Official RW/RR Challenge The Duel 2 Thread: Ryan and Robin Are Eliminated

Originally Posted by nanbeezy

Im starting to think this is scripted because EVERYTIME CT and Adam are on the same show=Fight! Yet, I will keep watching and I agree that it attracts viewers.
How does that prove its scripted, if anything that says the opposite cause that means the tension is more authentic. I dunno though i never seenCT and Adam fight before.
Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

The lame black guy...The cool black guy is still in it.

This guy has to be Nehemiah he keeps saying how cool he is throughout the thread
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by nanbeezy

Im starting to think this is scripted because EVERYTIME CT and Adam are on the same show=Fight! Yet, I will keep watching and I agree that it attracts viewers.
How does that prove its scripted, if anything that says the opposite cause that means the tension is more authentic. I dunno though i never seen CT and Adam fight before.
Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

The lame black guy...The cool black guy is still in it.

This guy has to be Nehemiah he keeps saying how cool he is throughout the thread

Nehemiah is not cool.
He was %$%$%#% around with Beth's wrinkled self.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Wonder if CT would step to a dude like Tyree like that..

Tyree is a fool
this season has some promise. not much drama other than that fight though from the looks of the previews. i'd wanna see CT againstsomeone like...brad...or evan...or the MIZZZ!!!!
but yea im sure bradwould be a match for CT i remember couple challenges ago they were pittin in the gauntlet...or inferno or whatever and i think Brad won but just by a little.they shoulda had Wes on this season
dude tore up the competitions whenhe was on the challenges. one where he carried a dead weight casey all the way to the finals...he LITERALLY carried her @$% to the finals and he also won theduel which had male contestants such as CT...brad...derrick...evan...johnny bananas...and kenny! dude was a beast on the challenges...and i really wish Gregdid some challenges...

But yea CT has been a bully since real world paris. and i remember dude got big outta no where! i remember he wasnt THAT big and boom he blew up outta nowhere...seemed like he got taller more leannn but im surprised dude hasnt won that many challenges...maybe cause he always gets booted off

and WHY they bring MJ back?!?!?! dude is always a back up. i think he was a back up in like 2 challenges already....they dont consider him for the firstcalling but when someone gets booted there he is
im sure dude ispraying someone gets in a fight and gets booted so he can come in.

but i hope Landon or Brad wins for the Males and Paula or Robin wins for the female...after all this is a numbers game and if you're not coo with everyoneand you're new you're pretty much done...and speaking of females...Shauvon is
girl look like she should be in some porn industrythough
and even IF diem is in "love" with CT and all sheshouldnt be mad at him in the first place. shes the one that said ohh "career first" 5 years later maybe we'll have something and %$@%...what youexpect CT to sit around and wait till her careers good? ****! and its her !%%!%@ fault taht adam and CT got in a fight in the first place! shes over therecrying saying its her fault...%!$+$ it is your fault! i hate $%$%%$# like that that get in the middle of things and is the reason dudes fight over them
andadam should just shut the !#*# up! dude over here tryna be captain save-a-ho and %$@% then he starts runnin away from CT?!
%$@% i would if i saw *$#$!@# Wolverine chasin me around

but yea thats my lil blog/vent reason it was so late was cause i had worked late and didnt get to catch this till earlier on my Tivo so yea i think this is thefirst challenge where everyone is into it...hopefully yall are active through out the season and post here and keep this thread alive cause i know i will. yallshould psot your predictions as well heres mine
Male: Landon
Female: Paula
Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Wonder if CT would step to a dude like Tyree like that..

Tyree is a fool
this season has some promise. not much drama other than that fight though from the looks of the previews. i'd wanna see CT against someone like...brad...or evan...or the MIZZZ!!!!
but yea im sure brad would be a match for CT i remember couple challenges ago they were pittin in the gauntlet...or inferno or whatever and i think Brad won but just by a little. they shoulda had Wes on this season
dude tore up the competitions when he was on the challenges. one where he carried a dead weight casey all the way to the finals...he LITERALLY carried her @$% to the finals and he also won the duel which had male contestants such as CT...brad...derrick...evan...johnny bananas...and kenny! dude was a beast on the challenges...and i really wish Greg did some challenges...

