Official Real World Cancun Post

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

this season looks lame but at least the girls are
. I will stay tuned
1. Jasmine aint rly that cute , yall need to stop that nonsense
2. the chicks are cute for actual standards , but not for television 'Real World' standards . wouldnt come close to the top 5 of best looking femalecasts . Emilie would get murked and so would Jonna , but the way shorty is all lovey dovey w her man is annoyin as hell
3. MTV needs to realize that casting a black male = ratings and entertainment
4. IMO MTV needs to step their casting game up too . each season needs to have at least one chick who is
and this season doesnt have one

overall , its looking kinda stale from the first episode . only thing that can really save this season is if the fights are nuts , because nobody is reallyinterested in the potential love affairs that might pop off
i wish they would make the show REAL again instead of casting can almost always see peoples role in the house the first episode...

they to worried about casting good looking people that end up just boring...i'd rather have average people that bring drama/laughs

dude ain't even walk the girl to the door after he smashed...
CJ planting the seeds with Joanna.

She's gonna have to get that "promise piercing" removed before this season is over.
Originally Posted by DaGreatJ

I would go raw on all of them........nah I'd wear a condom
why? if she gets preggo in another country, you're not liable...that's the rule right?
MTV setting up these jobs so someone can get sent home.

These people got on Real World to basically have no fun.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

MTV setting up these jobs so someone can get sent home.

These people got on Real World to basically have no fun.

And in Cancun no less.

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