^ Damn. I remember back in the day someone would buy up broken down pairs of OG Military Blue IVs and remold a new midsole to make them wearable again. He did it to a few pairs if I remember correctly. I can't remember who it was or what he used though. I think his name was Brian.
It doesn't look bad to me, it's not sanded down or anything, just a little drag
Look at the right shoe on the bottom right hand picture. Doesn't it look like the bottom sole is shredded and you can see a little bit of the midsole?
How are you gonna restore the crumbling midsole? My pair is in great condition except for the midsole. It's crumbling terribly. I refused to cop the recent retros with the variant-esque dark grey and Jumpman. Forgive me if restoring crumbling midsoles was covered already. I don't wanna look thru 250+ pages to check 
. I'd really like to wear these again.
I will sole swap the pair I am about to purchase. This is what I've done for a customer already.

This is my pair of 1994 white cement 3s
^ Those look real nice. I got a pair of Military retros from a few years back that I'd be willing to swap out. I'll have to do some research on how to go about it.
It's fairly simple, do a lot of research and you can nail it perfectly. watch youtube videos and develope your own style
hey guys quick question. i recently bought a pair of air jordan ones from 1985 they have a weird smell on the inside mainly the color area
what are some ways to remove the smell? i used different methods i used feebreze, used clothes detergent and nothing any tips?
You can take the insoles out and scrub them down with liquid detergent. A DEEP scrub. after that put the insoles in the freezer overnight. it will kill any bacteria present.
hey guys quick question. i recently bought a pair of air jordan ones from 1985 they have a weird smell on the inside mainly the color area
what are some ways to remove the smell? i used different methods i used feebreze, used clothes detergent and nothing any tips?

Sofsole makes this product called Sneakerballs (if I remember the name right)

Anyway, it's 2 balls that open up and you put them one in each shoe and put it in the box and it comes out smelling fresher.
You can use baking powder to absorb the odor as well. 

thanks guys yeah its mainly the colllar that smells, the insoles are super clean

im a try using baking soda and looking into those balls once again thanks

another question that stuff restoremysneakers sells really works to whitenen midsoles?
Yes sauce works great. I'd recommend it

when applied do i have to put them outside and let sunlight hit them same steps like when sea glow is used?

(sorry for all my questions)

I think it can be used in both methods just like sea glow. Indoors with uv bulbs, or outdoors. It's basically the perfect retrobrite bottled up. It has some advantages over sea glow like no loss in texture or random separation.
I think it can be used in both methods just like sea glow. Indoors with uv bulbs, or outdoors. It's basically the perfect retrobrite bottled up. It has some advantages over sea glow like no loss in texture or random separation.
I can understand not losing texture ( as in traction ) but what do you mean by separation? 

Seaglow nor retr0brite will cause separation. The heat from the sun in temperatures above and around 75 - 85 f will heat up the glue. Especially if the on the bottom soles. The temperatures may reach to 90+ f if left outside for too long. I noticed this during the summer while it was only 85 outside, the internal temperatures were  hot enough for me to drop the shoes cause of the heat.

Here's an update of what I've been doing with the recent purchase of the white cement 4's from 1999. Nothing too major, just a simple cleaning around and in the shoe. They have been worn A LOT so I needed to do a DEEP clean inside of the shoes.
Just finished up this pair of OG taxi's, will probably start posting more of my work in here. [color= rgb(68, 68, 68)]Deep cleaning inside & out, cleaning & whitening of laces, whitening of mesh & inside panels, decreasing of uppers & midsoles, a complete repaint of the uppers, fix of slight separation & defuzzing.[/color]

IMG_0379 by Troubled Soles, on Flickr

IMG_0454 by Troubled Soles, on Flickr

IMG_0382 by Troubled Soles, on Flickr

IMG_0456 by Troubled Soles, on Flickr

IMG_0381 by Troubled Soles, on Flickr

IMG_0455 by Troubled Soles, on Flickr
what kind of shelves does everyone use? I'm looking for something that can hold 4-5 rows of about 3 boxes stacked. I dont want to be pulling out shoes that are 5+ boxes deep. Hopefully something that can hold about 25 or so pairs
Retrobrite works on midsoles you know -.-

I'd say try retrobrite with household materials before you buy paint.
Anybody think these can be whiten more. I did 2 Rit cleaning sessions on them but they are still a tad bit dingy hence the black strings. I didn't want to do whites trings because they might stand out to much.
Anybody think these can be whiten more. I did 2 Rit cleaning sessions on them but they are still a tad bit dingy hence the black strings. I didn't want to do whites trings because they might stand out to much.
Bad picture quality doesnt do justice of how dingy they are. get better pics.
angelus paint (white), go to turtlefeathers.net and shop away!! good luck and take your time.
Is there anyway to whiten wheat 13s pods? Started to yellow bad.....
NEVER PAINT ANYTHING RUBBER. Repainting is the LAST thing you want to do. Use retr0brite to whiten the soles
how do i shine up the patent leather on the Concords?
patent care from any shoe repair shop.

What's going on NT. Here's an update on the White Cement 4's I am restoring. As you can clearly see, I am whitening the netting on the sides and the tongue. I wanted to see how well I can straighten the tongue back to new and it looks good. I will do a final decease of the tongue once the shoe is all finished. 

I am also repainting the entire shoe. The original paint was fading and has discolored, so I am giving it new life. stay tuned.
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