Official Revised LeBron X Thread: Pressures Launch 11/2 Details pg. 1

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you wanna take it there :lol: But I get what buddy is saying--- the purpose of a cell is to make calls; the purpose of shoes are to cover our feet. Technically we should all be walking around with flips and payless shoes .... BUT... because of "unseen hands" we want things for obscene prices and we justify it in our minds.
The truth of the matter is we have no business paying these prices for MATERIALS THINGS THAT DEPRECIATE IN VALUE, yet we do :smh: I said 'we' cuz I'm coppin' lebrons and the iphone 5, so I'm technically part of the problem. the difference between myself and alotta other people though is I'm not in denial about it .

Problem is that idiocy of the common American consumer is the backbone and root of America's almighty success and wealth. If we all paid minimum price for bare essentials we'd be the Chinese kids making these shoes instead of the "low self esteem" Americans buying them. We are what we are, I too will be buying the iPhone 5 even tho I own the iPhone 4S but me being the smart consumer I am I will sell my iPhone 4S for $300+ to someone that desperately wants any iPhone therefore making my iPhone 5 upgrade free for me. It's all basic economics. I honestly think these particular Lebron X's will sit longer than we all expect especially with the releases that will come out on the same day and the Jordan Brand hurricane that's going to hit this fall and winter season. Yay choices!
Well, I have the LG Lucid, and it does the same damned thing as that IPhone 5
, just like my other kicks do the same damned thing as that LeBron X!
Well, I have the LG Lucid, and it does the same damned thing as that IPhone 5:rofl: , just like my other kicks do the same damned thing as that LeBron X!

That's awesome for you! Personally I've never paid for a phone with Verizon. Got the LG Dare back in 07' for free when I signed up with Verizon and thanks to my constant complaints and ability to sell a last generation item I've gone from that LG Dare to a Blackberry Curve to a Motorola Droid to a Droid 2 to a Droid X to a Droid X2 to a iPhone 4S to the upcoming iPhone 5 all for free. I use these crap material Retro Jordan's in the same fashion to collect Lebrons and Pennys. There aren't many shoes I pay for at all these days. Call me a resellers or whatever you like, just keeping that economic cycle moving. I feel like getting the Olympic X's because it would complete the pack of shoes Lebron had his greatest season of his career wearing. Still kinda undecided tho...
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Here we go

Of course there will be people who are sheep enough to spend $300 after tax on a mediocre looking shoes. And please save the old "I buy because of the technology" line. It's all gimmick. Full length 8 mm zoom, new generation flywire, lunar foam etc cost 5 cent to make and they aren't going to make you play any better than a pair of 2k4 or hyperdunk. $300 is unacceptable. Would you still spend $300 on this mediocre shoes if it wasn't dubbed the Lebron X? What if Nike make the same shoes but call it the Nike air max whatever and release it as GR? Would you still spend 300 for it? lol

That's why the average consumer are sheep. Self esteem issue and good marketing ploy got the best of yall. Now why do i say self esteem? Because there are people out there who wouldn't leave their house feeling good or feeling in unless they have on the latest Lebron or Foamposite whatever. Take away all the bling, expensive kicks and designer clothes etc and they're left with an image they can't accept lol. Self esteem issue is what it is. They got to have the latest trend in order to feel better lol. There are actually kids out there who believe snap back and foam will get them laid lol.

A good marketing can make anything sell because the studies have shown that majority of consumer tend to buy stuff they want more than stuff they actually need. Releasing a shoes like this in limited quantity will create a buzz among the sneaker community. Now everyone got to have it. Because it's the "in" item. Joe the shoes collector would feel better if he has the Lebron X over his fellow buddy who happen to miss out or didn't get the shoes on release day lol. Then the smart reseller come in. I actually like these guys because they know how to take advantage of these so called sheep consumer lol. It's just a great example of capitalism. lol
Of course they're people who buy things solely off of hype. That isn't a new phenomenom but you make it seem like everyone who gets the USA Xs is doing so just because they're hyped and limited instead of legitimately liking the shoe.

And you say the Xs are a "mediocre looking shoe"; that's you're opinion which you are entitled to, but you don't speak for anyone but yourself.