But yea CT has been a bully since real world paris. and i remember dude got big outta no where! i remember he wasnt THAT big and boom he blew up outta no where...seemed like he got taller more leannn but im surprised dude hasnt won that many challenges...maybe cause he always gets booted off

and WHY they bring MJ back?!?!?! dude is always a back up. i think he was a back up in like 2 challenges already....they dont consider him for the first calling but when someone gets booted there he is
im sure dude is praying someone gets in a fight and gets booted so he can come in.

but i hope Landon or Brad wins for the Males and Paula or Robin wins for the female...after all this is a numbers game and if you're not coo with everyone and you're new you're pretty much done...and speaking of females...Shauvon is
girl look like she should be in some porn industry though
and even IF diem is in "love" with CT and all she shouldnt be mad at him in the first place. shes the one that said ohh "career first" 5 years later maybe we'll have something and %$@%...what you expect CT to sit around and wait till her careers good? ****! and its her !%%!%@ fault taht adam and CT got in a fight in the first place! shes over there crying saying its her fault...%!$+$ it is your fault! i hate $%$%%$# like that that get in the middle of things and is the reason dudes fight over them
and adam should just shut the !#*# up! dude over here tryna be captain save-a-ho and %$@% then he starts runnin away from CT?!
%$@% i would if i saw *$#$!@# Wolverine chasin me around

but yea thats my lil blog/vent reason it was so late was cause i had worked late and didnt get to catch this till earlier on my Tivo so yea i think this is the first challenge where everyone is into it...hopefully yall are active through out the season and post here and keep this thread alive cause i know i will. yall should psot your predictions as well heres mine
Male: Landon
Female: Paula

that was a long $%! replay playa. I agree with you though. I would paypay per view matchup to see Abraham and CT in a street fight.

Brad's chick, Tori is

Feel bad for Adam, he known for being "the guy that gets punked on by CT"
I was gettin at Paula at a LWS bar right before she left to film this. not as hot in person but her chest is
Real World Paris' CT's Brother Murdered
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION - Recently released documents appear to undermine a Chester man's assertion he acted in self-defense when he shot and killed a Springfield man Sunday night.

Kyle D. Bolaski, 24, has been held on $100,000 bail since pleading innocent Monday in White River Junction District Court to charges of second-degree murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

According to documents filed with the court, Bolaski asserted he acted in self-defense when he shot and killed Vincent R. Tamburello Jr. in the parking lot of MacKenzie Field. Court records state multiple witnesses saw Tamburello chase Bolaski with an ax before Bolaski drew a rifle from his pickup and shot Tamburello.

Bolaski told police he always carries a rifle in his truck because he likes to hunt coyotes when he is out scouting for deer. However, new documents appear to poke holes in both Bolaski's claim of self-defense and that the rifle just happened to be in his truck.

Court records state Bolaski told police he twice shot Tamburello as Tamburello approached him with an ax.

After studying the body, the deputy chief medical examiner determined Tamburello was shot twice - once in the upper leg and once in the lower back. The medical examiner's report told police the wound to Tamburello's back caused his death, court records state.

Police affidavits state that multiple witnesses and Bolaski himself told police he had fired the first shot into Tamburello's leg. Bolaski told police Tamburello continued to advance upon him but two witnesses told a different story.

Kristina Morgan, 19, and Casey J. Brickey, 24, both told police that after being shot in the leg, Tamburello retreated from Bolaski. According to court records, Brickey said Bolaski was chasing Tamburello with a gun in his hand before he fired the first shot, and in his opinion, Bolaski had not acted in self-defense.

Police have released a report detailing an interview with a man who was with Bolaski immediately prior to the shooting. On Monday, police interviewed Tristan Blanchard, 22, of Chester, who told police that the day before the shooting Tamburello had come to his house and there had been an incident that left Blanchard afraid of Tamburello.

Blanchard told police that on Sunday, he received a phone call from either Bolaski or his brother Cory Bolaski, 22, and the Bolaski brothers - along with Jerry Ucci, 21 - picked up Blanchard in Cory Bolaski's pickup.

Blanchard said there was a rifle in Cory Bolaski's truck when they picked him up, court records state.

