*Official Season 4 LOST Discussion Topic* |VOL. no NYCKNICKS aka spoilerfree.

Nov 8, 2007
NYCKNICKS you do what you gotta do.. but not in this thread.

This thread is for discussion purposes only..
LOL.. I'm actually glad to see this thread. Pages like 40+ on the old one was dangerous as a minefield, you didn't know if you read a post it wouldcontain who was gonna get killed or whatever and even after they edited it, people were still talking about it and quoting it.. SMH..
VOL. no NYCKNICKS aka spoilerfree
Yes, finally. Man I just read the other LOST thread and needless to say I was spoiled again with regards to what will happen next episode.

NYCKNICKS, I better not see you here.

Anyways can't wait till next ep. Last night's episode was definitely the best I've seen in a long time.
I knew this would happen. Wonder what the mods will do.

Technically , the first thread is a season thread, making this one a duplicate.

If anything, it would be simpler to start a Spoiler Discussion Thread, which would be smaller than the real thread.

I still think we an co-exist.
Originally Posted by duncarooos

lost is VERY serious my friend.

why so serious?... no wait.. lost is that SERIOUS. Thanks for making this thread.

You cant go through the other thread without getting smacked with spoilers
Ummmmm, Jacob is Ben's cousin and Kate going to die in each of the next 3 episodes and ummmm the island is really Sicily and it's all just a dream inWalt's head.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Ummmmm, Jacob is Ben's cousin and Kate going to die in each of the next 3 episodes and ummmm the island is really Sicily and it's all just a dream in Walt's head.
How could you forget that Eko is Claire's baby daddy?

Yes, Aaron is Eko's child and he also impregnated Sun and Kate, and he's not really dead cause he's going to be rescued and come back to the realworld and be on American Gladiators where Locke challenges him but Eko wins, but this won't happen till season 5 so I wasn't supposed to leak all ofthis but it should be OK.
Time to kill this post.


Jack is Jesus. Kate is Mary. The others are Jack's minions. Jack wants to nail Kate but has reached a turmoil....he'd actually be hitting his mom.That's probably why Aaron looked ******ed last week. Sayid decides to stop killing for Ben and takes up hosting a prime time version of the Price is Rightwhich is short lived as it bombs horribly in the ratings. He then purchases the Cosy Sleep Motel in Burbank, California where he currently resides. Jin andSun's child ends up being the antichrist which leads us to the big finale at the end of season 4 where the last apocolyptic battle of good vs. evil issettled between Jack and said child. Now here's the twist....during the battle, the child's appendix bursts and who is the only one that can help???THAT'S RIGHT....Christian Freaking Shepard. He repairs the child's appendix to Jack's chagrin which makes the child rebel against the forces ofevil and come to the good side where together Jack, Kate, Christian, and the JinSun baby defeat all evil and deliver peace to the middle east (Sayid is a bigfan). BTW...all the other characters were just filler. They hold no real relevance. Consider yourself.....spoiled!
Its a conspiracy. They never left Australia. They are in Fuji where all our LOSTies have started their new life. Desmond doesn't time travel. He justdreams that he is dreaming.
ok there's one thing im realllly confused about.
When Desmond meets Faraday(sp) in the past at oxford.. did that really happen in 1996? If so, wouldn't Faraday have immediately recognized Desmond when hegot on the island??
Originally Posted by duncarooos

ok there's one thing im realllly confused about.
When Desmond meets Faraday(sp) in the past at oxford.. did that really happen in 1996? If so, wouldn't Faraday have immediately recognized Desmond when he got on the island??
I believe that Desmond changed the future and that the notes in Daniel's notebook about Desmond being his constant didn't appear until Desmondspoke with Penny while on the boat. If Daniel always had those notes there than that would mean he did know Desmond and was just frontin as if he didn'tand I don't see him as the deceptive and shady type. Some of those FOILERS above were pretty funny but it got corny real quick.
Originally Posted by duncarooos

but didn't Daniel CLEARLY say that the future cannot be changed?

hmmm...I guess I need to watch the episode again. and now that you mention it, I believe the writers were recently interviewed and they said somethingtouching on this subject about the future changing and all. Off the top of my head I think they said something about the future not being able to be changedin order to avoid creating a paradox.

If Daniel meeting Desmond did indeed already take place, than maybe that has something to do with why he was so sad at seeing the news of the plane beingdiscovered. I just don't see how Daniel could go out of his away to deceive Desmond.
@ this.

but maybe it has to deal with farrady feeling some "side effects"
since he was obviously going through it too with des as his constant ...
just saw the episode last night, and it was one of my favorites... desmond is that dude
... the scene with the phone call with penny on christmas eve was

i also don't think daniel is messing with desmond, but who knows...

i was about to click on the official lost thread, good thing i didn't
... NYCKNICKS just knows too much... people keep askin him questions and he's just trying to help out, which eventually leads to spoilers...can't wait for next week
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