You sure? i dont want to wear these and the paint start chipping. I bought them from a guy and it doesnt look like he wore them since he bought them
I had 4 pairs of this shoe and that part of the shoe doesn't chip. It's usually the brighter colors (aqua, red, etc) The blue and purple started peeling on my aquas, and the red and pewter have chipped on my '03 VIII's, I think I have an idea of what I'm talking about. The part you are worried about hasn't chipped in my playoff VIII's from '07 and they are beat.
Just got a pair of 06 Jordan v stealth. They're in real good shape but there's just one problem. They make a lot of noise when I walk in them! The noise seems to be coMing from the mesh tongue rubbing against the rest of the shoe. Any fixes, I can't wear em out like this.
Alright man thanks. I bought them from a guy and i dont think he wore them at all. I dont want them to start chipping once on the feet since im kinda heavy. Thanks for the advice. Im about to buy some thunder 4s and I heard they had chipping problems. Do you know what I would need to put on those to prevent them from not chipping so quickly?

i did use some clolour restorer for nubuck, is it good ? 

always been scared to clean nubuck but i just used the Jason Markk on my barry sanders, cool greys, and ken griffeys and it worked great on all of them.
I use Jason Markk with great results, but, soap and water should work just fine...Just make sure to get all of the soap out and towel dry them well once finished
I don't believe it's nubuck on the cool gray but it has a similar texture or at least similar properties
I use Jason Markk with great results, but, soap and water should work just fine...Just make sure to get all of the soap out and towel dry them well once finished
Echo that, just make sure you use either a really soft brush, or a soft cloth as anything too firm could potentially mess up the shoe. 
Thefupatroopa is totally correct with making sure to get all the dish soap out. A little dab of dish soap goes a long way with warm/hot water. I know I used too much on the first shoe because it took me forever to get soap out, on the 2nd shoe I was much wiser and used LESS! My buddy basically let me experiment on his Cool Grey Re-retros. He had wore them pretty hard and told me if you can make em look even a lil bit better do whatever...So I did experiment. I tried a little bit of powdered comet to get dirt off soles and midsole. I thought it worked great w/warm water. Magic eraser I also used that on midsole...this thing has like magical powers. I'm not sure why it works so well but it awesome on getting marks off the leather and midsole. I even thought the dish soap/warm water cleaned the eyelets for the shoe strings very well. Then I like to use "Reviver," for all of my soles to try and get back icy or yellowed midsoles and toecaps back to white. I just finished 2001 Concords I will post pics in a bit.
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Yeah, I totally forgot to mention to use a very soft bristle brush for the uppers..I ordered the suede brush and the heavy duty one, which I use on the mid, and outsole...I dry with a lint free microfiber cloth also.Hope this helps.
Here is how my 2001 Retro XI Concords soles turned out after doing work on the soles.

Hey guys im trying to clean my cool grey 11s. I got some blood on my shoe. You guys have any tips to cleaning up the dirt and blood? Also I have some playoff 8s lows and wanted to conserve the paint. I heard about people adding a layer of some sort of clear or gloss I really dont know what it is but its suppose to help the paint from chipping I just dont no where to buy it and what it is called. Appreciate all the help and thanks!
You're talking about Krylon Matte Finish.  One member said he's had success using it.  I've used it on my Toro 4s and Playoff 8s.  I haven't worn the 4s and I just un-DS'd the 8s today, so I won't have an idea if it truly works for a little while.
Just bought some stealth foams from eBay. They are pretty yellow and I'm wondering if there's a safer solution to get rid of the yellow without seaglowing cuz I'm an amateur and don't wanna risk sole seperation. Any info is appreciated
Look up stilldjy1 on instagram or Check out his site: http://godofsoles.bigcartel.com/ His product is really easy to use and prices are reasonable. I haven't experienced any sole seperation. But I'm pretty cautious yet because I'm still new to restoring clear soles. I just wrap with clear plastic wrap and set in sun. For 15-40 minutes depending on how hot it is. But I've never dealt with foams and dint know if it would work the same way on them as it does clear soles and white midsoles.

Just bought some stealth foams from eBay. They are pretty yellow and I'm wondering if there's a safer solution to get rid of the yellow without seaglowing cuz I'm an amateur and don't wanna risk sole seperation. Any info is appreciated
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Look up stilldjy1 on instagram or Check out his site: http://godofsoles.bigcartel.com/ His product is really easy to use and prices are reasonable. I haven't experienced any sole seperation. But I'm pretty cautious yet because I'm still new to restoring clear soles. I just wrap with clear plastic wrap and set in sun. For 15-40 minutes depending on how hot it is. But I've never dealt with foams and dint know if it would work the same way on them as it does clear soles and white midsoles.

no offense but my "ice creme" is cheaper... the results speak for themselves on my instagram and user posts on facebook as well. @raleighrestorations
Checked out your instagram and store. I liked your Retro XI Columbia lows. Those are my next project. You are a lil cheaper by a dollar and change. I like the fact that I only had to spend about 80-90 minutes on my XIs. I noticed that you said 5-14 sessions. I have a four and a half month at hold and don't have a lot of time. Still thinking about trying your product.

no offense but my "ice creme" is cheaper... the results speak for themselves on my instagram and user posts on facebook as well. @raleighrestorations
Y'all check out Fabes_soles on instagram there really pricey but they have the best results I've ever seen
I have slots available for more sole swap projects. Send me an email to [email protected]

** I am not taking in sole clearing jobs **

Make sure to include the following:

-Large detailed pictures. No smaller than 1280×720. We live in 2013; clear and sharp photo's is the standard

-List the type of restoration that need's to be done. (Re-glue, Unyellowing rubber,  Sole Swap, Touch-ups, etc)

That's all. I'm not asking for much except those two criteria.

I have plenty of clientele. They are my references. My Instagram is also my reference @johnandrew00
plate chipped on my silver surfers.. Any way to repair this?
I thought that was part of the carbon fiber plate too but it's not. The sole on my cactus foams separated and I noticed that that's more like a rubber ring running along the carbon plate. I would suggest some black rubber compound with a tiny nozzle and run it from one side to the other to connect it.
I have slots available for more sole swap projects. Send me an email to [email protected]
** I am not taking in sole clearing jobs **
Make sure to include the following:
-Large detailed pictures. No smaller than 1280×720. We live in 2013; clear and sharp photo's is the standard
-List the type of restoration that need's to be done. (Re-glue, Unyellowing rubber,  Sole Swap, Touch-ups, etc)
That's all. I'm not asking for much except those two criteria.
I have plenty of clientele. They are my references. My Instagram is also my reference @johnandrew00
Awesome job on those. I emailed you about mine the last time you posted in here. I haven't been able to locate a pair of beaters for the donor soles for a reasonable price though :smh: :\.
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