OFFICIAL Seattle Mariners 2010 Season Thread: 7/22 - 7/25 vs. BOS (37-60)

Ugh. Our complete lack of offense rearing it's ugly head yet again. This team will not be able to contend with the lineup in it's current form. I remember everyone getting getting giddy after our eleven run outburst a week or two ago. Still feel that way guys?
I still have faith...Our offense was solid against Chicago, if our bullpen holds up in those game we win at least two of three
Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

I still have faith...Our offense was solid against Chicago, if our bullpen holds up in those game we win at least two of three
12 runs in 3 games is solid?
Our O in the first two games of the series did good enough for us to win, given the situations...of course the offense could have been better, but our bullpen let us down more so the offense imo
This lineup is a joke. Not going to contend for anything this season. I don't care if Bedard and Lee come back with 1.20 ERA's. Look how the team wasted Felix's performance tonight. Our DH situation is a joke. Our lineup after the 3rd spot is a joke.

Shame on Z for swindling the fans.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

I still have faith...Our offense was solid against Chicago, if our bullpen holds up in those game we win at least two of three
12 runs in 3 games is solid?
Our O in the first two games of the series did good enough for us to win, given the situations...of course the offense could have been better, but our bullpen let us down more so the offense imo
Damn it, its Felix Day... we're supposed to win on Felix Day.  

But I agree with you regarding the O during the Sox series.  Like you said, during the first 2 games we got enough runs to earn a win.  It was the 'pen leaving 2 pitches up that led to homers and eventually, the loss.  Coming into this season, this was what I was expecting ~ that there were gonna be a lot of close games.  
Originally Posted by finnns2003

This lineup is a joke. Not going to contend for anything this season. I don't care if Bedard and Lee come back with 1.20 ERA's. Look how the team wasted Felix's performance tonight. Our DH situation is a joke. Our lineup after the 3rd spot is a joke.

Shame on Z for swindling the fans.
He didn't swindle anyone. People who were naive enough to believe that this offense could produce runs and actually thought we could contend without an outrageous amount of luck were dumb on their own. We got a really lucky win tonight. It's been transparent for me the entire season what this team is. That's why I've been the only outspoken critic of the team these past couple weeks.
I'm as big a realist as anyone about the M's. I knew small ball wasn't going to work, in today's MLB, BUT... a lot of Seattle fans thought it would. That Z was some big genius. When the team employs two fossils to DH, something is wrong. Figgins was a nice pickup but there were no power moves. Kotchman and Branyan are a wash. The catching situation is a joke, both of our catchers blow chunks. The switching of Lopez to 3rd is awful because he's probably the worst 3B in baseball. It's sickening to watch this crap every night.
Z is a good GM. He'll get this thing going... But I said it when they made the moves that Figgins wasn't the upgrade over Beltre that all yall thought he was and Milton isn't gonna do a damn thing if he's in the field every day... At least Beltre, before last year anyways, had some pop...

This is just the reality of trading away a handful of the best prospects in a mediocre farm system for an ace when you don't need one. They should have gone out and gotten a hitter, not Lee... Especially when I'm utterly convinced they're not re-signing Lee after giving Felix a boatload of cash...

Luckily for the Mariners, and my Rangers as well, everyone in this division is flawed and nobody is separating from the pack right now.
Chone is only going to be an upgrade if they get legitimate power in that lineup. His bat is going to come around and that behind a 200 hit Ichiro is perfectly fine. Beltre is done. He might make some sweet plays at 3rd, but his power is done for. Even if he hits for avg., it's still giving you nothing more than Figgins will in the end. 

Milton sucks in the OF, but he's in Seattle for his potential to hit at least 25 homers. And I see what you're saying N41D, but you can't say they should've gotten a hitter instead of Lee. You've got two Cy Young caliber pitchers going back-to-back and in that division, which you pointed out, that's way more than enough to keep them in the thick of things.

No one expects Lee to sign, but it's a move to buy time and give Seattle the aura of a winner, if they don't end up winning the division that is. Z is very good and he's creating a deception that this team actually is pretty good which could possibly sucker in some hitters to make this team a serious contender, in turn completely changing the makeup of this team.

I'm excited to see what happens in this division. It looks boring to outsiders, but I think it's extremely compelling baseball in terms of on the field and the behind the scenes structuring of trying to become a winner.
Can't wait to watch Cliff pitch friday, the last game I went to Felix killed it so hopefully it's a good game
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

And I see what you're saying N41D, but you can't say they should've gotten a hitter instead of Lee. You've got two Cy Young caliber pitchers going back-to-back and in that division, which you pointed out, that's way more than enough to keep them in the thick of things.

No one expects Lee to sign, but it's a move to buy time and give Seattle the aura of a winner, if they don't end up winning the division that is. Z is very good and he's creating a deception that this team actually is pretty good which could possibly sucker in some hitters to make this team a serious contender, in turn completely changing the makeup of this team.
If you don't expect to have Lee beyond this year, trading Aumont and Morrow just doesn't make sense IMO... And having Lee for one year when you still can't hit your way out of a paper bag does nobody any good...

They were never giving out two ace-level contracts... Should have used those assets on a hitter who you could sign to an extension and brought back Jarrod Washburn...
Seattles first real test comin this home stand, hopefully we win the games we suppoded to (i.e Lee, King), with a hot fister we can really make an early statement. just hope figgins can come 2 life again.
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

i know im late, but i just wanted to say $*!+ milton. dude has no respect.
what he do? when he threw up the 3-2 to the fans?

son is an %%% hole though
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

i know im late, but i just wanted to say $*!+ milton. dude has no respect.

every city he goes to he gets boo'd. he relishes the most hated role. 
I can't believe that was a 5-pitch inning for Lewis.

EDIT ~ What the #%ck was that!?  
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