Official Seattle Mariners 2009 Season Thread Vol. Season Over

A season thread?

Oh the things winning does... I love it... GO M's!!
Originally Posted by SinnerP

Come on now... we're fans through the good and bad~!

That's foreal though. I made a thread in the Pac NW forum when they were 1-2 against the Twins, but disregarded it once this one was started because theS&T forum is a more convenient location.

Although, good or bad, it will always be blue and teal for me and that's it; no "other" team. I continually man up to the laughter ofDodger/Giants fans here in California when I announce my loyalty to the Mariners.

I've seen the M's of the mid 90's, the Sodo Mojo era, and I'm excited to see this new era team grow into a serious contender.
Even if they miss they miss the post season this year, if there are signs of significant improvement from last year then it's a success.
Being a true fan you just have to accept the fact that your team will not win that current season, yet continue to root and hope for improvement.

So far this team is very impressing; hopefully the chemistry stays like this when Ichiro returns. As long as the chemistry is good, Ichiro's return meanseven better defense, and of course better offense.
Thanks for the feedback guys! No I don't have any family in Seattle so I can't do the slingbox thing
. Imma weigh my options and see what I wannado, in the meantime I bet Seattle is excited about tma's home opener and the official return of Griffey and Ichiro in a few days hopefully!
What do yall think about combining all these posts into one thread? It was mentioned in the Rangers thread, but what do yall think about an AL West thread?

I know the NL Central one goes strong all year, and I think it'd be cool to have one thread where we keep tabs on the division and all that..
A.L. west thread sounds would be more active than all these mini-threads
I am quite surprised how the Mariners have been out of the gate. They started off this year the way I thought they were going to last year. If they can have asolid bullpen I think the offense and starting pitching will be enough to keep them in the AL west race. They look like they are going to be a lot of fun towatch this year. I like what El Gut has shown so far and all the other new offensive pieces.
Originally Posted by JONFARR

I am quite surprised how the Mariners have been out of the gate.
Same. I've only caught one game, but from what I saw in box scores and all that, they look pretty good thus far.
Oh, from ESPN.
[h2]Ichiro ready to play with Mariners[/h2]

Associated Press

SEATTLE -- Ichiro Suzuki says he's returning to play on Wednesday.



The Mariners' All-Star and Gold Glove outfielder said Monday upon rejoining his team following a bleeding ulcer that he will be in Seattle's lineup for its second home game of the season, against the Los Angeles Angels.

He said he felt so good it was "annoying" him.

The 35-year-old has missed Seattle's first seven games while on the disabled list for the first time in his career. The Mariners have gone a surprising 5-2 on the road without him.

Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press

I prefer to just have a Mariners thread. Having an AL West thread will just lead to a "my team is better than yours" thing, and I'm too grown forthat. Having an official thread is cool to come to and celebrate or grieve during bad times without seeing posts like "hahaha M's suck" or thingsof that sort.

A team thread is only as active as its fans, that's pretty much how I feel.
^ I agree... I just have a feeling that an AL West thread will turn into team-bashing, and we all don't want any of that...

This way, we have a place for fans to chat about all-things-Mariners...

And folks meeting up for Opening Day, I expect to see all your photos tomorrow!
Well, in all fairness it was a reasonable assumption... considering how bad the M's were last season, many don't assume the new acquisitions (Jr.,Sweeney, Chavez, Guti, Branyon) will make a huge improvement. No doubt they look better than they did last season, but will they be good enough to rival theA's and Angels? maybe, but likely not.

Having said that however, I'm all about proving the naysayers wrong. Stay under the radar and surprise everyone. I'll stay cautiously optimistic.
i think we can do 3rd. maybe 2nd if we stay in good form.

on another note, REALLY wanted to go to the home opener at the safe today! bu tickets on ebay are going for stupid prices!
Originally Posted by SinnerP

Originally Posted by Elpablo21


Yeah, thats the only "uneasiness" I have for today... He needs to be SHARP

I'd rather him tank so they can get rid of him ASAP. No point in keeping him around. Screw his contract.
^ MLB TV Premium. Other than some teething problems with their new player, its been great... M's in HD
count me in the minority, but you cannot pinpoint a clear 4th place team in this division, and i think it's anybody's division. that's why ididn't make season predictions this season. i don't know what to expect out of the 4 teams (well i expect the rangers to have a high ERA
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