:::[Official] San Francisco 49ers vs. Washington ******** @ FedEx Field 11/6:::

Thanks, buddy. Hope all is well with you.

To add onto what has already been said, Alex Smith is too one-dimensional to fool anyone nor do I trust his read on defenses (when it comes to audibles).

Also, how many screens did we let Washington set up? No adjustment to that whatsoever.

The NY Giants are a MUCH better team and if they play like they did tonight, and we come out the way we did today, it won't even be close.
The other thing that everyone noticed who was over here watching the game, Smith sits on his reads for a long, long time. He easily could have been picked a couple of times today.

I'm not sure (obviously) how much his eyes are moving but if there's two receives running a route on one side of the field, he straight stares that way. It's most obvious on slants, but on a lot of other throws too.
This was my first Skins game at FedEx since 05 and all I can say is
Not even the game cus I was expecting to lose, but the crowd was absolutely DEAD. It's louder at Lane Stadium on a 1st down with 66k people than it was at any point today in FedEx even on 3rd downs. By a lot. I know the team sucks but the stadium atmosphere is garbage.

That's bad enough, but not only are the fans quiet, they are dumb as rocks. What. The. Hell. Dudes behind me calling for a hail mary on like every other play. "Throw it deep to Moss!" Moss ain't playing fool
People having arguments about putting Rex in and how bad the play calling is, blaming everything on Kyle Shanahan as if we have some otherwordly talent at RB and WR or a good OL. People getting pissed thiinking that we called a timeout when it's really just the end of the quarter. Another guy went on a rant about how stupid Beck is because he didn't do a hailmary when the D jumped offsides on 3rd and 7, and instead threw a complete pass for like 15 yards and a first down. "What a @!$!*%@, it's sad I know how to play the position better than him. You always do a hailmary if the D jumps offsides cus it's a free play!" Maybe he wanted a first down instead of a 3rd and 2?

UGH. The tickets were a bday present for my little sister who is a huge fan and had never been to a game and begged to go; I didn't want to take her cus I thought we'd lose and the experience would suck and I was right. Now I know why Deuce hates our fanbase so much
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Gee the Skins suck

How are you going to say we suck when we lost to a 6-1 team and the Chiefs lost to the Dolphins?? btw what is the Dolphins record now?
I really didn't think Frank Gore had it in him this season but damn he's a work horse. Would love to see him find his way to the Pro Bowl

7-1 baby
First off, deuce king is a good dude... He was able to get me on the field... 2 weeks in a row
thanks again, appreciate it!

Although the game wasnt as exciting on offense, still had a really good time... 49ers side was filled up with our fans, they were also way louder than in candlestick

Leaving after the game was crazy too... Traffic was ridiculous
Well, it was really ugly offensively but it's a win. Our defense really controlled this game until the end when I thought we got too fatigued due to our stagnant offense. Overall, I haven't grasp the fact we're 7-1 right now. It's like a dream really 
. Next Sunday is such a challenge, our offense needs to actually show up instead of just constant running. 
Now I know why Deuce hates our fanbase so much

No doubt.  I might not care for the Skins fansbase overall but I can say at least the majority of Skins fans here on the boards are cool for the most part.  You dudes make up for the rest of the fanbase out there, or definitely help at least.  Glad you were able to make it out to the game.

First off, deuce king is a good dude... He was able to get me on the field... 2 weeks in a row
thanks again, appreciate it!

Thanks champ, I appreciate that.  Good to have you make it down for the game.  We truly represented at the Fed Ex yesterday, there was alot of 49ers fans out there. 
^ thanks for tryn hook me up too duece. You know the situation. And wen i return to my car there was beer. Ottles and cans inder my tire. They really thought i wasnt going to see it

No doubt, next time they return hopefully I can hook you up.  Hope you had a good time yesterday.
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