Official Spurs @ Hornets ROUND 2 GAME 2 Post - MONDAY 9:30 PM

wow..didnt know there were so many spurs fans on nt....hornets by 5
cp3 was shooting like %*@$ last game it was until the fourth quarter that he got into the game. spurs is an old team cp3 is young. nonetheless
GO SPURS GO!!! spurs will take game 2 they saw how they play now they will the right d on them
I hope the Hornets can pull another 1, Chandler and West need a repeat performance.
Murdera 2001:

Me either...

I don't know where they have been, but i'm not complaining...

The one thing the Spurs have going for them is Pop's game 1 decisions. They were awful. His substitution patterns were off. He wasn't capitalizing onthe players Chris Paul was guarding. He didn't put Duncan on West when Duncan obviously needed some defensive stops as gains because he had no gains to beearned from the offensive end.

Overall, Pop's got to get Duncan to ignore the refs. Play the game.
Hornets are too good at home. N.O. by +10 tonight. 2-0 lead.

That home crowd is reminiscent of the Warriors crowd last year vs Dallas. Loud.
Chandler's been a punk ever since he came out of Dominguez. He acts the same way on the court as he did in his H.S. games.
Spurs will win tonight. The Hornets can't pull that fire stunt two games in a row.
Ely, even when Mo-Pete is on the floor, YOU ARE STILL A 5TH OPTION....I think I can count bout 4 times this whole season, that he eva pass out the post....
that reminds of in the first game thread, son said Duncan was shootinga FT and he changed the channel for a while and Duncan was still @ the line when he changed it back
I hope %@@$ Bavetta and his croonies get it right tonight. Im still bitter at the officiating in the WCF against the Mavs in 2006.
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