Official: Revised Lebron IX Thread. MVP's revealed! MV's WILL have toddler sizes! 6/2

OOOOO my!!!!

Just got my Swingmans to go with my Mangos. Now in hunt for Some Cannons.

Btw, i got them NDS for just approx. $93. Owner didn't like them that much.
Hoping you guys can help... I finally got a chance to pick up some South Beach 9's but don't have the pink laces.  Anyone know where I can get a pair?

Thanks for the help

My only pair of IXs so my list goes:

1. Taxi
2. Taxi
3. Taxi
4. Taxi
5. can't decide
^So many GRs on that list...:lol

Did they have to be GRs?
Nah, feel free to put whatever you want man. No hate here. Just thought it was funny that your list stood out with all those unreleased PEs that most of us probably couldn't even hope to get our hands on, but seeing the stuff you've been able to get, I'm sure you probably own all or most of them. Some of the stuff you have is just in a whole other league lol
Nah, feel free to put whatever you want man. No hate here. Just thought it was funny that your list stood out with all those unreleased PEs that most of us probably couldn't even hope to get our hands on, but seeing the stuff you've been able to get, I'm sure you probably own all or most of them. Some of the stuff you have is just in a whole other league lol

Being a PE don't immediately make it better. That's what's wrong with **** nowadays.

Only one I'd put in the same category as Big Bangs, Chinas or Cannons is the MVP Elites. That's just me thou.
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I found a pair of Cannons locally for a good price, but they're an 11.5...I only own one pair of IX's and those are my Chinas which are a size 12...Debating if I should roll the dice and pick up the Cannons, but I think they'd be too small. My TTS is an 11, and my size 12 Bron is tight in the toebox, but a bit loose in the heel. I'm pretty sure the 11.5 would be impossible to do in the toebox. Had the same problem with the Lebron X but way worse to the point that they were unwearable for me.
I wouldn't mess around with going down on sizes in the 9s, my true foot size is a 10 and i do 10.5 in 9s and that is plenty snug, I could not imagine doing a 10, and I bet 11 would be ideal for me but never tried a pair on
I wouldn't mess around with going down on sizes in the 9s, my true foot size is a 10 and i do 10.5 in 9s and that is plenty snug, I could not imagine doing a 10, and I bet 11 would be ideal for me but never tried a pair on
Yeah I decided to back out of that deal. Gonna grab a pair of Swingmans in a 12 instead.
^I agree. Looks good with black laces. They should've given us those instead of the junk kevlar laces.
Anyone have an idea of what to use for the gold on the elites. The paint comes off way to easy.

Still posting childish gifs? Wow....keep doing you buddy
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