**Official Post Your Dog Thread**

GUYS!!! i havent had a puppy in 10 years so im soooo out of the game...potty training how do you do it? my almost 4 month old french bulldog is sooo freaking stubborn and my man will not go outside for anything...what do i do?
Positive reinforcement.

If he continues, you might have to isolate him to a confined area. Let him out just to pee and poop (celebrate him with treats and good boy) and put him back and repeats for a couple days.
GUYS!!! i havent had a puppy in 10 years so im soooo out of the game...potty training how do you do it? my almost 4 month old french bulldog is sooo freaking stubborn and my man will not go outside for anything...what do i do?

lol frenchies are notoriously stubborn. consitency and lots of treats. he’ll get there it’ll just take time. bring treats with you in walks and make sure to praise and reward anytime they he goes outside. seems kinda ridiculous but get excited and he’ll notice and like the attention.

my girl frenchie was a pain to potty train, but my boy got in a couple weeks. just keep at it!
GUYS!!! i havent had a puppy in 10 years so im soooo out of the game...potty training how do you do it? my almost 4 month old french bulldog is sooo freaking stubborn and my man will not go outside for anything...what do i do?

Patience, they are EXTREMELY STUBBORN AS PUPPIES...I trained mines to go on the wee wee pad and I remember getting home from work at 7am, taking her out the crate and sitting with her in my bathroom with a wee wee pad for about 3 hours...it was hell...she would literally lay on the pad like that was her bed...eventually she started getting the hang of it, now I have a very clean dog, she goes in the same spot, ALL THE TIME and even at my in laws I just bring a pad and if she has to go she finds it and goes...incredible breed...I’ve always had dogs, and my Frenchie is the most tender, sweetest thing, loves affection..
For those that asked, the brand is Pawmain...not only are the designs dope as hell, but the quality is actually very good....I’ve bought so many pieces off dude..lol
Patience, they are EXTREMELY STUBBORN AS PUPPIES...I trained mines to go on the wee wee pad and I remember getting home from work at 7am, taking her out the crate and sitting with her in my bathroom with a wee wee pad

We wanted our Frenchie to go outside in our patio, so we started with a Large Pee Pad that we had next to the door. Surprisingly, we never used treats to potty train him. *shrugs*
I have 2 daughters so they helped A LOT. Potty training was literally like watching a newborn baby. You really couldn't take your eyes off him unless he was eating/laying down/sleeping.
So any time he had an accident, we'd plop him right on the pad immediately.
then it got to a point where if we noticed him squat, we'd yell "NO" to somewhat stall him, then pick him up and drop him on the pee pad and after a few minutes (or so) he'd go.
once he got used to the pad, we finally removed it and anytime he'd to go that spot we'd just open the door and he'd go right outside.

Now, what he'll do is go to the sliding door and just stand there looking back at us to open it. :lol: If we're lazy, we'll wait for him to knock on the door. That's usually our cue to open the door for him.
Im going to have to try all that. But yes this little baby is soooo stubborn. Hes wewe pad trained for now but i would like to get him to go outside.
Don't confuse him. Find one method and stick to it for now at least. For me, we have a small backyard so my boys can relieve themselves out there but thankfully in a pinch, they will use the pads.

However, if you are upstairs in an apt for example, going outside might take too long. In that case, pads are most optimal.

Damn it man...**** got me right in the feels...is crazy how nurturing dogs can be when you need them most, I’ve been dealing with a tooth infection and been trying to extract it all week but can’t take the anesthetic...my baby doesn’t leave my side for one second...usually she’s always around us, but these past few days if I’m in bed she comes up and puts her head right next to mines and just falls asleep there and won’t move unless I do...as humans we don’t deserve dogs, they are truly incredible animals.


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Jesus wasn't the only one born on the 25th. Celebrated my boy's first birthday as well.




By Canada Pooch for those who are curious. At roughly 35lbs, I got him a size 20 and it fits perfectly


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Jesus wasn't the only one born on the 25th. Celebrated my boy's first birthday as well.




Great looking dog. And nice cake. Did you guys bake it yourselves, or get a special one?

We adopted our Dog on Valentine's day, so we also celebrate his BDAY as well. Since we adopted him as a rescue, we don't have his birth information.

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Great looking dog. And nice cake. Did you guys bake it yourselves, or get a special one?
My girlfriend actually was in culinary school for baking and has made treats for our pups in the past, but this cake was from a local pet store in Philly. Rice cake jawn.

Our dogs loved it of course.
It never fails SMH, every year there are news reports that pets were left outside in this cold weather! Just the other day in my town, one froze to death.

I don't understand these owners, how could you be so dumb?
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