Someone else could find the Xs to be amazing and thus have no qualms about paying $270 plus for a pair.
That's awesome for you! Personally I've never paid for a phone with Verizon. Got the LG Dare back in 07' for free when I signed up with Verizon and thanks to my constant complaints and ability to sell a last generation item I've gone from that LG Dare to a Blackberry Curve to a Motorola Droid to a Droid 2 to a Droid X to a Droid X2 to a iPhone 4S to the upcoming iPhone 5 all for free. I use these crap material Retro Jordan's in the same fashion to collect Lebrons and Pennys. There aren't many shoes I pay for at all these days. Call me a resellers or whatever you like, just keeping that economic cycle moving. I feel like getting the Olympic X's because it would complete the pack of shoes Lebron had his greatest season of his career wearing. Still kinda undecided tho...
Now this I can dig. I play the market and use others thirst to obtain things I want for free lol.
The cell analogy doesn't work that well anymore, because the last thing that most people do with smart phones these days is make calls. A better analogy would be paying the premium for an iPhone just because of the brand. It doesn't actually work better, and in some cases actually has WORSE specs than androids, windows phones, [insert competing brand here], but because it's from Apple you've automatically GOT to have it.
People buy iPhones for the same reason they buy Lebrons, they won't help you do whatever it is you're doing better, but they sure are pretty to look at.

**** outta here--- most people use SMART phones to do the DUMBEST **** (facebook, tweet, instagram, ) man miss me with that.

And you can still do all of that on a flip phone... or a you can get a low range smartphone that can still do all of that for 3/4s of the price of an iphone
Problem is that idiocy of the common American consumer is the backbone and root of America's almighty success and wealth. If we all paid minimum price for bare essentials we'd be the Chinese kids making these shoes instead of the "low self esteem" Americans buying them. We are what we are, I too will be buying the iPhone 5 even tho I own the iPhone 4S but me being the smart consumer I am I will sell my iPhone 4S for $300+ to someone that desperately wants any iPhone therefore making my iPhone 5 upgrade free for me. It's all basic economics. I honestly think these particular Lebron X's will sit longer than we all expect especially with the releases that will come out on the same day and the Jordan Brand hurricane that's going to hit this fall and winter season. Yay choices!

my man--- how you gonna get the upgrade price but you got a 4s :nerd:
my man--- how you gonna get the upgrade price but you got a 4s :nerd:

I know this isn't Lebron related but I'll explain this and try to make it relevant to Nike in some fashion.

So basically what I did was used the fact that my Motorola Droid, Droid 2, X, and X2 all had these various ridiculous glitches and defects into convincing Verizon reps that it was the Android OS with the real problem and not the actual hardware so I got them to change my phone to the iPhone 4 back in March 11' then I used the excuse of an Apple forced iOS update causing my iPhone 4 to act insane in which they switched me to the 4S last September so the Hardware could work better with the updated software. This entire time keeping my upgrade eligibility intact because the upgrades were considered manager exceptions instead of customer upgrades. Therefore I still have my upgrade from 2010 available to my disposal when I so choose to use it on the iPhone 5. Now to make this relevant to Nike, I do the same thing to Nike's customer service reps in regards to the 10% off, 15% off, and 20% off coupon codes that I get for various quality complaints about the products they send me. As a consumer you're going to get shafted by a company but its your job as said consumer to use that company's ability to afford to take a loss here and there to your advantage.

