:::[Official] San Francisco 49ers 2024 Season Thread [2-2 vs Cardinals 10/07 1:05PST]:::

Should UnicornHunter’s faithful card be revoked for his blasphemous Patrick Willis comments?

  • Yes permanently

    Votes: 31 79.5%
  • Yes temporarily

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • No

    Votes: 3 7.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Welp...I guess ray was that stupid
Report out there that Michigan is offering harbaugh 8mil per year. 6/48mil. Crazy if true...
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i'm all for innocent until proven guilty and due process and everything and i've been pretty adamant about it with some of the other NFL legal cases this year where it seemed like public opinion and fake outrage dictated the punishment without all the facts coming out.

all that said.  mcdonald is a stupid idiot and deserved to be released.   you beat the last case (which arguably you wouldn't have if you couldn't afford a good lawyer)  you know you just dogged a major bullet and your team stuck by you when other teams would've released or suspended you.   you know you should be cautious with your decision making yet you put yourself in that predicament again.  even if he is innocent, he's an idiot for putting himself in another troublesome situation.

most nfl players can enjoy themselves, have fun, smash groupies etc all while keeping a low profile while doing so, while some constantly have their name in the mix for all the wrong reasons. 

i gave him the benifit of the doubt with the first one, but considering everything mentioned. he gets no sympathy the second time around.
Tre9er ‏@Tre9er 16 minutes ago
So more rumors emerge that Jim is taking the Michigan job. 12/30 probably official announcement

Tre9er retweeted
Alejandro Zúñiga ‏@ByAZuniga 40 minutes ago
.@marcelluswiley just said on ESPN radio that Jim Harbaugh has already signed his contract to coach at Michigan.

:frown: :smh:
***** getting real... Hopefully it's bull. I got faith in balkee finding a good replacement tho
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Sucks man |I

All these quotes from Harbaugh on denying Michigan/being torn and he's not even technically fired yet; just about seals the deal about his fate with the Niners.

Can't believe this is how it's gonna end :smh:

Any chance in hell that York/Baalke come to a compromise w/ Harbs and prove all the leaks/reports wrong and he actually re-ups and stays?
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im done with speculation. lets just wait 9 more days for black monday(dec 29) and see what happens. 
I'm a Kings fan, we just got rid of our most successful coach we've had in years based on philosophical differences. From my perspective, Jed York and Trent Baalke have made up their minds and cannot be talked out of firing Jim.
"Looking for a coach to get along with baalke" smfh. Thats where the problem might be. Baalke and jed should be taking more heat than harbaugh. Even john madden said its a management problem.

Also the new report of hiring a " young offesive guru" smfh. " josh mcdaniels or adam gase" smh. Never consider a peyton manning offensive coordinator.

I gurrentee if the 49ers hire a young coach most of the older coaches including fangio will leave.

The niners need a vertern, respected. But i came to a conclusion that Baalke might want a young HC so he can do what he wants without being talked back to.
"Looking for a coach to get along with baalke" smfh. Thats where the problem might be. Baalke and jed should be taking more heat than harbaugh. Even john madden said its a management problem.

Also the new report of hiring a " young offesive guru" smfh. " josh mcdaniels or adam gase" smh. Never consider a peyton manning offensive coordinator.

I gurrentee if the 49ers hire a young coach most of the older coaches including fangio will leave.

The niners need a vertern, respected. But i came to a conclusion that Baalke might want a young HC so he can do what he wants without being talked back to.

View media item 1313458
Weird that we have a game today fellas. Ill still be watching. Im sure our offense will look anemic but I would like to finish the season with a couple wins.
I gurrentee if the 49ers hire a young coach most of the older coaches including fangio will leave.
No offense, but I dont think you or a lot of people who have posted about our coaching situation truly understand how it works with coordinators.  Fangio couldnt simply pack up and leave unless the 49ers give him permission to.  He is under contract.
Heres the issure regarding the other coaches

"Not only is Harbaugh under contract for another season, most of his staff is, too. If Harbaugh wants to bring buddies like Greg Roman, Geep Chryst and John Morton with him to his new team, the 49ers could ask for compensation in return for releasing them from their contracts. Or maybe they hold defensive coordinator Vic Fangio, who also is signed beyond this season."

"Why it might not work: The 49ers would ostensibly be bringing in a new offensive staff and wouldn’t want the offensive coaches mentioned above. All Harbaugh and his new team would have to do is wait out the situation."


Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl/san-francisco-49ers/article4479721.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl/san-francisco-49ers/article4479721.html#storylink=cpy
 i know i am in the minority, but i am in favor of a young, innovative offensive-minded coach if harbaugh is indeed gone. specifically somebody that is familiar with contemporary football, balanced attack and knows how to implement zone blocking with our rehashed offensive line.

i do not want any retreads.

and like i posted a page back, Fangio cant just leave. He has to be fired or released.
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Shout out to Frank Gore, hopw this is not his last season with the 49ers but knowing Baalke
Does it feel strange knowing this could be the end of your career with the 49ers?

FG:  I’ve been here 10 years and it could be last two games here. It’s weird knowing that I won’t be under contract any more. But I’ve been in the league long enough to understand it’s a business. I’m just upset that I couldn’t really do what I wanted to do. On the ground. Showing everybody that I can still play this game. I know I can still play this game at a high level. It’s just been a crazy year.

Do you think people are going to look at your numbers this season and say, ‘Well, he’s going to be 32 …’

FG:  It’s all about numbers. It’s not really fair because football is more about the team. And situations. And how many times you get the opportunity, and what the guys are doing in front of you when you do get the opportunity. So I hope they really watch my film. If they watch the film, I think I have a good shot to be one of the top guys in free agency.

What happened this year? Why didn’t you get as many opportunities?

FG:  Look back at different games. The situations in the game, as an offense — we had too many three-and-outs. Getting behind on the scoreboard. That’s changes how much a running back gets to touch the rock. I know coach G-Ro (offensive coordinator Greg Roman) — he loves to run the ball. This year, has just been totally different. As an offense, we never got into a zone, you know what I mean? That’s probably the reason. I just want to finish strong. If I’m not back, at least they’ll know, Frank Gore, this guy always played his heart out. I just want to leave my name good around here.

What are you proudest of when you think about your 10 seasons here?

FG:  When they mention my name, they’ll mention me as a football player. Not just being a running back. A football player. And my teammates respect me. This organization respects me. My coaches respect me — the way I come to work, practice and play. Like I said, if I’m not here next year, I know that I gave it my all here. I know they will say this guy gave our organization his all. I’ll be fine with it.

Do you think teams are going to think you’re finished because of your age?

FG:  I know they’re going to say that. Starting with my seventh year, they started saying that: I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I’ve prepared myself for that. That’s why this year, I’m upset that I really didn’t show the world that I’m still Frank Gore. If they watch the tape, they will see. Football people will watch the tape. People who don’t know football, they’ll go by numbers.

But football people will be making that decision, right?

FG:  Yeah.

Have you talked to the 49ers this year about coming back in 2015?

FG:  My goal was to come in and show I still can do it. That’s my agent’s job. If they want to bring me back, they will. They’ll come to me in a respectful way. We’ll sit down, see what they want me to do. See what my role is and if I like it, I’ll sign. If I don’t, I’ll try to see what other teams think of me.

They have a young running back here they drafted in the second round in Carlos Hyde. Would it be more appealing to you to be in a situation where a team says ‘You are our No. 1 guy. We want to give you 18-20 carries a game’?

FG:  Every guy that feels like he can play wants to be that type of guy. But when the organization drafts a younger guy – and (Hyde) has potential. And also Kendall (Hunter) will be back, too. And I respect Kendall to the fullest. So you’ve got to look at all that. For myself, I didn’t get really bruised that much this year because I really didn’t touch the ball.

So there’s a positive to not getting as many opportunities …

FG:  (Laughs) Yeah. Good and bad. You want to show. You want to do it. You aren’t looking to the future and thinking ‘Because I’m not touching the ball that will help (in free agency).’ Nah. You want to touch the rock and show that them ‘OK, let the numbers speak and the film will speak. It’s been a frustrating year for me. Real frustrating. Real frustrating.

Has there been a low point?

FG:  Nah. I won’t ever let it get there because I’m still doing something I love to do. Every week I have an opportunity to do it against another team. So I’m blessed. I’m blessed. Just looking at my career from college to here, they wrote me off. When Scot McCloughan drafted me, they said he reached on me. And I’m still here, man. It’s a blessing. And I still feel good. And when I got opportunities this year, I showed I could still do it. So we’ll see how it goes.

You’ve been through a lot of terrible seasons. How big a deal is it for you to be with a team – either here or elsewhere – that at least has a chance to win a Super Bowl?

