Update on what I understand about LeBron X releases (obviously a lot has changed recently)
9/22 - Crown Jewels...I knew nothing about them...sorry
9/29 - USA will only be available in the $270 version...HOH for sure...don't know about other places...assume Nike retail as well...
10/4 - Blue Diamond...there will be BOTH $270 and $200 versions...$270 will be available @ HOH and Nike retail...$200 version at all other retailers (this is a release date change)
11/4 - Black/White/Red...same as the Blue Diamonds in terms of pricing and distribution (this is a release date change)...
11/10 - China Jade...$180 version only (all retailers will have these, in limited QTYs)
11/21 - Chain stores will have their own specific colors...$180 retails
12/1 - Black Diamond...$180 retails (this is a release date change)