:::[Official] San Francisco 49ers vs. Arizona Cardinals @ U. Of Phoenix Stadium 9/13:::

Originally Posted by What up

Save a what?

Finish your sentences, champ.
My bad..I didn't know you two were like that...Anyway back to the topic. Great win, yet we still getNO media coverage.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by What up

Just chill with this hate. Let the guy support whomever he wants to. If you don't take what he says seriously, then keep it moving. He's not shoving his words down anyone's throat. Fall back, fellas.

Ole' captain save-a.....

you know i noticed that you like to instigate people who don't share the same beliefs as you.
but that's neither here nor there, the guy was simply asking you and a select few to stop acting like pricks, yet you continue to pick e-fights
what's your deal?
Do you honestly have that hard of a time understanding that there are multiple opinions on every thing and not everyone is going to agree with you?

you act like a spoiled 4 year old child who can't stand not getting everything his way.
Nothing ugly about the game at all. It was a great grind-it-out victory for us. I'm expecting more of the same all season ong.
Originally Posted by DangerousG

Nothing ugly about the game at all. It was a great grind-it-out victory for us. I'm expecting more of the same all season ong.

Pretty much how I feel about it.
Originally Posted by DangerousG

Nothing ugly about the game at all. It was a great grind-it-out victory for us. I'm expecting more of the same all season ong.
thats how the season is going to be
Just got back home from Glendale. Here are my thoughts:

ON ARIZONA FANS (worst, most unknowledgeable fans in all of sports)........
-These idiots dont know jack %%+@ about football.
-Fans were cheering and screaming when their team had the ball. The video board needed to repeatedly show "Quiet when the Cardinals are on offenseplease." Are you effing kidding me? Do you idiots really not know not to yell when your team has the ball?
-Fans repeatedly telling me that they have the loudest stadium in the NFL, and their crowd noise makes opponents mess up. Well fellas, the noise only seemed toaffect the Cardinals as they were false starting and jumping offsides all game long. The noise affected your team, not ours.
-A 9er fan sitting in front of me with a Montana jersey had to listen to these morons saying "nice Hannah Montana jersey" all game long. I mean, comeon...really?
-I started a Madden Curse (clap x5) chant and not a single fan near me other than 9er fans had any clue what I was talking about.
-At halftime, I was in the bathroom and overheard nothing but conversations of Cards fans saying how that it was a B S personal foul on the hit to Vernon (notto mention the constant booing after the call). Are you guys watching the same game? It was one of the most blatant, easy call to make ever.

I am so happy to be going to Candlestick next weekend, where I can have and overhear intelligent football conversations.

-Our pass rush was ok today. We made some big plays with the rush, but it was also pretty non existent for a good portion of the game.
-Our rushing attack was a joke. I mean, I dont even want to fathom how poor we will do against a great run defense if our backs and OLine doesnt step it up.
-For most of the game, Jimmy Raye's play calling was horrendous (end around to bruce of all WRs, a horizontal run play on the goaline when we need to giveLee space to punt, etc). No creativity, runs in running downs, passes in obvious pass situations, just typical crap we see year after year. It doesnt take abrain surgeon to see that once we started opening up the offense, we had an incredible drive.
-Hill played very well again. Limited the mistakes. He forced a few too many passes for my taste, but I will live with it now.
-What can I say about the Defense. Clements once again locked up Fitz. Most of his yards came when Nate was off him. Willis
. Dude is all over the field. Iwas very impressed with our D today. They had very few 3rd down conversions all game long. Our D showed up. Great job.
-Joe effing Nedney! He showed once again why he is that dude.

Good game overall, and an incredible time. I have zero voice right now. Also I must tip my cap and acknowledge how well we represented out there. If I had tomake a realistic guess, I would say we had around 5-7 thousand 9er fans there. Great showing. We had some great D-fense chants going. Anyways, hope you allenjoyed the game as much as I did. Great to be 1-0
Camp Singletary got us that win. We scratched and clawed and stayed in it until the end and got the win.
nice win i must say, lol at the cardinal fan comment, most of those "fans" if you wanna call them that didn't become fans until last season so iwould take their opinion with a grain of salt.

i need to make it up to candlestick again sometime this season. most likely for the thursday night game if things go according to plan.
I did forget to mention that our D needs to drastically improve our defense towards a swing or screen pass. Absolutely horrendous today to let a player ofHightower's skill set have a 120+ yards receiving. Unacceptable.
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