Official RW/RR Challenge The Duel 2 Thread: Ryan and Robin Are Eliminated

this dude CT is a certified cornball (I ain't gonna lie though all the fights are funny)..All he does is pick on Adam who is a peanut compared tohim..guaranteed if it was Evan talking to Diem, CT would probably try and talk to dude instead of trying to muscle up

I think it was Gauntlet III? when CT and that other cornball Frank were jawin' at each other..then Adam steps in to mediate and CT goes after him
.why go after Adam? Frank is right there you idiot
..dude will never win a challenge

tell him to step to Evan or Brad
Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

its not Diem's fault they fought...CT has always had a problem with Adamn...its his fault he can't control himself...
i know CT has always had problems with adam BUT thats what triggered him though...seeing adam talkin with diem and then diem quickly goes to him jumpin to conclusions will make any wolverine think its the dude she was talkin to's fault. if adam just kept his mouth shut and his business elsewhere then i'm sure CT would still PUNK on him MAYBE BUT probably not take it as far as he did

but yea Abe or Alton i think are good matches against CT. they should have like a UFC style tourny or somethin between all the real world/road rules male castmates
kinda like a "Ultimate Fighter" kinda thing that would be
winner gets $$$$ something they all have in common.

still doesn't make it her fault...
Originally Posted by xcg11pinoYx

this dude CT is a certified cornball (I ain't gonna lie though all the fights are funny)..All he does is pick on Adam who is a peanut compared to him..guaranteed if it was Evan talking to Diem, CT would probably try and talk to dude instead of trying to muscle up

I think it was Gauntlet III? when CT and that other cornball Frank were jawin' at each other..then Adam steps in to mediate and CT goes after him
. why go after Adam? Frank is right there you idiot
..dude will never win a challenge

tell him to step to Evan or Brad
thats what im saying.
everyone on the show says that CT is a monster; i mean yeah he's a big guy with anger but still.
if he's so bad, why dont i see him getting into a fight with brad or anyone his size for that matter.
Originally Posted by Datnggag

Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

Originally Posted by Datnggag i see why Adam gets Rocked..snitching @!$ dude...Bros over +#@!..




Adam aint even say anythin that one other girl told diem but CT thinks adam told her And shorty is
I know but still my dude had a little to much to drink and got saucey..CT is a ANIMAL..Good God...Lol did you see the wall..

Adam got his Hussein Bolt on..


that chick's bad, I don't want RR/RW so I never seen her until this episode.
Does anybody know where can watch all the episodes of older challenges like Battle Of The Sexes? I remember watching that when I was like 7 so my memory is nottoo good.
that clown adam should not have tried to hit him over the head with whatever that was at the very beginning. hes actually lucky he didnt get f'd up harder.

lol you know you gettin your *@+ beat when you get your cloths ripped off. thats always a scary sight
Originally Posted by nanbeezy

I also was laughing at the guy in the overalls just standing around while a brawl is happening right behind him.
hell yea, i think dude was drunk as %++% though. The way dude was just standing there u could tell that he was through. He had no emotions ornothing
That first punch CT thru was epic. It literally knocked over not only Adam but 2 other dudes behind him. It is by far the realest fight I've ever seen onReal World.

Btw....CT would demolish any of those dudes in the house. It would be interesting to see him go against Tyree.
Ya'll got C.T. sounding Tyson or something. I haven't seen the fight yet though. Personally I don't like C.T. because He's a hot head loudmouth.
-I don't blame Adam for running, dude is like 120 lbs and already had a bloody eye. No point in trying to be brave anymore unless he wanted to be laid upin a hospital.

-Diem is wack. Not only is she kinda ugly but she's a snake herself, on the low, as shown in previous seasons. I remember she was expecting no one toeliminate her before because of her cancer. She shouldn't be ASKING for pity.

-I turned the channel after the fight.
How many episodes have been on already? I forgot to set the record on my DVR for this. When are the new episodes and when can I catch the first few to record?
It's only been one episode. I'm pretty sure new episodes are on Wednesday nights... either at 9PM or 10 PM. I'm not too sure.
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

It's only been one episode. I'm pretty sure new episodes are on Wednesday nights... either at 9PM or 10 PM. I'm not too sure.

Thanks I recorded the one that is coming on in an hour or two and I went to Wednesday and recorded the 10 PM one, there is 3 straight on so I think the 9 islast weeks and then the other 2 are the new episode
Originally Posted by dunks87

i'm tired of Evan. i wish he'd just go sit down somewhere.
right, i think he's been in every challenge since fresh meat

Originally Posted by aepps20

I wonder why Laterrian doesn't do anymore challenges?
'cause he was all talk

seems like black guys on challenges are hit or miss for the most part, few in betweens
CT is nuts..Im dissapointed they split up the duel and have to wait to see Aneesa annihilate the newbie
..Should've brought Alton > Nehemiah, Altonis just sexy
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