trump, imo. Shows that he is willing to hire someone with a checkered past. Everyone deserves second chances and he gave Mr. Cohen one.
By threaten my family are you referencing him tweeting "Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot...?"

Yea, it is immature to "stomp a mud hole" in someone's butt for tweeting that.

If that tweet brings you to "righteous anger" then you should really try mindful meditation in the mornings.

As I'm sure you know, "he [or she] that angers you, controls you."
That last line does not work for me, it is too Christian, the very thing that enslaves people to White supremacy, then having them fear fighting for your freedom.
Righteous anger is just that, and anger is good. Anger, gets things done. Anger, is what put your man Trump in office. White rage against a Black President.
Perhaps you need to look in the mirror a bit more effectively, instead of looking with your eyes closed.


That last line does not work for me, it is too Christian, the very thing that enslaves people to White supremacy, then having them fear fighting for your freedom.
Righteous anger is just that, and anger is good. Anger, gets things done. Anger, is what put your man Trump in office. White rage against a Black President.
Perhaps you need to look in the mirror a bit more effectively, instead of looking with your eyes closed.

There are ways to fight without your fists. A lot of that understanding comes with maturity. Until then, stomp as many mud holes as you can until you find peace.

As it appears this dialogue is headed in a circular direction, we can agree to disagree--respectfully.
The D.C. Attorney General has now also issued a subpoena for Trump Inaugural Committee documents.
Washington Official Subpoenas Trump Inaugural Committee
The attorney general for the District of Columbia has subpoenaed documents from President Trump’s inaugural committee, the third governmental body to delve into how the fund raised $107 million and spent it to celebrate Mr. Trump’s swearing in.

The latest subpoena follows similar demands for documents by federal prosecutors in Manhattan and by New Jersey’s attorney general. The attorney general in Washington is a local official who enforces statutes governing the operation of nonprofit organizations like the inaugural committee.

No other recent inaugural committee has generated such intense scrutiny of its finances. Typically short-lived, the committees are charged with staging balls, concerts and black-tie dinners in the nation’s capital during inauguration week.

Mr. Trump’s inaugural committee raised and spent at least twice as much as its predecessors, but it ended in acrimony amid allegations of misspent funds. Federal prosecutors are examining whether foreigners illegally contributed to events using Americans as straw donors, a possible violation of criminal law. New Jersey authorities appear to be examining whether the committee obeyed civil statutes governing how nonprofit organizations raise funds, among other matters.
Karl A. Racine, the Washington attorney general, appears to be looking for any evidence of self-dealing. His subpoena said investigators are seeking to determine whether funds “were wasted, mismanaged and/or improperly provided private benefit, causing the committee to exceed or abuse its authority or act contrary to its nonprofit purpose.”

It seeks documents showing payments to the Trump International Hotel or the Trump Organization, including any communications related to “the pricing of venue rentals.” The committee paid Mr. Trump’s hotel $1.5 million for rooms, meals and the use of a ballroom.

The subpoena requests documents identifying what role three of Mr. Trump’s adult children — Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump — played on the committee. None of them had any official role in running the fund, which was led by Thomas J. Barrack Jr., a billionaire financier and friend of Mr. Trump’s.

It also seeks any payments to any committee official or official’s business, any agreements with a vendor in which a committee official had a financial interest and the committee’s conflict of interest policies.

The bulk of the Trump committee’s funds came from major corporations, such as AT&T, or wealthy Republican donors, such as Sheldon G. Adelson. Much of the money was spent on a concert at the Lincoln Memorial, three inaugural balls, several candlelight dinners and payroll.

A spokesman for Mr. Racine declined to comment on the subpoena. A spokesman for the committee said officials were in touch with Mr. Racine’s office about the inquiry.

Mr. Racine and Brian E. Frosh, the Maryland attorney general, have been pursuing a civil lawsuit claiming that Mr. Trump’s continued involvement in his business empire violates anticorruption clauses of the Constitution — a groundbreaking case that appears ultimately headed to the Supreme Court.
There are ways to fight without your fists. A lot of that understanding comes with maturity. Until then, stomp as many mud holes as you can until you find peace.

As it appears this dialogue is headed in a circular direction, we can agree to disagree--respectfully.
If we are using your behavior on this thread as the barometer of maturity, then you lose. However, if I want an example of cowardice, I'll look to you.
Nothing but facts.

Mf still expect you to stand up and praise that flag though and respect these devils. Got me ****ed up.
Don't get angry, it is immature! Tell you what, the right people get angry, EVERYBODY will be calling for change.
blonde mama over Cohen's left shoulder is killin me with her facial ad libs ....

great questions from ol boy from California after the break
Don't get angry, it is immature! Tell you what, the right people get angry, EVERYBODY will be calling for change.

Getting angry isn't immature.

"Stomping mud holes" in people because they tweet they hope your wife stays faithful when you go to prison is immature.

To remedy any ambiguity.
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