FG:  It would be great. Hopefully, I will have an opportunity. But my main goal is to finish strong this year — these last two games. Hopefully, the 49ers bring me back and I have a chance to get (a Super Bowl) with the team that drafted me. If not, hopefully I’ll get the opportunity to see what teams have a chance to get something I’ve always wanted – and that’s a ring. But I would love to get it here, though.

So many great running backs have ended their career somewhere else. Tony Dorsett was with the Broncos, Franco Harris with the Steelers, Roger Craig with the Vikings. Would it be a big deal to stay here for your entire career?

FG:  I would love it. Basically, this is my home. I was a 21-year-old kid when I first got drafted here. I love the fans. I put my work here. I stamped my name here. The great years. The bad years. You look at all that. I would love to be here. But you still have to look at your options and see what they want you to do here. Because I’m not going to lie: I still feel like I can do it. And when I did get the opportunities this year, I showed. I put the numbers up. My first option – I would love to come back here. It just depends on my role, who the coach is … My first option is to be a Niner for life.

If you stayed here, would you want (Jim) Harbaugh to still be the coach?

FG: Of course. I love Harbaugh. He’s a winner. Things aren’t going right this year, but what coaches have come in and changed the organization, change the team, in one year? If we win that NFC championship (in 2011 season), we’re winning the Super Bowl. You know? The next year, we didn’t blink. We stayed strong and went to a Super Bowl. Then we cam back again and get to the NFC championship. What coach does that? I don’t know his situation — if it will be here — but he gave me my best seasons as a professional. As a professional, you want to win. And once he came here, I won.

Have you had guys come up to you after games this season and say you’re still getting it done?

FG:  Oh, yeah, I get that a lot: ‘How come they’re not giving you the ball?’ Before the game, or after the game. Before we played the Eagles, my boy (RB LeSean) McCoy, said “How you keep doing this?’ I said, ‘I’m blessed, man. God blessed me.’ But I look at Anquan Boldin the same. If you watch us, we’re similar players. We’re not the fastest, we’re not the biggest, but we get it done. I think we’re just football players. We’ve been blessed with a gift. We’re tough. You might get us once, but you won’t get us twice. We get beat here and there, but you ain’t going to get beat too many times.

Have you talked to Anquan about that?

FG:  What?

Your similarities.

FG:  No. But I know he sees it. I love the game, he loves the game. He practices hard. Man, I don’t know how he does it. He practices hard. I’ve never seen a guy like Anquan.

He brings it every day in practice?

FG:  Every day. I never saw it like … but I respect that. I’ve always followed him, because I’ve always been a fan, when he was in Arizona. Not knocking (Larry) Fitzgerald, but when Anquan left, I think that really hurt Fitzgerald. When Anquan was there, and not kicking Fitz because he’s a great player, but we worried more about Anquan than Fitzgerald. You know? I always talked to Anquan about that New York Jets game (in 2008) when he got knocked out (and had facial fractures). And I’m so much a fan of him because of how he plays the game. And I remember that year, when he came back. He went to the Pro Bowl, had something like 1,50o yards (1,038 in 12 games). I’m thinking to myself ‘Would I’d have been able to do that? Damn.’ A lot of guys aren’t like that. I respect him a lot, man, even though he went to Florida State (laughs).

Who are the guys you’ve played with here that you have the most respect for?

FG:  Justin Smith. Patrick Willis. Anquan Boldin. I respect (Michael) Crabtree. Donte Whitner. Dashon Goldson. Joe Staley. Bo Diddley (NaVorro Bowman). Alex Smith. Takeo Spikes. As a player, Ray McDonald. Bruce Miller. Moran Norris. I don’t know – should I respect Vernon (Davis)? (laughs). Nah, I’m just playing. That’s my man.

What is it about those guys?

FG:  The way they approached the game. Alex, man, he went through so much, but he never blinked. He never blinked. Guys like that — they find a way to be successful. Look at him now. And look at him last year. They say he’s all game management, but if their defense stepped up (in last season’s wild-card game), they beat the Colts.
From tghe long transcript, i found this interesting 

Who are the guys you’ve played with here that you have the most respect for?

FG:  Justin Smith. Patrick Willis. Anquan Boldin. I respect (Michael) Crabtree. Donte Whitner. Dashon Goldson. Joe Staley. Bo Diddley (NaVorro Bowman). Alex Smith. Takeo Spikes. As a player, Ray McDonald. Bruce Miller. Moran Norris. I don’t know – should I respect Vernon (Davis)? (laughs). Nah, I’m just playing. That’s my man.
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