**Official Post Your Dog Thread**

Boxers are the best. I have one that's 7 1/2 yrs old. Just had to do emergency surgery one her. Turns out that she got into the baby wipes when the baby sitter went to pick my nephew up from school and ate 10 of them that blocked her stomach
Anybody own a cane corso or have had any experience with them? Im looking to get a cane corso, silver lab, or french bulldog. Yeah 3 completley diffrent size dogs.

Ive owned a choc lab before but im interested in the other two
Just a lil incident that happened today guys.

I was coming home and was about to make a right into my 7-11 gas station, right before i jump in the turn lane i glance over twd the gas station and i see a guy walking his dog and next thing u know he yanks the leash so fn hard the poor dog went 2-3 feet in the air and then aggressively grabs it by the collar and starts kind of dragging it, i see it and i turn into the gas station quick as ****.

I swerve right around to where he's at, hop out quick and im like "hey bruh u might feel like a tough guy doin that to a defenseless animal, try doin something like that to me" he's taken back and pretends to not know what im talkin bout. Dude is quite a bit bigger than me but i can hold my own so i wasn't intimated just aware. Im like "i fn saw u abusing that poor dog", and at this point the dogs barking at me (the irony) and im like "i will beat ur *** right now and take that poor thing away from u" dude is speechless now. Next thing i know his whole family comes out the store, wife, kids, etc, they were travelling from outta state or some ****. other ppl also start coming over to see what the commotion is. At this point im thinkin wtf do i do? beat him in front of them. 

So i kinda calm down and im like "learn to have patience with ur dog, don't abuse it and treat it better. u see how its defending u when i came at u? u could learn something". He says "ok ill keep that in mind next time" very nonchalantly. Im like ok and i hop back in the ride and still kinda pissed and dip out without even getting gas lol 

I think i might have overreacted but in the moment i just got so heated i was ready to catch a case.

Can't stand ppl who do that **** to dogs.
Anybody own a cane corso or have had any experience with them? Im looking to get a cane corso, silver lab, or french bulldog. Yeah 3 completley diffrent size dogs.

Ive owned a choc lab before but im interested in the other two
Got three of them. Still can't understand how they aren't as common as some large breeds. Most docile and easy to train dogs I've ever had.
Does anybody have experience with Fostering a dog temporarily? I recently moved to the Dallas area ( from NJ), and I work for a company and am guaranteed a 12 month contract, but could be extended for an extra 6 months. I have dogs back home in my parents house, but I feel as if I need one here but am uncertain of time of stay here. I know I will move back east after maximum of 2 years. Me and my girl live in a nice 1 Bedroom 800sq. ft, apartment. We've been thinking of Fostering a dog for the moment, instead of fully committing to adopt one. But my fear is that we will get too attached,and end up keeping it.

So is it better to help a poor dog out by keeping him a loving home instead of a shelter, even it is for a short period of time?
^ repped. Gotta let these scum bags know dog isn't a piece of property. They're family.
absolutely bro, id be ready to die if someone ever abused my pup, real talk. I love him more than most relatives n **** lol 
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Does anybody have experience with Fostering a dog temporarily? I recently moved to the Dallas area ( from NJ), and I work for a company and am guaranteed a 12 month contract, but could be extended for an extra 6 months. I have dogs back home in my parents house, but I feel as if I need one here but am uncertain of time of stay here. I know I will move back east after maximum of 2 years. Me and my girl live in a nice 1 Bedroom 800sq. ft, apartment. We've been thinking of Fostering a dog for the moment, instead of fully committing to adopt one. But my fear is that we will get too attached,and end up keeping it.

So is it better to help a poor dog out by keeping him a loving home instead of a shelter, even it is for a short period of time?
u can't take it back with u? cuz u will probably end up getting attached. and anytime u can foster a dog its great but adopting is way better bruh
One day during Christmas week, my pooch wasn't anywhere to be found... I went to our bedroom to find her sound asleep (snoring too) with her head on my pillow...


