Yeah try lemon for the spizikes that have red paint.. I have never tried lemon on suede/ nuback. It could possible work or it could make the suede lighter since the lemon is very acidic. The best thing to do it try and paint those bred 4s. I recently went to mexico acouple months ago and I asked the guys what kinda of product they used to cleaned suede and they said they would have to see the suede but they were using this calabasa (pumpkin) shampoo and they said it was an all natural product. I didnt get a chance to pick some up because it was at the airport that I talked to them on my way back. When I go back im a try and buy some to test it out. Also I dont think you would need to put alot of paint on the bred 4s. Try to use as little as possible so you dont over do it.Make sure your paint isnt the one for leather too.
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I got Jordan 11 anniversarys and I got yellowed mesh under the tag on the left shoe in the pic, and as well as some yellowing spots on the side from chlorine. how do I get them re-whitened? need help thanks! Not sure if im in the right place. New to this so give me a break :tongue:

I got Jordan 11 anniversarys and I got yellowed mesh under the tag on the left shoe in the pic, and as well as some yellowing spots on the side from chlorine. how do I get them re-whitened? need help thanks! Not sure if im in the right place. New to this so give me a break :tongue:

Rit Whitner and brightner
Just wondering, what's the best method you guys have found to use RIT whitener?

Read some people will scrub and leave in for 15 minutes, then again with detergent for 15 minutes and then rinse. Others actually just leave rit in to work its magic overnight
Just wondering, what's the best method you guys have found to use RIT whitener?

Read some people will scrub and leave in for 15 minutes, then again with detergent for 15 minutes and then rinse. Others actually just leave rit in to work its magic overnight

Wondering the same thing
Yea how do u do the rit dye method? I heard people apply it. Scrub it. And then scrub with water with soap. Then with water. And repeat but idk
Can someone answer my question about the Bucks? Mainly on how to fix the fading suede and also make it buttery smooth? It's kinda frayed.
Can someone answer my question about the Bucks? Mainly on how to fix the fading suede and also make it buttery smooth? It's kinda frayed.
There isnt anything you can do to make the suede buttery again. Suede is a delicate material. The fading suede all you can try and do is paint it. Suede gets messed up with any chemical suede cleaner you use. They will eventually eat away your suede. In mexico they have this all natural suede cleaner.
how do you shine up patent leather on the XI?
Page 1 of this thread has tons of information to help you keep your kicks clean. Here's an excerpt on the 11s: 

"\nAJXI: The holiest of holies. We all want them. We all have them. And we all have heart attacks when something gets near them. The overall shoe, you can clean\nwith Armor All. The upper mesh, Barkeeper's Friend. The patent leather, Black Magic Tire Wet. This stuff leaves the patent leather basically looking like\nglass, but it's also slippery, so don't get it on the soles.\n"
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You can try cleaning it up first (you can even use a little bit of toothpaste to clean it) and then you can try putting lotion on the patent leather. When you put the lotion on, just get a small dab and put it on a paper towel/cloth or something and put it on the patent leather - then you wipe the lotion off with a cloth.

I've heard a little bit of baby oil works as well
ive tried the baby oil, didnt do much IMO

maybe the tire shine will work but dont want it leaving a smell/residue
Anyone know how to get super glue off of patent leather without damaging it? Previous owner tried using super glue on the separation and now there's the white residue and glue smears.
I passed on the playoff 8s today because my 2007 pair is still Ds but are starting to yellow.Does anybody know will retobrite work on 8s or is there something else I can do to fix them ?
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I'm confused. So what is this 40 volume stuff? Is it a replacement for Hydrogen Peroxide or is it a additive? And how much do you add and what formula do you use to make the retrobrite with it?
Yes. 1/3 of barkeepers and 2/3 of water (regular measurements). And just scrub the yellow area with some hot water and then brush it out
 Id be careful using that tire shine on the patent,

the reason being, I was using it on a new set of tires for almost a year, Then 1 day, 

,I was cleaning the car,and I noticed little cracks all along the outer sidewalls of the tire..

I started thinking maybe it had something to do with the tire shine..

So to test my hypothesis I took a worn down tread tire ,its sidewall was in good condition.

I then applied the tire shine to it twice a week ,,for roughly 3 months..

Just like I suspected the face on the tire began to get the same cracks,that appeared on my new tires..

From what Ive read, not all tire shines are bad ,its mainly the shines with the silicone which cause problems..

Long and short, No, patent leather isnt the same as rubber, but the silicone in the tire shine can cause rubber to dry rot/dry out

,leather Id imagine would be just as susceptible..

You all can do what you want , I'm just giving food for thought..
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anyone who has PL shoes knows you either use the stuff that is made for stricktly shining PL (military shoes) or go and use Vaseline, it works miracles.
Can anyone point me in the direction of someone reputable who does sole swaps? I have a pair of '01 Cement IV's that really want to make wearable again. I just couldn't bring myself to buy the recent retros due to the dark, variant-esque cement color. Any PMs would be greatly appreciated.




Can anyone point me in the direction of someone reputable who does sole swaps? I have a pair of '01 Cement IV's that really want to make wearable again. I just couldn't bring myself to buy the recent retros due to the dark, variant-esque cement color. Any PMs would be greatly appreciated.
hit up the fellas at Refreshpgh.com, they should be able to help you. Just click on the Requests tab and send em some pics of the shoes.
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