PINS misses earnings but revenues beat. Getting clobbered. Hope it comes down to $16 to add back some.
DIS. Monster miss but revenue beat. Decent numbers w Disney plus and ESPN plus.

added a lil pins back around the 19 level

Added a real nice chunk at 17 flat
I’m in it long term. Wish I got in when it was in the 70s. The rona will pass and Disney will squeeze every nickel and dime out of us.
*just for the Shiba

Are they going to print more money into my bank account? Are they going to buy my mortgage debt? Buy my credit card bill for the month?

buys in PINS are looking good. Just need 18.91 to get that early buy in the green but happy with that 17.30 buy.

grabbed a little Disney this morning premarket at 100.5. Not a bad recovery at all considering terrible earnings but streaming is the game for them moving forward.

AYX has been a beast. Wish I bought a little more at 104. Slept on that. Will be adding every dip on that one.

my buys in crwd yesterday were a disaster though but whatever. Long term outlook. not even a complete starter position so I’ll just add into it when I can.
AAPL back over 300. What. Tempted to close my position and take the gains. Wait for a real crash and reinvest into them when the markets reflect reality (will that ever happen?).
AAPL back over 300. What. Tempted to close my position and take the gains. Wait for a real crash and reinvest into them when the markets reflect reality (will that ever happen?).

Not sure what reality is anymore. Millions unemployed and Trillions of dollars printed out of thin air and we just keep on truckin.
AAPL back over 300. What. Tempted to close my position and take the gains. Wait for a real crash and reinvest into them when the markets reflect reality (will that ever happen?).
30% revenue growth from the App Store. Could spark a major move upwards long term if that growth continues. We’re never going down. Stocks go up forever just like Iran and Venezuela.
30% revenue growth from the App Store. Could spark a major move upwards long term if that growth continues. We’re never going down. Stocks go up forever just like Iran and Venezuela.
This is why I havent sold. Even with iPhone growth shrinking, Services is BOOMING. I would only sell and book gains to try and buy in later if the market drags down the stock. But Apple prints money as fast as the Fed and buys back their own stock to weather the storms. Tim Apple go brrr.

Not sure what reality is anymore. Millions unemployed and Trillions of dollars printed out of thin air and we just keep on truckin.
Also this. Powell found the Infinity Printer and finally got ahold of the Reality stone.
I dont get Lyft. The company is taking extreme measures to keep the company alive, the future is shaky and their earnings report reflects this, their EPS loss was twice as bad than what was expected, and the stock price is up 15% :lol: What is life.
I dont get Lyft. The company is taking extreme measures to keep the company alive, the future is shaky and their earnings report reflects this, their EPS loss was twice as bad than what was expected, and the stock price is up 15% :lol: What is life.

had to murder the shorts IV is high as ****
But the calls in the money was dirt ******* cheap :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
TWLO my God what a monster move and beat. And of course this is literally my smallest allocation in my back account because I wanted to start into it slowly :lol:

FSLY looking great, only a starter size but I’m up decently.

AYX killing me. Guided lower than expected, gave back all of the gains from the past two days. That’s annoying.
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