i may be wrong but I couldn't see any tips and tricks for shoes im not wearing at all

most of the ones i get for collection purposes are never to be worn by me.

i just store em in my closet.

any tips on this?

Originally Posted by mrod88

cdp xi before


Final Result

 very satisfied

Great job! Do you think its possible on 2000 concords? The 23 is a bit different
Whats up NT! I have this great pair of OG Royal 1's that I want to restore. I have done a lot of restoration projects, but never on a shoe this old. I was wondering if anyone has experience restoring this type of shoe. My main concern is that traditional restoration techniques may damage a shoe of this age, especially the leather which is in phenomenal condition (No rips or Tears). Although the leather does seem a bit stiff. Whats the best way to recondition it and won't affect painting later on. The ankle leather is in great condition too compared to other OG's out there. How can I save it before it completely peels away. The midsole is the yellowest I've ever seen on a pair of kicks. What should I use to clean it? (Plus White might be too harsh, possibly seaglow?). The midsole and sole are hard. Is there anything to available to recondition them? The insoles still have Nike Air on them! Amazing! But the glue that holds the material to the foam is dusting away. (3M spray adhesive?) I'm Open to suggestions. Thanks
 Fam http://s1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd391/jhoward151/?action=view&current=IMG_2492.jpghttp://s1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd391/jhoward151/?action=view&current=IMG_2493.jpghttp://s1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd391/jhoward151/?action=view&current=IMG_2497.jpghttp://s1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd391/jhoward151/?action=view&current=IMG_2508.jpghttp://s1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd391/jhoward151/?action=view&current=IMG_2507.jpghttp://s1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd391/jhoward151/?action=view&current=IMG_2504.jpghttp://s1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd391/jhoward151/?action=view&current=IMG_2502.jpghttp://s1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd391/jhoward151/?action=view&current=IMG_2501.jpg
@I MRDR PEEPS- ya im sure its still possible i didnt use angelus paint tho, i used a stencil i found online, printed it on transfer paper and then ironed it on the shoe. So if you use a stencil you might just have to play with the dimensions until it looks right
how many times a day do you guys seaglow for really yellowed projects?

how much does weather make a difference? i.e. today in the bay its sunny but windy.. what if it was 100 degrees?

also any tips on de-creasing the toes on 11's?
Originally Posted by jasonvvong

I have a pair of 2000 Metallic V's. Originally my brothers and he gave them to me recently. When I opened the box, I was surprised to see orange stuff on the tongue. It can't be peeled off and and used a wet one to try to rub it off to no avail. Is there anyway i can remove it?

the 3m is coming off in the spots where the orange is
Originally Posted by mrod88

cdp xi before


Final Result

 very satisfied
 Please let me know how you did this... I need to do it on my CDP XI ! I'm assuming its painted on.. what type of paint?
is there any difference in the new formula and the old formula seaglow? i have an old bottle of seaglow 16 oz that has turned green but i read somewhere that it still works fine, but i've been seaglowing my 5's and i haven't seen anymore improvement. could it be that the seaglow is old? does the new formula work better? let me know thanks.
Originally Posted by COBYATCH

is there any difference in the new formula and the old formula seaglow? i have an old bottle of seaglow 16 oz that has turned green but i read somewhere that it still works fine, but i've been seaglowing my 5's and i haven't seen anymore improvement. could it be that the seaglow is old? does the new formula work better? let me know thanks.

Yes, of course sea glow has a shelf life but I don't know what it is.I once had a bottle that had fallen behind my wash machine. It sat their about 1-1/2 years before I found it and at that point it was 3-1/2 - 4 years old. (i don't clean too often - what do you want from a single guy)  Anyway i noticed the stuff didn't work like before. I tossed it, bought a new bottle and was back in business. So, if it's more than 3 years old I suggest you toss it and buy a new bottle.  
Originally Posted by SoSickening

how many times a day do you guys seaglow for really yellowed projects?

how much does weather make a difference? i.e. today in the bay its sunny but windy.. what if it was 100 degrees?

also any tips on de-creasing the toes on 11's?
Bro, I wear a size 13 and no matter what I tried those 11's always eventually creased up on me. I don't know any way to fully prevent it.
Anyone have any idea on how to remove the little scuffs and marks on the suede from the Infrared VI's? It's been impossible to remove for me and even when I use the suede maintenance spray it just makes a another mark on it 

Suede is a pain in the !#% to maintain 
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Anyone have any idea on how to remove the little scuffs and marks on the suede from the Infrared VI's? It's been impossible to remove for me and even when I use the suede maintenance spray it just makes a another mark on it 

Suede is a pain in the #$+ to maintain 

Have you tried a suede eraser block?
My space jams just recently started squeaking, i put baby powder in them and it didnt help, what else can i do?
Do people use those water proof sprays they sell at sneakers stores? I just got a pair of fresh Grape 5s and i'm debating whether or not to spray them. Let me know! Thanks.
i actually just started the process with these, here are the before pics and some interim as well, i will be sea glowing them again today, they only got about an hour of good sunlight yesterday. 


working with my 5's as well,


in the middle of cleaning after they been in the sun


and a lil extra, damn i love this pic/my sneakers lol

Originally Posted by DRO3000

^^^looks like seaglow jacked em up............BTW, did you know those were in your closet or was it a surprise find???
what is the word on seaglow's negative effects on the shoes we use it on? is there any proof, or just speculation that it does damage?
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