Official Slam Dunk Jordan Release Thread

If you ever knew anything about owning a business, a company profits, losses and earnings are public information. you can look this all up by doing a simple search on the registrar. I just do not want to pay the $35 for the information. You dont learn things without asking.
it is a public company so anyone is entitled to this information, even if it was a private company.
You will elarn that when you get through high school

Everyone is entitled to the information of their stock :lol:

The schools in Australia must suck besides you having no decorum.

Trying to belittle someone because of their position. Grow up little guy.
i have never reported a NT member but i had too get dude...straight annoying pill popping racist...
I'll never understand adults who's idea of entertainment is trolling on the internet. It says a lot about your life.

It's one thing to say you're educated and talk about your age. It's another to act it. :wink:
I blocked him... it sounds like he's under 20 and has too much time in his hands. 

+1... financial statements do not indicate how many pairs of the slam dunk 6 will be released. It's irrelevant info. I think he's just crazy. Some people just need to calm down. He seriously needs to get off his elitist high horse. There are plenty of educated people on this forum.
Stock as in the stores stock :smh:

You know, what you allegedly asked

Great education system indeed :lol:
So before I get banned due to these pverty stirckend blak kunts who know nothing about anything and try to put my education down, you should be a fukn slave still you disgusting nygger


Dawg how stupid can you be? And I never understood why a racist would want Jordans. Shouldn't you be out rocking Federers?

Oh and with your wild devotion to these rubber unbendable kicks it seems like your his slave. Just a thought
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Alright, back to the main topic please. I asked the Nike staff several times. And one of them told me that it will be sold out quick. So, i don't think the stock will be anything close to 20000.
Yes, it is public information. I'm no little person. I am a 36 year old man with three children and my own company. 
A did not go to school in Australia. I was born and raised in NY and moved here when my company set up three locations outside of the USA. I have since sold that company and started two new companies from scratch which are just starting to get a fair income. I have been investing in Start up business's since I was 25 and I have investors invest in my companies as well.

What is it you do sir?

Why would anyone not be able to access informations about stocks of a public company? How else do you find out if it is a company you want to invest your finances and future into?
.........from reading your post I thought you were like 13......
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