Sorry for the long explanation. GO CONSUMER! :D
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I know this isn't Lebron related but I'll explain this and try to make it relevant to Nike in some fashion.
So basically what I did was used the fact that my Motorola Droid, Droid 2, X, and X2 all had these various ridiculous glitches and defects into convincing Verizon reps that it was the Android OS with the real problem and not the actual hardware so I got them to change my phone to the iPhone 4 back in March 11' then I used the excuse of an Apple forced iOS update causing my iPhone 4 to act insane in which they switched me to the 4S last September so the Hardware could work better with the updated software. This entire time keeping my upgrade eligibility intact because the upgrades were considered manager exceptions instead of customer upgrades. Therefore I still have my upgrade from 2010 available to my disposal when I so choose to use it on the iPhone 5. Now to make this relevant to Nike, I do the same thing to Nike's customer service reps in regards to the 10% off, 15% off, and 20% off coupon codes that I get for various quality complaints about the products they send me. As a consumer you're going to get shafted by a company but its your job as said consumer to use that company's ability to afford to take a loss here and there to your advantage.
Sorry for the long explanation. GO CONSUMER!
Bravo bruh Bravo
I know this isn't Lebron related but I'll explain this and try to make it relevant to Nike in some fashion.
So basically what I did was used the fact that my Motorola Droid, Droid 2, X, and X2 all had these various ridiculous glitches and defects into convincing Verizon reps that it was the Android OS with the real problem and not the actual hardware so I got them to change my phone to the iPhone 4 back in March 11' then I used the excuse of an Apple forced iOS update causing my iPhone 4 to act insane in which they switched me to the 4S last September so the Hardware could work better with the updated software. This entire time keeping my upgrade eligibility intact because the upgrades were considered manager exceptions instead of customer upgrades. Therefore I still have my upgrade from 2010 available to my disposal when I so choose to use it on the iPhone 5. Now to make this relevant to Nike, I do the same thing to Nike's customer service reps in regards to the 10% off, 15% off, and 20% off coupon codes that I get for various quality complaints about the products they send me. As a consumer you're going to get shafted by a company but its your job as said consumer to use that company's ability to afford to take a loss here and there to your advantage.
Sorry for the long explanation. GO CONSUMER! :D

maaaaaaan, these days and I don't even have the energy to really go with CS like I used to (shout out to my SERO days :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: )

That's dope though.... I'm hatin' :lol: :smh:

I plan on moving my 4s for 300, but I'll most likely have to come outta pocket the whole price. I read somewhere though after Nov. 1 it'll go down to 550 from 650 tho :\
Yeah I think they are GS shoes. I thought the GS came with jeweled swooshes and translucent soles. Guess not.
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so you researched my posts and quoted them to show what? that i shy away from corny internet beefing? and i have an opinion on what i think corny is?

bottom line is, i didnt say anything about you personally. i just said adidas designs sucks. i'm not sure why you took that personally? i dont take it personal when you come in a nike thread and speak your opinion about nike.

i've got no beef with you. even if i did...on the internet, no point to it.
Of course they're people who buy things solely off of hype. That isn't a new phenomenom but you make it seem like everyone who gets the USA Xs is doing so just because they're hyped and limited instead of legitimately liking the shoe.

And you say the Xs are a "mediocre looking shoe"; that's you're opinion which you are entitled to, but you don't speak for anyone but yourself.

Someone else could find the Xs to be amazing and thus have no qualms about paying $270 plus for a pair.
No the majority of people buying these shoes were sucked into hype. How do i know it? Because i can bet you that these Xs will sell out in matter of seconds on release day.  That's pure definition of hype for you. They will end up on Ebay and Craiglist within matter of days after it too as a matter of fact.
so there is no way you can like the way these look, be able to afford these, and wanna ball in these?
No the point is for you to ask yourself if these worth $300 and will it make you play better than any other performance shoes that cost half or even 1/4 of the cost.

Nobody is stopping you from throwing your money away lol. Nike and Lebron win as soon as these fly off shelves
No the majority of people buying these shoes were sucked into hype. How do i know it? Because i can bet you that these Xs will sell out in matter of seconds on release day.  That's pure definition of hype for you. They will end up on Ebay and Craiglist within matter of days after it too as a matter of fact.

this happens with almost every limited nike/jordan basketball release. IMO, that doesnt indicate hype at all.
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**** outta here--- most people use SMART phones to do the DUMBEST **** (facebook, tweet, instagram, ) man miss me with that.
And you can still do all of that on a flip phone... or a you can get a low range smartphone that can still do all of that for 3/4s of the price of an iphone
Just like i said in my previous post.

Consumer today are sheep

That's why most of the time you see all these non tech people with iphone 4 and soon the 5. Like they really be making apps or program on it. lol No they just want to buy an iphone because it's an iphone.

That's why they say America is land of opportunity. It's the best place where you can take advantage of so many simple minded consumer and make $ off it.

Only in America where you find regular people who would be ok to pay $300 for a simple device like Beat headphone lol.
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