:::[Official] San Francisco 49ers. vs. New Orleans Saints @ The Superdome11/25 :::

They really had to show Colston landing on his head in slow motion and close up? sheesh

Does Alex Smith still have his helmet on?
cant be complacent here. still gotta be aggressive. we all know what kind of offense the saints have
One thing I cant stand about Fangio is when we get a 10+ point lead, he stops being aggressive on D, never getting any pressure on QBs.
These Zebras are Amazing. Not a single call against the Saints this game cept fer a obvious intentional grounding.
Excuse me if this is a stupid question, but at the exact point in which the playclock hits 0, doesnt that mean there are 9 tenths of a second remaining before a delay should be called?
Seriously killed our drive with ruling Crabtree down and then getting us for holding
Excuse me if this is a stupid question, but at the exact point in which the playclock hits 0, doesnt that mean there are 9 tenths of a second remaining before a delay should be called?
Never understood why they dont just add tenths to the playclocks to avoid this
This is why I was so relieved we had home field against the Saints last postseason. The home treatment has been beyond ridiculous since that Saints Vikings NFC Championship game :smh:
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