Has anyone here got their pet spayed/neutered?
Just got done with getting my girl spayed two weeks ago

Has anyone here got their pet spayed/neutered?

got my pup spayed about 6-7 months ago. just went to the SF ASPCA, as recommended by the vet

how was it? I honestly don't want my dog going under the knife. My mom also wants to put a chip inside her. :frown:
Thierry Henry Thierry Henry tbh it was pretty nervous, but everything went fine. she was out of it for a day or two because of the pain meds and it was kinda hard seeing her like that. but everything went well. we also got her chipped at the same time
I want a Siberian Husky as my next dog. Almost got one for $300 this past weekend. :smh:
Have a homie who got one four months ago. He's having difficulty socializing it with other dogs big time. Also shedding is no joke and very high strung.

Just be aware of their stubbornness but no two dogs are the same just giving you a little insight from what I've experienced.
My silky terrier has diabetes and a large tumor on his ribs.

Doc says the diabetes is more harmful to him at this point than the tumor. We're giving him shots but hes constantly losing weight, hes almost skin and bones. =\ Tumor is too large at this point to remove, its just a matter of time.

Had him since I was a junior in HS, hes seen me grow up, and ive seen him grow old. It sucks.
My silky terrier has diabetes and a large tumor on his ribs.

Doc says the diabetes is more harmful to him at this point than the tumor. We're giving him shots but hes constantly losing weight, hes almost skin and bones. =\ Tumor is too large at this point to remove, its just a matter of time.

Had him since I was a junior in HS, hes seen me grow up, and ive seen him grow old. It sucks.
Sorry to hear that man, it's the worst feeling to know you're helpless in trying to take care of your dog. Hope nothing but the best for ya.

My golden had cancer and hip dysplasia and it was the hardest thing to just watch him slow down over the last couple years of his life. Always kept a smile on his face no matter how much pain he was in, miss him til this day.
My silky terrier has diabetes and a large tumor on his ribs.

Doc says the diabetes is more harmful to him at this point than the tumor. We're giving him shots but hes constantly losing weight, hes almost skin and bones. =\ Tumor is too large at this point to remove, its just a matter of time.

Had him since I was a junior in HS, hes seen me grow up, and ive seen him grow old. It sucks.
Sorry to hear that man, it's the worst feeling to know you're helpless in trying to take care of your dog. Hope nothing but the best for ya.

My golden had cancer and hip dysplasia and it was the hardest thing to just watch him slow down over the last couple years of his life. Always kept a smile on his face no matter how much pain he was in, miss him til this day.
 Just found out my dog (french bulldog) Ollie has cancer on Saturday. He hadn't been eating all last week and kept throwing up. Took him to the local vet on thursday, then animal hospital friday. They've been trying to treat him with steroids. My dad told me he has either one month to live, or a year if they put him on Kemo. We just aren't sure what to do as its very expensive, like 2.5 k as of right now. He also is very skinny now. Sucks because he's my best friend and its hard knowing he's suffering, and time is clicking. He's only 6 too. He's still at the hospital doing testing, prob won't see him until wednesday since this snow hitting us hard right now. Even my other two dogs, jack russell terriers have been running around looking for him. I even keep yelling his name when I call the dogs to go for a walk/bathroom or feed them dinner. Then I quickly realize he's not here. Feels. 
 Just found out my dog (french bulldog) Ollie has cancer on Saturday. He hadn't been eating all last week and kept throwing up. Took him to the local vet on thursday, then animal hospital friday. They've been trying to treat him with steroids. My dad told me he has either one month to live, or a year if they put him on Kemo. We just aren't sure what to do as its very expensive, like 2.5 k as of right now. He also is very skinny now. Sucks because he's my best friend and its hard knowing he's suffering, and time is clicking. He's only 6 too. He's still at the hospital doing testing, prob won't see him until wednesday since this snow hitting us hard right now. Even my other two dogs, jack russell terriers have been running around looking for him. I even keep yelling his name when I call the dogs to go for a walk/bathroom or feed them dinner. Then I quickly realize he's not here. Feels. 
 -- DAMN, suck bro ....keep your head up 
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