**OFFICIAL** Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 (PES 2013) Thread ***OUT NOW***

May 28, 2009
Last year's game was a significant improvement and 2013 looks/feels promising. I honestly think that 2013 will be comparable if not better than FIFA. I just think it has a more real feel for football. Checkout demo #2. I believe the game drops next week.
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I loved the demo.

The players actually make smart runs and don't leave me hanging like FIFA does.

Plus i enjoy the controls much more. very fluid
^^Looks like it is me and you Bubba :lol:

But yeah, I actually am a very intense FIFA player but prefer PES. It just feels more real and like you said the players instinctively make better football moves. There also more lil touches that polish it into more of a cultural vibe from an international football perspective. If that makes any sense.

I feel like what is happening with PES and FIFA mirrors what happened with Madden '05 and NFL 2k5. 2K5 was the better game on the actual field while Madden was very good as well but strived off of its name
I remember there being a few PES fans on NT
I'm a Winning Eleven fan... always have been since the Super Nintendo days... but just stopped playing it since 2010.  No particular reason.  Never really was into FIFA.  

Maybe I'll take the demo for a spin.
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Wow did not expect to see this thread lol.

I am a big PES fan. I have always liked it better then FIFA. It's funny because i would always tell my friends PES is way better. (winning eleven at the time). And of course no one ever believed me and said the game sucked.

If you have ever played soccer you should like PES better. The game just moves and feels more realistic. The runs, the defense, the AI, the little movements of the players, the way they trap the ball the way they make contact with shots based on body position. Little details like opening up for certain passes and hesitation dribbles. Its just a better playing game.

Fifa has all the licensing and glamor...but gameplay means more to me.

I haven't played the new demo yet. Looking forward to it though. Fixes i really want from last year is the damn shooting system. I feel like the whole thing was broken. Shots going no where near the goal from point blank rang. I have games i out shoot teams 15-3 and its a 0-0 draw.
Last year's game was a significant improvement and 2013 looks/feels promising. I honestly think that 2013 will be comparable if not better than FIFA. I just think it has a more real feel for football. Checkout demo #2. I believe the game drops next week.
Sorry I had to. There is a reason FIFA is the number one selling sports franchise. I downloaded the demo for PES 2013 and it was
. I do admit it was fluid but FIFA still trumps it. Online gameplay, more licensing for teams, the A.I. improves and the attacking intelligence so players make better runs. I dont think this compares to Madden 05 and NFL 2K5 even though I was myself a fan of 2K5 and still hope for a return. It all comes down to personal preferences, so the winner can only be decided by the buyer.
True. But they do not have better attacking intelligence and run better lines tho. In FIFA strikers stay in they areas but in PES they naturally move to The area were they are mostly like to make a play on the ball. So instead of Ronaldo always being at the bottom he can end up anywhere on the pitch. I don't recall ever seeing stiff like that in FIFA
And to be a lil more specific, in FIFA when you send a player he runs in a straight line. In PES, he does whatever he can to bend his run or will take off in a different direction completely depending on the defense. He can end up where ever which forces you to be patient and learn the different passes/crosses etc. Those little touches do it for me. I will probably get FIFA as well tho since I still love it :lol:. Ultimate team is a blast. I just love football
They changed it in fifa 13 so the attacking can break down defenses. Also all players dont have a perfect touch on the ball so defense can capitalize. And the player engine is realistic and fluid now. The demo is so short though.
Played FIFA 12 yesterday after awhile away And it was very frustrating. Never thought I would say that
Haven't played the FIFA 13 that all my soccer friends were so amped about. Never tried PES once in my lifetime. Here's my dilemma, loved FIFA 11. Played it religiously. FIFA 12, not so much. New defensive engine took some getting used to and I felt the computer on Legendary setting was darn near impossible to beat even with a stacked Madrid or City squad. This coming from a guy who won comfortably on the highest difficulty for FIFA 11 in career mode, UT, etc. Also tend to beat all my hometown friends in FIFA as well as online players, for the most part.

Is there any chance PES 13 can sway me astray from the FIFA franchise?
PES is promising, but I'll just have the best of both worlds and cop FIFA 13 and PES.
Maaaaaan... i remember when this was THE football game to have.

But ever since they made the jump to the current generation of consoles, fifa have got their **** together and PES has been woeful :smh: |I
PES is promising, but I'll just have the best of both worlds and cop FIFA 13 and PES.
Makes sense but I don't play video games enough to drop the money for both and still get value playing both games. It's one or the other for me. Probably sticking with FIFA because I trust the franchise.
I have more fun playing PES than I do playing FIFA

I'm not really great at football games but for some reason I can't beat my younger brother at FIFA, I'll have damn near 65% possesion and lose 3-1 because I get burned on the counter

PES I actually can pull a few W's

To me both games have their pro's and con's

Probably end up buying both, not sure which system as of yet :rolleyes

Anyone FIFAers who never tried PES should check out the demo..
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True. But they do not have better attacking intelligence and run better lines tho. In FIFA strikers stay in they areas but in PES they naturally move to The area were they are mostly like to make a play on the ball. So instead of Ronaldo always being at the bottom he can end up anywhere on the pitch. I don't recall ever seeing stiff like that in FIFA

completely agree. I remeber screaming at the screen whishing RVP would make a damn run towards me instead of staying in the damn box >:
maybe i should try the second demo they dropped. the first one i wasnt too impressed with
maybe i should try the second demo they dropped. the first one i wasnt too impressed with

Played the second demo.....man its way too short. But that being said....there is no better feeling then scoring a goal in PES.

I really enjoyed the second demo and it looks like the offensive intelligence has been increased. But you can't use the D-Pad to play. I have always been a D-Pad over joystick person....idk why just seemed more natural to me. Guess i have to transition now to joystick.

But the ability to hit shoot then shoot again right before the player kicks the ball to make it knuckle is nice. I like that they are trying to give you more options when it comes to shooting. No more hit square and he does what ever he wants. Had a nice goal with CR7 cutting in from the corner of the box and hitting a knuckle shot right into the side netting :smokin felt john goodman


Getting pretty rave reviews around the interwebz
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I like the review. PES is very hard indeed but it makes each moment that much more rewarding.

The game just still lacks the licensing issues but it is whatev for me personally. I get to play with my teams still :lol:
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