Blanchard told police Ucci called Tamburello and the two had a "heated" conversation, with the two agreeing to meet at Mackenzie Field, court records state. However, Cory Bolaski's truck was low on gas, so before meeting Tamburello they drove to Cory Bolaski's house to get Kyle Bolaski's truck. While there, Blanchard told police, Kyle Bolaski transferred the rifle from his brother's truck to his own, Cory Bolaski got a second rifle from inside his house and the four went to the park to meet Tamburello, court records state.

Due to the new reports from the medical examiner and the police, Windsor County State's Attorney Robert Sand filed a motion asking the court to increase Bolaski's bail from $100,000 to $250,000.

"The back-to-front direction of travel of the fatal shot undermines (Bolaski's) claim that the deceased was pursuing him and he fired the fatal shot in self-defense," Sand wrote in his bail review request. "Additionally, although (Bolaski) claims the guns were in his vehicle as a result of an earlier deer scouting trip, newly received information makes clear the guns were deliberately placed in (his) truck in anticipation of a confrontation. (Bolaski's) anticipation of the confrontation and the arranged placement of the guns further undermine the self-defense claim."

Judge M. Kathleen Manley will review Bolaski's bail at 9 a.m. Wednesday in White River Junction District Court.

While it remains unclear what happened Sunday night at Mackenzie Field and even less clear what brought Bolaski and Tamburello there in the first place, at least one member of Tamburello's family is convinced Bolaski did not act in self-defense.

"They lured him there to kill him," said Tamburello's cousin, John Michael, of Brockton, Mass. "The thought of him being lured there broke my heart. He was so gullible. You could tell him anything and he'd believe it.

"I've seen him take on four or five guys and be the last guy standing," Michael continued. "These guys brought guns because nobody could beat Vinnie Tamburello."
watching ep 1 on

real talk... adam gets props. dude landed a NASTY right hand on CT. and after ... he took a sucker punch to the face.

CT would definitely crush him 1 on 1 ... but adam got some squables.
its not Diem's fault they fought...CT has always had a problem with Adamn...its his fault he can't control himself...
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by nanbeezy

Im starting to think this is scripted because EVERYTIME CT and Adam are on the same show=Fight! Yet, I will keep watching and I agree that it attracts viewers.
How does that prove its scripted, if anything that says the opposite cause that means the tension is more authentic. I dunno though i never seen CT and Adam fight before.
Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

The lame black guy...The cool black guy is still in it.

This guy has to be Nehemiah he keeps saying how cool he is throughout the thread

Nehemiah is not cool.
He was %$%$%#% around with Beth's wrinkled self.

I could care less.
Originally Posted by RickFoxJr

Real World Paris' CT's Brother Murdered

If this is true, and not just some internet rumor, no one should ever doubt Karma and its real life implications (RIP to his brother, senseless murder FTL).Like someone mentioned, CT is a bully and he always had a problem with Adam. While Adam was pretty @#$%^&*@$ lame during the Real World:tongue:aris, thehostility CT displayed was a bit excessive. I saw the fight and also thought that CT was heartbroken over Diem (she's a fox!
BTW) and had totake out his frustrations on someone or something. Too bad for Adam that that something was his face. Maybe CT'll calm down in 5 years...
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

one episode of this *%%% was already better than the entire real world brooklyn season

That season was horrible. What ever happened to mtv casting females that were
. Instead the cast a half man/half woman/shim
I also was laughing at the guy in the overalls just standing around while a brawl is happening right behind him.
Originally Posted by nanbeezy

I also was laughing at the guy in the overalls just standing around while a brawl is happening right behind him.

I forget the dudes name but I know exactly who your talken about, Ithink hes from the australia season
I love challenges. The Island was weak. Glad to see they stepped it back up with a solid cast again.

I DO hate when they leave cliffhangers at the end of the episodes. That's my only gripe.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

its not Diem's fault they fought...CT has always had a problem with Adamn...its his fault he can't control himself...
i know CT has always had problems with adam BUT thats what triggered him though...seeing adam talkin with diem and then diem quickly goes to himjumpin to conclusions will make any wolverine think its the dude she was talkin to's fault. if adam just kept his mouth shut and his business elsewherethen i'm sure CT would still PUNK on him MAYBE BUT probably not take it as far as he did

but yea Abe or Alton i think are good matches against CT. they should have like a UFC style tourny or somethin between all the real world/road rules malecastmates
kinda like a "Ultimate Fighter" kinda thing thatwould be
winner gets $$$$ something they all have in common.
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