Official Saucony Originals / Retro Thread

^^^***** *** 
hmm I don't know.... not one store on the list announced it for May 17th. FP mentioned the Anteaters with a coming soon but that's about it..
Yeah not too certain about that either. If stores were releasing them this weekend we would've heard about it by now.

Bodega posted this on their instagram, I got really excited as I was scanning through my feed and then saw the #TBT. I wish they still used the Saucony Elite box for these releases, I found that I'd get them sometime and not others, so despite owning 7 pairs of shoes from the collaboration, only 4 of them came in the Blue box instead of the normal brown/red box.

I'd also cut someone to get a T shirt with the Saucony Elite logo on it.
Those socks

with these shorts

this shirt

under this costume

All before having Burger Dreams in this SWEET bed


There, I think I covered all the other burger themed items you can get if you REALLY want to go HAMburger on this release
Those socks
with these shorts
this shirt
under this costume
All before having Burger Dreams in this SWEET bed

There, I think I covered all the other burger themed items you can get if you REALLY want to go HAMburger on this release
 don't forget these
Burgers are the most overrated shoe. My boy got his pair and was underwhelmed. That's just my opinion though.
you should see the actual shoe and not the drawing. :tongue:

I agree though, those Jazz are pretty awesome.
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